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Man Who Sold The World

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Everything posted by Man Who Sold The World

  1. Man Who Sold The World

    Medical Mary Jane

    Well, yeah, I kind of just wanted to see what this whole "list" thing was about. I mean, what are they referring to when they say "List"? Snuffbox, you have any idea what it means? It's making me a little paranoid, you know?
  2. Man Who Sold The World

    Medical Mary Jane

    I only ask because I have an opportunity to get it, with a real medical problem (scoliosis). It's a small fee to sign up, and then it's all mine. It's a medical card and I can have up to an 8th in my possession. I have numbers of medical companies here in California (and all around, even as far as Hawaii) that HELP you on your way to getting a card. It's probably been like this for awhile, but this is the first time I've been exposed to this, and I'm baffled. You mean to tell me, I could've been doing this, LEGALLY, for years? I've had scoliosis since I was 16. On a side note, I'm being told to be careful, because I'd be put on a "list". Now if they are referring to the "list" as in "top of the list around Draft time", then I'm strongly considering just doing it illegally like I've been doing. I'm sure there's got to be some sort of a catch.
  3. Man Who Sold The World


    I've only heard a few songs, but they seem enjoyable. They have a song I believe I heard at a friends house, "Power" I think, and it was pretty good IIRC.
  4. Man Who Sold The World

    Gay Bands

    No boy bands, Marilyn Manson, or Journey? Color me disappointed. EDIT: COLOR ME BADD! Oh lord.
  5. Man Who Sold The World

    Predict-a-card: Wrestlemania 23

    I can almost put my life on the fact that The Rock would be the "heel" going in, but would get the biggest pop of the year at the Mania itself. We're trying to make Cena look good here, remember. But, I do agree, that that'd be the only match that would catch my interest. That, and Austin-Hogan.
  6. Man Who Sold The World

    American Idol

    I agree that this was the most balanced well put together audition show yet. The first of the two friends I didn't like. She is the textbook definition of a Jersey Shore Whore who seemed way to high on herself. If you go to any shore bar in Jersey you'll meet 30 girls who look and talk exactly like her. Now, her friend was hot as shit, so I think I ignored her personality completely. She was also a much better singer. Simon was definately on the second one tough. And who could blame him? I would have been too. Probably why he was so late the second day
  7. Man Who Sold The World

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    "Yep Dude, that rug really tied the room together." Amirite?
  8. Man Who Sold The World


  9. Man Who Sold The World

    Predict-a-card: Wrestlemania 23

    The whole HBK-Cena thing makes soooo much sense it's ridiculous. Everything from the Royal Rumble win, to face vs face at WrestleMania (ala Warrior-Hogan, Hogan-Rock) with HBK passing the torch to Cena, and with the background they could play up on, I'm telling you, this makes TOO much sense. Which is why Vince won't even bat an eye to it. MAYBE if he had competition.
  10. Man Who Sold The World

    Pictures I Like

  11. Man Who Sold The World

    Weird MSN convo thats just happened...

    "I wish women would run out of words like anytime minutes. Then, I'd only have to talk to them on nights and weekends."
  12. Man Who Sold The World

    Oscar Nominations thread

    Gosling (Ryan) is very, very, very underrated as an actor. Seems the only role people remember him for is The Notebook. But what really stood out for me was his role in "Stay", which I thought was tremendous in a movie that really wasn't good. Gosling getting a nod is awesome to me, because it's long overdue, that kid can act.
  13. Man Who Sold The World

    The Paul Heyman Smackdown shoot on McMahon

    We know that. That's not the issue. What I was saying, was that what Paul Heyman stated in that interview could easily be said (and is actually somewhat being said by fans and "Carlito") today. It's the fact that Mr. Vincent Kennedy (.... KENNEDY) McMahon has lost his friggin' mind or he simply does not care anymore.
  14. Man Who Sold The World

    Don't read this!

