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World's Worst Man

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Everything posted by World's Worst Man

  1. World's Worst Man

    What If...?

    Heh, the Leafs should have made the finals back in 2002, but they had all sorts of injuries, including Sundin, who came back during the Carolina series and really didn't look ready to play. They had a better team than Carolina for certain, and it would have been Toronto vs. Detroit in the finals.
  2. World's Worst Man

    What If...?

    What if that piece of shit Harold Ballard never got control of the Leafs, which dragged them down into a pit of consistently horrible teams? While they haven't been as awful since then, the reason they're unsuccessful is still poor ownership. Maybe someone competent would have gotten control of the team back in the 70's and would have kept it in good hands until this very day.
  3. World's Worst Man

    Microsoft expands 360 coverage against RROD

    This is much, much worse than the PS2, it's not a valid comparison at all.
  4. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    That's a risk early adopters take, especially in this case where everyone knew the price was too high, and that it'd likely drop before too long. The PS3 just proved that $600 for a new console with limited software is too much for people to pay. The Wii with limited software is selling well at $250. The PS2 had perhaps the worst batch of launch(window) software ever, yet there was pandemonium for its release. So it's not the games, it's the price. Given that the PS3 has better hardware than the 360 (ie. it's actually reliable) and has a better online setup (less micro-transaction bullshit, no charging to play regular games online, old PS1 games at a fair price), and will be getting a bunch of high-end games (whether multi-platform or not), there's no reason to believe it won't do fine once the price comes down. The real question becomes can Sony catch-up in a much more competitive marketplace, with a still somewhat high price-tag (not relative to its competitors however) and without a few key exclusives.
  5. World's Worst Man

    Recommended DVD/Tape Dealers

  6. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    $100 USD pricedrop supposedly imminent - http://www.joystiq.com/2007/07/05/rumor-ci...eek-of-july-15/ I was originally going to run with the Xbox 360 for a while, and get the multi-platform games on that, but given how it's a constant threat to break down, and how I can't even use it online anymore, and even if I could, I wouldn't pay to play non-MMO games online, the PS3 seems more attractive now. I doubt I'll get one as soon as the price drops, but I'll definitely be buying before the end of the year now.
  7. World's Worst Man

    This Week in Baseball 7/2 - 7/8

    What about last year's NL Cy Young Award winner who has better numbers across the board than Oswalt this year?
  8. World's Worst Man

    Ads in Games? Good or Bad?

    DrVenkman gets the square.
  9. World's Worst Man

    Bush looks after his friends

    Don't forget Australia, even though it's 10 trillion degrees and infested with sharks and giant koalas.
  10. World's Worst Man


    Heh, the old modem reboot always does the trick when people have problems with routers or any other device that connects to the modem.
  11. World's Worst Man


    You really should have just gotten a wireless router, as you could have the Wii and the PC both connected at the same time. But anyway, try rebooting your modem while it's connected to the Wii.
  12. World's Worst Man

    Ads in Games? Good or Bad?

    It's not a bad idea in theory, but the developers don't seem to be passing any of that financial onto the consumers as of yet. There's also the problem that only a few games can have in-game advertising without it seeming totally gratuitous. Like I said, when it's in the right context, it can actually add to the realism and environment of a game, but if it's not, then it's a giant annoyance and slap in the face to the consumers. Unless the game is free of course.
  13. World's Worst Man

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Stasis Sword, to be honest.
  14. World's Worst Man

    PS2 Mod Chips.

    You could just burn games and install them from a disc to the hard drive. That's what I do because moving the HD back and forth would be a pain in the BUTT. Also that way you have a backup in case you lose the games on the hard drive or if the game doesn't work on the hard drive.
  15. World's Worst Man

    Ads in Games? Good or Bad?

