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Everything posted by HellSpawn
I got an idea HBK... How about of a... Non Sanctioned match !! .. Oh wait.. You already did this angle with HHH..
The worst thing, I guess, its that if MA announces "Cena is perfectly healthy and will be wrestling tonight.." All that people who cheers for him being injured, will cheers for him wrestling tonight..
Wel... I do like SI #1 and #2 Actually, it made me go back and pick a few pre SI issues, mostlye New & Mighty Avengers. and they are very fun too. That sounds cool.
Supergirl #27 Good issue. 1st page rocks.. Lara saying to a sick kid.. "i'm Not going to let you Die", and then a mistery starts. One soldier appears, froze time and tries to kill Kara using Kryptonite bullets. He misses and then something happen and both the soldier and SG disappear and go to another place. It looks like another time travel-paradox story. And that could be good and bad. if Pucket handle this one nice. it could help Kara's background.. make her grow. if not.. it will be awful and worthless. But at least its nice and make me want to buy the next issue. And thats a win. Art its sometimes nice, sometimes awfully sketchy. I wish DC gave this title a nicer artist. it looks like DC changes style every 5 books or so.. Turner, (Sup-Bat) Churchill, Garza, Conner, and so many.. Well, lets see what happen next month on SG. *** of *****
Aye! Recently I bought Supergirl: identity TP, aka the run of Joe Kelly on SG, I just did an overwiew of tht book.. and looks good. I got the previous SG issues post Sup-Bat reborn story.. Power by Loeb and Candor by Rucka-Kelly... And well.. I do like them, they are not Incredible, but are very readable , good art by Churchill mostly, fun and sexy momments.. plenty of fights... good twists... I know there are a few months since Kelly left the book but.. I think its a good character and I wanted to start a new thread for US to talk, discuss, fight or simply have fun recollecting memmories about Kara Zor-El or Linda Danvers or whatever SG you love or hate. I'll start in this days posting Retro Reviews from Power-Candor-Identity and well you are welcome to do reviews of the new stuff or comments abput Peter David run or go back to SG/Matrix, etc. Hope you like this thread...
Well.. there are so many versions of Supergirl.. and thats is fun.. Well I do like the matrix version.. shapeshiter at all.. i just dont like that much that she was Lex Luthor's sex pet. Then it comes the Peter David era.. that I never care.. all that Angel merged with matrix and I dunno what more.. never hooked me. And I'm really loving this new version....
1.- NWO 2K8 Raw match 2. Again.. the "tag team" elimination of Umage.. Everyone hittin his finishing moves on him. 3. Mmm.. I dunno. How about a Tag Teams match. I mean, 6 teams . 4. I guess one every year colud be fine.. maybe one match for SD and one for Raw. But not at the same PPV. 5. Yes.
Congratulations Jeffy. And please.. when you are back.. ask the WWE for another main Event push, Im sure they will understand that it was justa momment of weakness. See ya in two months in a feud with Santino or another mid carder.
HellSpawn Retro Rant for... Supergirl #0 (Vol.5) Creative team: Loeb, Churchill, Rapmund After her resurrection at Superman/Batman 8-13, the Maid of Might is back on the DCU.. kara Zor-El, is now a teenage cousin of Kal El. OK that was just a recap for someone who has never read or hear of her. Again, after her resurrection and introduction to several DCU Heroes on Paradise island, kara has been going.. opposite of what you might think, she didnt go for the flash and the lights.. she went into a low profile and stay on Paradise island withe amazons learning and improving her abbilities. Suspicious as always, Bats had kept an eye on her, shockingly approved by Supes. of course they have their own agenda.. Bats wants to know more about this new girl and how powerful is.. and still dont trust fully on her coming.. Supes on the other side, wants to know how is she improving.. but also always the boy scout, wants to take care of her, after all. is his only connection to Krypton. But there is a third watcher on Kara... an evil one. This third has been settig up some accidents and criminal attacks on severalplaces.. testing our beloved lady in blue... and every time she beat the bad guys or save the day.. even a major failfure on Air force One.. but. like I said before.. she keeps a low profile, after this rescue.. she leave the place in a blink. Superman finally wants to talk with her, but she eludes him..shocking him..Bats.. and our third watcher... Cut to.. A seriously pissed Kara inside the Batcave confronting Batman.. and warning him and Kal. This setups the last test of our evil third watcher.. OK.. no more story in this review.. the rest is to you for read.. Now lets move to the journalist thing.. (yeah right) I like this issue. Its the seed for this new volume of Supergirl's tales... Loeb wrote a nice set up for the series, Churchill draw several cool momments.. (Kara lifting a plane by a wing its very nice). I know, people will say she looks like skin and bones girl wearing the shortest pieces of clothe.. Well..sorry but She does look good. Im tired of people bashing this kind of art.. and praising manga like art who is some times even more extreme or the other side.. art who is so minimalist that sometimes is nothing more than a sketch. But i digress.. maybe its not a mega thoughful issue, but it was a nice way to show and introduce kara as the new Supergirl. Heroic. Beautiful. Young. Attitude. *** of **** aka
Well.. Hopefully.. I remember His debtu and the momment he called himself Y2J. was a cue for Lawler to start that as a name.. later on summerslam it was the same.. Right now... at least down here in México.. when they show those promos.. the reaction from spanish announcers is.. ZERO.. in fact.. i think the dont even show the first ones.. i just saw the No mercy's promo and the next one.. both with zero comment about "what the heck is that?" I just notead that change from 222 to 229.. and then 225 and back to 229.... Weird...