    Smues, you may be on to something!
  15. Man Who Sold The World

    WON News + Notes, January 22nd Issue

    Or we could call it Brawl For All and have them wear boxing gloves.
  16. Man Who Sold The World

    Pictures I Like

  17. Man Who Sold The World


    Anybody ever have a dream where you're falling from something and right when you hit the destination, BOOM, you wake up and it feels like you actually fell? I hate those. Anyways, I had this dream I was on a cruise ship and there was an awesome storm going on around me. Tidal waves from every direction, although they never actually came close to hitting the ship. Almost as if they were preying on us (TIDAL WAVES, yeah), waiting for an opportunity to do us in. It was pretty strange, because throughout the ship, I ran across these people I've never seen before, but I could detail what they looked like almost to a "T". Definately freaky.
  18. Man Who Sold The World

    Thread Zeppelin

    Because of this thread, "Dazed and Confused" is stuck in my head. Thanks.
  19. Man Who Sold The World

    Hey Fökai

    By gawd that made my night.
  20. Man Who Sold The World

    Blades of Glory

    It's my job. I'm in post production.
  21. Man Who Sold The World

    Blades of Glory

    I don't think this movie will live up to peoples expectations. I saw it a while back and figured with all this talent (including Romany Malco from 40 Year Old Virgin) that this had "gold" written all over it. I laughed a few times, but the sad thing is, it's not that great. First, Will Arnett is sadly underused, and things move at such a fast pace that you don't have the chance to enjoy the jokes. Maybe a second viewing will help me to review this movie stronger (I was working, so I couldn't really pay to everything and it was 3AM), but it disappointed me. I'm still checking it out in theaters with a large group.
  22. Man Who Sold The World

    PWI Awards

  23. Man Who Sold The World

    The Paul Heyman Smackdown shoot on McMahon

    The thing is though, while it may have been true at one point with guys like Edge, Jericho, Booker T, and others being held back, it largely isn't true any more. The problem isn't that people are being held under the glass ceiling in the main event, the problem is that they seem to be completely unable to build up any credible main eventers. Does anyone in all honesty think Batista vs Kennedy at the Rumble is going to be anything more then a slightly more competitive squash? Who else is there? Undertaker? Kane? Booker T? The same rotating stock of Main Event guys we've seen for 5+ years now. RAW isn't much better, although they at least have Randy Orton, who is a fresh face who has been, for the most part, absent from the world title scene since returning from suspension. The same goes though for the RAW title match though, does anyone think that Umaga has any hope in hell of becoming world champion? There needs to be some sort of rebellion. That's what it will take for wrestling as a whole to shape up and get out of whatever funk it's in. It seems as if WWE and TNA are following each other down a road of confusion. Either they don't care, or fans are so spread apart that they haven't the slightest clue which ones to cater to. And as it's become relevant, Vince doesn't seem to care which ones matter and caters to his "ass". TNA could be a major force with the talent pool and people behind the scenes. How come it's lightyears away from accomplishing that? For TNA's questions, everyone thinks Paul Heyman has the answers. I think, however, we should look to a young writer or "booker man" who has adequate knowledge of the business and knows his wrestling (a Gabe for instance). Because no one knew who Russo was at one point, and he changed the face of WWFE in the late 90's, it wasn't Bill Watts or Jim Cornette.
  24. Man Who Sold The World

    The Paul Heyman Smackdown shoot on McMahon

    Oh yeah, it was definately a layered cake of shit, but one of those layers held some true facts. I believe if you rewatch the interview, Paul Heyman's emotion was real and some of what he was saying he really believed. And about WWE imploding from within, I agree that it is. Future stars are being held down because of politics, and Vince doesn't seem to want to do it anymore. Maybe he knows his time is near. And I do agree that when Vince goes, we should start leavin roses at the foot of Titan Towers.
  25. Man Who Sold The World


    Eh, could be a weighing scale, could be a bottle of Jack.