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World's Worst Man

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Everything posted by World's Worst Man

  1. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    I want the Leafs to sign Brad Stuart. Then they can trade McCabe for another forward. Kubina can fill in on the PP for McCabe. It's not that hard to stand there and blast one-timers off beautiful, feathery Kaberle passes anyway.
  2. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    If Kubina gets his act together, it'll be a huge boost, because he was a high-end defenceman before the Leafs signed him. Colaiacovo needs to stay healthy too. They need more depth everywhere though, forwards and defence.
  3. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    They've already done enough to get into the playoffs - getting a competent goalie. Assuming the team doesn't fall off from last year that is. But poor goaltending was the only reason they missed the playoffs. All of their other problems were just reasons why they weren't contenders.
  4. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Ah, that's great, thanks. Looks like they have enough for another mid-range UFA. Really wish they'd gone after Smyth though, considering his deal only averages out to a bit more than 6 million a year. Moving McCabe/Kubina/Raycroft at this point looks pointless because the prime UFA's are gone, but I suppose there's still some decent second tier guys left. It'd have to happen soon in any case.
  5. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Jesus. Are there any sites with payroll info for the NHL? I want to know how much cap space Toronto actually has.
  6. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Heh, I thought the deal was for $5 million a year, but it's actually $4 million. That's a pretty good signing, even if the 5th year was just overkill. Even if he only puts up 25-30 goals, he still has value in areas like the PK which is what the Leafs needed. Good value signing, and I don't think they're done yet. They could still use another winger, and a solid stay at home defenceman. I just hope this doesn't mean they've given up on Smythe, unless the Avs are going to crazily overpay him.
  7. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Well, the Leafs haven't won a championship in 40 years. Interested in joining the bandwagon? The Blake deal is terrible in terms of time frame, but not bad for money. A true blue 40 goal man probably gets $6 million, so it's not like they're paying a true blue 40 goal man price. If he scores 30, it's decent, any more is a bonus. But the last 2 years of the deal will probably be awful due to his age.
  8. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    That depends how far he falls off after last year. $5 million for a 30+ goal scoring winger is not a bad deal at all. If he's back to being a 20-25 goal man, then it does look a little high. If he ends up repeating his 40 goal season, it's a steal. Not quite sure what Toronto's cap situation is, but I think they still have enough to sign a prime-time free agent, or a couple second tier guys.
  9. World's Worst Man

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    I didn't expect him to make it, but Marcum got jobbed. He has better numbers than most of the SPs who made the team.
  10. World's Worst Man

    IGF Results...

    Thanks for the post. Man that match was awful. You can really tell Lesnar doesn't care, and indeed it seems he forgot how to actually work a match. Angle was at least trying pretty hard, but man. Lesnar needs to stay away from the wrestling ring.
  11. World's Worst Man

    New Touring Schedule Proposal

    An off-season makes no sense, and would be too difficult to implement given they have TV obligations. It'd make more sense to use a Japanese touring model, where they run shows for ~4 weeks and then get 2 weeks off. They could still run TV every week, but house shows could be done in that model. That way, wrestlers in each brand would be working once a week during the off-weeks, which is at least better than working 3-4 days every week. The repercussions of such a move would be extremely positive. It's obviously better for the wrestlers health to be working less dates, but also, steroids could be cracked down on due to guys having more time to naturally maintain a good build, and it would also cut back on the need for painkillers to get through the schedule. I really doubt any sort of schedule cut back will happen though, because it will be taking money out of McMahon's pockets, and he'd almost certainly pass that on to the wrestlers.
  12. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Yes, and there were 11 teams below the $35m minimum salary figure pre-lockout. Every team was never supposed to be able to spend to the cap. They put it in place so that the discrepancy between the rich teams and poor teams in terms of salary would be a lot smaller. I mean before the lockout some of the richer teams were at $70+ million in terms of salary compared to some teams who were only spending around $30 million, that's a $40 million gap. With the current cap and the salary floor the gap is only around $15 million. Don't forget the revenue sharing, where the teams that actually make money get to subsidize the small market loser teams that then go on to win Stanley Cups.
  13. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Heh, they should just up the cap to $60 million, then nothing really changed from before the lockout. Well, other than the fact that the poor teams are forced to spend a certain amount on player salaries. It's ok though, rich Uncle Maple Leafs and Red Wings will send generous gifts to the poor struggling kids to keep them afloat.
  14. World's Worst Man

