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Man Who Sold The World

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Everything posted by Man Who Sold The World

  1. Man Who Sold The World

    What are you listening to right now?

    Radiohead - "Karma Police"
  2. Man Who Sold The World

    Okay, now this has gone too far.

    Motorhead's next. And then GWAR
  3. Man Who Sold The World

    Predict the next funnyman to go "serious"...

    Then I change my pick to Eddie Murphy. No "rapper" will ever go serious. And Mos Def doesn't count.
  4. Man Who Sold The World

    The OaO 90's Fighting Games Thread

    Marvel vs Capcom 2 owns all, however. I am Juggernaut!
  5. Man Who Sold The World

    Predict the next funnyman to go "serious"...

    Katt Williams (Money Mike). Seriously.
  6. Man Who Sold The World

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    I watched it at work last night. I loved it, thought it was very good and very emotional. It drew me back into the world of Rocky, the Rocky I love. It's lightyears better than Rocky 5, and I can't wait to watch it again in theaters. My only problem lies with the training montage. I felt it was too short. Still a great movie.
  7. Man Who Sold The World

    What are you listening to right now?

    Eve 6 "Girlfriend"
  8. Man Who Sold The World

    Things we didn't know a year ago

    They'd still push Chris Masters after he lost his "image". There's still a brand split. Papa Roach would agree to having their song on RAW.
  9. Man Who Sold The World

    Found a demon in my can of Red Bull

    So I'm at home resting the knee and I grab a can of red bull from the fridge. I take a look inside the can (which I've never really done before) to see what the hell I'm drinking, and low and behold at the bottom of the can is that little demon face statue from The Exorcist. I mean, the little monkey faced demon thing from that movie is looking at me right this very second, and I'm not high on anything but this fuckin' red bull! You guys want me to ask it a question or something? WHAT do I DO??? WHAT do I DO???
  10. Man Who Sold The World

    Found a demon in my can of Red Bull

  11. Man Who Sold The World

    Found a demon in my can of Red Bull

    It predicts Leena will take over this board and ban all but three people.
  12. Man Who Sold The World

    Good Movies

    Not to nitpick, but he was actually talking about LA. It went along with what he was talking about, but I felt it was a little anticlimactic that the villain dies. I mean, Foxx's character was a taxi cab driver, not a cop. He had no experience with guns and was acting off adrenaline. Cruise was a trained killer. Foxx would have gotten smoked clean and made the 11 o' clock news.
  13. Man Who Sold The World

    We are Marshall

    Sheesh, Hollywood sure knows how to squeeze the tit for all its milk. We get a football movie every quarter now or what?
  14. Man Who Sold The World

    TSM Greatest Themes Thread

    I might have to go with Vader's theme from his early WCW run. He came out with that mask that had smoke come out once he removed it, and that mixed in with his music made Vader that much more intimidating. Vader was a mean motherfucker back in the day.
  15. Man Who Sold The World

    So, I can't cuss for a week...

    I think some people are looking into this topic too seriously. Note the origin of this topic (Chocolate Socket). Note the agenda of the bet. Note the picture of the naughty nurse. Proceed.
  16. Man Who Sold The World

    So, I can't cuss for a week...

    Give me some good replacement words, so it can sound like I am cussing and bring hilarity to my crew! Hilarity, yes!
  17. Man Who Sold The World

    Help Wanted

    They've been waiting for YOU, dragon rider.
  18. Man Who Sold The World

    Good Movies

    Meet Joe Black.
  19. Man Who Sold The World

    How much cash is in your wallet?

    5 doll hairs. That's my standard.
  20. Man Who Sold The World

    Things I Hold Alfdogg Personally Responsible For

    Worked shoots and 99 cent cheeseburgers.
  21. Man Who Sold The World

    So, I can't cuss for a week...

    I'm heading back to California tomorrow night (so I guess it wasn't a full week). Things didn't go how I exactly wanted them to, but it wasn't a total disaster and her pops doesn't work for the CIA. Her grandfather likes to say "Bwack Mwan" alot and not use my name, but I didn't get offended. He said his neighborhood was safer without "us". I did get offended. Normally I don't give a shit, considering I'm about every single race sans whats in the United Nations, but that was a pretty low blow. And when we discussed music, he laughed in shock when I said I listened to the Rolling Stones and The Eagles. He said "Listening to rap music that samples off their songs doesn't count, boy." That mother fudgesickle. My girl believes that they'll come around once they figure out what we have is special. What we have? I mean, she looks *GREAT* in a nurse's uniform, but I couldn't exactly explain that to her pops [drums]. Anyways, I lost the bet. Yeah. Doesn't really matter, but it does. I mean, we're still going to Vegas (I was going with, or without her), and she'll still probably roleplay (this time the video recording option may be scrapped), but I wanted to prove to her that cuss words weren't an important part of my vocabulary. It happened during lunch. We went to some place called Starapolska (sp?) of Belmont I believe just inside Chicago. Something was put on my plate by a chef and as he explained what it was (some type of sushi), I exclaimed "Nah, I don't eat that shit." and like a fucking pimple on prom night, her dad pops up! I turned a little red, and he just smirked like he had won. Forget him (i just realized I can cuss now heh) Fuck him! His name is Jose, HE'S NOT FUCKING MEXICAN! He needs to quit acting like he's superior because he's all super good at math and he can program a video game in the span of time it takes for me to tie my shoe. And the best part of this whole trip will be the train ride home, in which he has decided to bunk with me in place of his daughter for a little "quality, man-to-man" time. I can't wait. I'm gonna let this sonuvabitch have it... Or not.
  22. Man Who Sold The World

    So, I can't cuss for a week...

  23. Man Who Sold The World

    *OFFICIAL* TSM Owner bashing thread

    Then I can't take that ride.
  24. Man Who Sold The World

    *OFFICIAL* TSM Owner bashing thread

    Is this place insured?
  25. Man Who Sold The World

    So, I can't cuss for a week...

    And this speaks volumes for the rest of the people on this board. Shape up, humans!