    The problem with a question like "Does the appearance of advertising enhance the realism of a game?" is that it really depends on how and where it's presented. I have no problem with in-game advertising, especially if it helps defers the cost of the game, but only if the advertising isn't gratuitous or invasive towards gameplay. For example, if I'm playing some FPS game set in the real world, the appearance of billboards or other forms of advertisement is perfectly reasonable, and actually adds to the realism of the game. Rainbow Six Vegas being a prime example of that. But if I'm playing some fantasy game in a non-modern setting, those advertisements are unrealistic and superfluous. If the advertisements are interrupting the game, it's a different story obviously, and in-game advertising should never go that far. Otherwise, if the advertisements are presented in a proper fashion and context, I think it's quite acceptable, and even a positive in some cases.
  16. World's Worst Man

    Jena school case

    People stuck in a time warp are classic. Uneducated, unwise, and just generally wastes of humanity. It's sad that there are still places in the world like that.
  17. World's Worst Man

    Bush looks after his friends

    Excuse me? I'M an ass because NOTHING is this country can seemingly go correctly? Don't go calling ME an ass just because the people who are supposedly are in charge are drunk with power with no regard for anyone around them? Take a look around you. EVERYONE is pissed with good reason and looking for somebody to blame. So when some shit like this Libby bullshit goes down are YOU going to be surprised when some throats get grabbed? Given another 25 - 30 years this shit... this IS going to boil over when people get fed up, because they have already stopped listening. Just a matter of time before they start hitting and feel justified doing so. So you know what you can do with your ass comment. The country would have to get their act together and not give two terms to another guy who is a contender for biggest ever fuckup of a US president.
  18. World's Worst Man


    I don't think that works. I think it's only for connecting cameras or the like. A wireless router is just something you connect to your dsl or cable modem, and it allows you to connect other devices to the internet connection, like another PC or a game console. Not too hard to setup or anything.
  19. World's Worst Man


    For the internet, you need a wireless router or USB-Wireless adapter. Router is apparently almost as cheap as the adapter and more useful, so I'd go for that. Can't use a regular controller for the Wii version of TP. Some games do let you use either a Cube/Classic controller or the Wiimote, just not that one. It's really pretty decent with the Wiimote anyway. The only problem I encountered was the unresponsiveness of the nunchuk for doing the spin-slash. Other than that it's competent, or even better than a regular controller (such as when you need to aim arrows or whatever).
  20. World's Worst Man

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Do they really seem that way? How many 4-5 hour games are around today? Compare to the 8 and 16-bit era when it seemed like most adventure/action type games were of that length or even shorter. Plus you add in the lazy shortcuts that devs put in to extend the life of their games, such as having to constantly restart levels, or even the entire game, and it paints an uglier picture of the length of those old games. RPGs were definitely shorter, other than a couple examples. And this is taking into account those 8 bit and early 16 bit RPG shortcuts like having ridiculous amounts of tough, time-consuming random battles. Games today are way longer than those of yesteryear, especially in terms of non-repetitive gameplay. But I will say that given how things seem to be going now, I wouldn't be surprised if games eventually did start to become as short as the older games, just because of how many current gen games seem to be clocking in at around 8-10 hours, when 10+ used to be the norm.
  21. World's Worst Man

    PS2 Mod Chips.

    You need to get HD Loader or HD Advance, which are programs that access the HD and boot games and what not. You can just download it if you have swap magic. Then you just run the disc like you'd run a game, and do everything from there. A USB HD would be an external HD I guess, and you don't want that.
  22. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Hogan's whole life is a work. Literally. Just remember that.
  23. World's Worst Man

    PS2 Mod Chips.

    The HD is formatted by the PS2 when you put it in, so you can't use it as a regular PC HD at the same time. You'd have to reformat it and lose all of the games to use it on PC. Maxtor, Seagate or Western Digital are the big HD manufacturers and any should be fine. http://ps2drives.x-pec.com/?p=list has a list of compatible HDs, but it's down as of this minute, and I don't know if it will be fixed. From what I remember, the vast majority of HD models were compatible. I think one of the few issues was that when using a large HD, the PS2 wasn't able to see all of its space, but if you're only using an 80 or 100 gig HD it shouldn't be a problem.
  24. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Raycroft is available!!!!!!
  25. World's Worst Man


    I am so terribly behind on NOAH, but their 3/5/06 show from last year was excellent. Four good matches, two of which were very good. Kobashi vs. KENTA, and Marufuji vs. Taue being the standouts.