    Golf Thread - June

    Who knows, maybe she made 13 putts that went in the hole and bounced out after hitting the bottom of the cup. It could happen!!
  15. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    Live attendance was up, and that's a big source of revenue for them since they get shit for TV rights. The Leafs should have a good 10-12 million to play with now.
  16. World's Worst Man

    Xbox 360

    Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix is the new one. Release date is "Q4 2007". It's also coming out on the PS3.
  17. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Roid Rage is basically out of the question given the circumstances surrounding the killings. Nancy being tied up and choked with a cord does not suggest a killing in the heat of the moment. Neither does waiting 12-24 hours and killing your son, then yourself. There's a good chance steroids had some part to play in this, but it was likely not anything short-term like roid rage. If anything, it was a gradual effect due to long-term abuse.
  18. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    People just need to get over the fact that roid rage isn't the only psychological side effect that steroids can have. It's gross ignorance more than anything. That includes the media too.
  19. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Possible side effects of steroids (along with withdrawal symptoms) include depression and paranoia. Anyone who denies steroids could have played a part in this needs to do some research, both on the effects of steroids, and the story itself.
  20. World's Worst Man

    This Week in Baseball 6/25 - 7/1

    The game is on Rogers digital cable 401.
  21. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'm more referring to the people who continually refuse to believe certain things despite being presented with evidence that suggests otherwise. Call it the "you know who" syndrome.
  22. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'm asking the same question about some people on this forum regarding steroids.
  23. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    C-Bacon's bleeding heart troll gimmick is gold, Jerry, gold. Also, to everyone in denial about the steroids, a couple of things. 1) While roid rage is basically out of the question at this point, it isn't the only psychiatric side effect steroids can have. Dementia, paranoia and depression are also side effects. 2) Cycling off steroids can also cause psychiatric problems, so if Benoit isn't found to have had steroids in his body (meaning he cycled off lately), it doesn't mean steroids have nothing to do with the problem.
  24. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Please explain how kick some furniture oare out of the ordinary violent acts but throwing a controller is on a differnet level. One can argue that if you get that pissed off over a fucking video game, you have deeper issues and get violent over less than someone that was in a argument with his wife. The divorce papers and the restraining order were in result of the furniture smashing, which would seem to say that it was a out of the ordinary occurance and it scared Nancy. If anything these acts look like someone who repressed anger and had this huge violent outburst when he was taken to some point to make him deranged at that moment. But see this last post you made, this was fine. Its the high and mighty mocking of other post in the thread that you and others have been doing that is just fucking annoying. I have yet to see anyone say "Beniot is still cool man. Nancy and the kid shouldn't have made him kill them." Everyone is saying what a horrible act it is/was and he should be vilified for it. But I think people are trying to dig all deep and say that Beniot was a psycho in 2003 puts Nancy in a negative light, as if she was some one just getting the shit beat out of her all the time and didn't leave when everything about this says it was unexpected and unpredictable, and kicking furniture in 4 years ago does not serve as a telling sign to his true nature. His true nature would be the one that he displayed 90% of the time and that was the guy that everyone who knew him loved, and respected as a man and as a father. I can still watch beniot matches because that isn't the guy that committed these acts. Some deranged out of its mind version of that guy did it. I don't think when Beniot was celebrating in the ring with Nancy and Daniel he was thinking of how he could take them out then, nor do I think he was getting the cable cord ready in 2003 when they had an argument. And in saying that, I am not saying "YEAH.. GO BENIOT!!!!!!!". So all the "this thread is hilarious, now beniot is a hero" type post are coming off as uppity bullshit from people making up statements that aren't there. I really don't know how to explain that throwing a controller down in frustration is different than smashing/throwing furniture around, other than saying one is a relatively normal occurrence, and the other is not. Kicking a chair once might be more along the lines of throwing a controller down, but I seriously doubt it was something so innocent given that Nancy tried to get a restraining order against the man. And from reading the restraining order documents, it appears he destroyed furniture in the house, so it really isn't close to throwing a controller down or kicking furniture once. No one is saying Benoit was always a murderous psychopath either. But it's clear from the domestic abuse reports that he had a violent, angry temper going back to 2003. Whether this was caused by his steroid use, or whether it was his natural personality, no one here knows. But if he had some less serious issues in 2003, further steroid use, which has been known to cause dementia, paranoia, depression and rage could possibly drive the problem to dire levels.
  25. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    The idea that the crossface was used came about because the police reported strange bruising on the child's body that might suggest it, combined with the fact that there weren't bruises on the kid's neck that would suggest strangulation by hands.