Thanx.. This is becoming a lil boring... i mean.. unless the WWE gave us a Big or at least good promo, match or i dunno.. whatever... But wel.. more waiting...
Sooo.. I guess HE didn't return tonight? or at least haven't returned yet?
Hi! Anyone have info about careers, big matches, fan sites, pics, etcetera about Japan female wrestling? Last year In México came at least Two japanese wrestler... both Awesome. Raven Hiroka & Mima Shimoda. Im not sure if its allowed to post YouTube videos here (I've been away from here for several months) so, I will post just the URL of one awesome match. Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wKXeYsUiJQ Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEW4-4Wv1Bg Mima shimoda came most like a manager, mostly of Kenso Susuki, but recently she is now wrestling. Hiroka came as full wrestler and KICK @$$! She became CMLL World Champion and later 2K6 she shaved LAdy Apache. Hiroka has formed an Awesome Tag team with Amapola and La Nazi, and now that Shimoda is wrestling.. they became a Terrific Team. I hope you guys have more info about them. Thanks.
HellSpawn replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Literature
Im sorry but I think Doc Ock looks just as always, fat, not like bodybuilder at all. And well.. anyone watched that interview? -
It looks really good. Im already waiting... or to be honest, hoping they bring this movie down here to Mexico soon... or ever.
My $0.02 I just read a few Vertigo titles and I'm not a 100% fan so: #7 Black Orchid #6 Swamp Thing #5 V for Vendetta #4 The Witching Hour (Jimenez/Loeb) #3 The Invisibles #2 100 Bullets #1 Death: The High Cost of Living
I think its just the sume of two botched angles, Austin & Bret, and now trying one vs. HBK at WM. I still think the only thing we're gonna get is... another SurSer finish at WM XXII, when HBK join VM and create a new Corporation or whatever name was that '99 stable, and I dunno, probably HBK will be the next GM. Of course, I still need to see this week Raw and watch that *odd* promo about HBK. What I really dont/cant inderstand is... They (WWE/VM/HBK) really think that Bret's fans will be OK or really believe that HBK was in that night (a few raws ago), Bret's advocate?
Undertaker unhappy because of his HIAC match?
HellSpawn replied to Downhome's topic in The WWE Folder
Sorry but I can't understand at 100% your last phrase. Its Sarcasm? or is for real? Hepatitis is serious. And a HiaC match is not just a pulling hair match or a sweat filled match... it was a blood on blood, open wound very close to another open wound. If they are both healthy...it is OK. But a contagious disease is not bad flu or a bad coff... we are talking about HIGHLY contagious Disease. Again... Im sorry, maybe you were just having fun and being sarcastic or like I sadi before... maybe i didnt understand you. -
Boring Interview. I know he have to stay on Kayfabe but... it was boring.
I think Rey/Batista vs MNM, the one when MNM lost the belts was very very good.
I was just watchin... mmm.. most accurately speaking, rewatching my Ric Woooooooo Flair DVd and... now Im reading this awesome news? What's causing all this?! This announcement only can be matched with one word... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I dont have actually a whole set of matches on my mind, probably I would love more a documentary with people talking about him... like Benoit, Hart DVDs... Of course filled with another awesome set of matches.
OK I see your point. Still dont think is enoughfor keeping him as Champ. So... go on and have fun with Cena. Peace.
I really hope you aren't serious because damn near none of the heat Eugene's ever gotten comes close to what Cena gets week in and week out. Of course Im not serious. I just cant understand how that fabulous Double Standard you guys, or to be honest, some of you guys had about this. You want right now a boring, zero ring work champ, but... OMG he is soooo over with the fans, it doesnt matter if is Heel heat or face heat. He is Over!!! But... if someone like... lets say UT or some other usual main eventer will get the same heat, Immediatly you (OK, again, some of you) will jump and cry foul and glass cieling and etc. etc. When HHH was champ for several months, many people said his matches were boring or plainly bad, but now this guy has AWFUL matches in a regular basis with EVERYONE and had at least TWO horrible and repetitive feuds with Jericho and Angle... well, Its OK because this guys is NEW and has HEAT. You guys already said it, Hogan had Huge Heat and bad matches and thats BAD, Cena is the same, but its OK for hium. Im sorry, i just dont get it.
Mmm... So... When Eugene returns lets turn him Champ. Damn, I hate his f'n gimmick, but at least he can get an entertaining match with almost everyone... and use more wrestling moves than Mr. Thuganomics or whatever he calls his Mic Work.