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World's Worst Man

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Everything posted by World's Worst Man

  1. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Smashing up furniture, punching windows, throwing shit around, whatever, are out of the ordinary, violent acts. Throwing down a controller is also an act of violence, it's just on a completely different level. Normal marital arguments also do not tend to end with one party trying to get a restraining order against the other, which leads me to believe that Benoit's outbursts were a fair bit more serious than innocent acts of frustration. There was a dark side to Benoit. Maybe it was his natural personality, or maybe it came to be due to other factors. It obviously wasn't murderous at first, but it's quite possible that it could have started as something less serious, and gradually worsened over time as he injected more steroids and suffered more head trauma.
  2. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I like the idea that a guy who smashes shit up isn't violent because he didn't go as far as beating up his wife. This thread is a classic.
  3. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Unless someone is suggesting that Benoit blacked out and didn't know what he was doing (which is such a laughable idea that it doesn't deserve any attention), I don't see how anyone is deflecting the blame. He himself is responsible for everything he did. Even if the steroids destroyed his psyche, it's still his fault for abusing them for so long. Even if Guerrero's death pushed him over the edge, it's still his fault for not being able to deal with something many others can and do deal with. The blame is on his shoulders, regardless of what the circumstances were surrounding his behavior.
  4. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Benoit clearly had violence and control issues for a while, going back to at least 2003. While it's possible that Guerrero's death sent him off the deep end, there's also his past record to go along with his rampant, long-term steroid abuse, so it's not just a matter of a "normal" guy becoming distraught over a close friend's death. All of these things (natural personality + heavy steroid abuse + stresses) stacked upon one and other likely contributed to the tragedy. Benoit was clearly a flawed man who had some serious issues that were in large part brought on by himself.
  5. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    He could have gone to the PPV after killing his wife and kid, and no one would have been the wiser. That would have been interesting.
  6. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Benoit was a smark darling, and many, many people have a difficult time being objective about things they really like. Therefore, Benoit being a home-wrecker, or Benoit being HUGE into the steroids never really registered with a lot of people. That's just the way people are unfortunately. Of course, now that it's a double murder, it's something that can't possibly be ignored or justified and there's only a very few and very stupid group of people defending him.
  7. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

  8. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Informed that it was a murder/suicide rather. Fixed.
  9. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Some local reporter on MSNBC said she was informed of the murder/suicide between 6 and 7 last night. This is according to someone who was watching (I was not).
  10. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    It's looking more and more like the WWE knew that the situation was a double homicide/suicide before the show last night.
  11. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Oh I see how it is. I think maybe you have something to hide regarding this situation. Maybe YOU'RE to blame.
  12. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Wow. Lets blame everyone except Chris Benoit, who was simply too weak to deal with the things in his life. Some people are unbelievable.
  13. World's Worst Man

    The Sopranos

    It was done to create suspense. There was no logical reason for Tony to get whacked there, as the New York problems were finished. You also conveniently forget the black guys that the camera focused on. Or the other suspicious looking characters in the restaurant. Chase wanted to dupe people into thinking Tony was going to get whacked, and fed their confusion by filming it in such a way that suggested it was imminent. Mission accomplished.
  14. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I don't think so either. It just might have been a pitstop on the road to insanity.
  15. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Typical "roid rage" and maliciously murdering your son and wife are two different issues altogether. By saying steroids caused this or even supplimented these actions is ludicrous. Incorrect. Dismissing steroids out of hand is ludicrous. You really have no idea what happened, and it's quite possible that a naturally hot-headed person could be pushed over the edge due to hormone-fucking steroid usage. I don't even fucking care either way, but you're being completely unreasonable by flatly saying the steroid usage couldn't possibly have anything to do with this behavior. Even a very small part.
  16. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    No one knows if the steroids played a part. To dismiss the issue entirely would be a mistake.
  17. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Roid rage is a well-documented side effect of steroid usage.
  18. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Steroids could worsen the problem.
  19. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    This is stupid. It's not so fuckin' stupid now, is it? Benoit was a scumbag who commited a low life crime. I just wish he didn't take his own life so he could rot in prison. Yeah, its still stupid. "ABC sed it wuz true so it must be. I don't need no actual proof." You do realize that the media was reporting what the investigators were saying right?
  20. World's Worst Man

    NHL Offseason - 2007

    So dumb. Maurice's only mistake last year was playing Raycroft so much, but apparently Aubin did something to get in his doghouse, which kind of explains it. Other than that he did a pretty good job, considering the team played better than the previous year's team (other than in net).
  21. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Benoit's domestic abuse problems in 2003 makes me wonder if this was a long-term issue for him, even with his first wife. If it was, then all of the sudden these murders look to be the work of a roid-raging meat head, as opposed to a guy who gradually went insane. It's one thing for a previously good person to develop dementia and commit some heinous crime. It's another thing if someone has a history of violence which gradually gets worse until it leads up to this.
  22. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    There's a difference between enjoying a Benoit match, and paying tribute to a man who murdered his family.
  23. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Offended? No. More amused.
  24. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I can't believe certain people are in so much denial over this. I really can't.
  25. World's Worst Man

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Not a bad idea, for any developer really. He probably hasn't even played it. The first game did get decent reviews though, and this one could be really fun with the wiimote. I'm sure the game will sell well too, given all of this publicity. Parents may not buy it for their kids, but I can see a lot of older teenagers/young adults chomping at the bit to see what all the fuss is about.