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Everything posted by HellSpawn

  1. HellSpawn


    Quote: "* Bendis and Millar will co-write UF4, since their writing styles are different." Yeah, one is a professional and the other one is one lazy and HATES superheroes but still write superhero books... you guess who's who. Well, looking at the history, Millar is lazy, Adam is lazy, Bendis has too many books. UF4's future dont look good.
  2. HellSpawn

    Comic Fan Fiction

    I worked on one EPIC, mostly based on Batman Universe, but with character from Image, marvel and even some Rock stars. Sadly my idea became too much and I dropped the idea. It came to me after a weird dream where I dreammed about a story (a la Fairy Tale) to read for children.
  3. HellSpawn

    What ever happened with Spawn

    Well, its a long trip from 66 to the present but I'll try to help. Reminder. Im goint to include a lot of spoilers, but looking for the *love* Spawn has here... I guess you dont care Im not sure (My Spawn collection is away at the momment) but I guess 66 is a few issues after Spawn return to hell. I think he started an arc where He joined Saw & Twitch and fight some vampires on the alley, then one creature (the Heap or something... a character from Eclipse) attacked Spawn and almost killed him, this attack hurt also Cyan, because in some way that I actually dont remember they are linked, later one of the bums, Bootsy is revealed as an Angel in disguise and helped Spawn breaking one of Spawn symbols he left when he was attacked, that set Spawn free and sent Bootsy to heaven *punished* for his intervention. Well... I guess Ill better check my Spawn and come back later for more updates.