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World's Worst Man

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Everything posted by World's Worst Man

  1. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    He was taking enough testosterone for his levels to be nearly 10x what is normal.
  2. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Ask yourself why he was taking testosterone injections, then go do some research. It's really not rocket science. Some people are in as much denial as the media is obsessed about roid rage.
  3. World's Worst Man

    Edge injured; out of action for undetermined length of time

    Too much Vitamin S in the water.
  4. World's Worst Man

    What if? (Historical Events version)

    There were like, 25 crusades. Not really, but there were a lot. The first Crusade was the only successful one anyway, at least of the ones where the intention was to capture Jerusalem. The Fourth Crusade was probably the most important, as that's the one where the Byzantine Empire ended up getting annexed, and even though they returned later, they never really recovered. So that leads into a "What if Constantinople wasn't sacked and annexed during the fourth Crusade, and subsequently, what if the city didn't fall to the Ottomans in 1453?" It's quite possible it could have still been around in modern times, just as the Ottoman Empire still existed up until World War I. The Germans would have never lost WWII if they hadn't invaded the Soviet Union. If they could have concentrated all of their forces in Normandy, D-Day would have ended up being a wholesale slaughter. If Hitler had any sense, he would never have done this. Of course, if he had any sense, WWII wouldn't have started, but you know. The Persians may have been able to go North, but had they tried going west, the Celts would have crushed them. It's possible they could have annihilated the Romans before they ever really branched out though. At that point they had just instituted the Republic, and they hadn't even conquered the Italian peninsula. So kind of related, what if the Celts had annexed or annihilated Rome after their victories in 390BC? The power balance in Europe would have been held in Gaul, and it's possible that Carthage and the Celts would have ended up warring with each other over Iberia. What if Muhammad had died during the battle of Uhud (as almost happened)? Islam would have been crushed and the Middle East would have likely been overtaken by Christianity (as it already had a foothold in the region).
  5. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    The latest trailer was all real time game footage, meaning it used the game engine even if it wasn't gameplay. I'm pretty sure the earlier trailers had actual gameplay footage though, however brief it was. Disgaea 3 coming to PS3 - http://kotaku.com/gaming/spritey/disgaea-3...-ps3-279111.php Well, there's one of the PS2's great, original RPGs making the jump to the PS3. I wonder what happens to the others, like Shadow Hearts, Suikoden, Tales of, etc.
  6. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    It wasn't a case of him shooting up and losing his mind. He lost his mind because of prolonged abuse.
  7. World's Worst Man


    I was originally going to get it, but after playing the GameCube version, and to a lesser extent the Wii version, I don't think the series is really that good.
  8. World's Worst Man

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Get the Xbox. It has better games than the Wii right now, and considering what's announced, it looks like it has a better future too. The premium Xbox is the one you want, as the Core is terribly lacking and you'd need to buy most of the premium components anyway. Just know that you have to pay to play games online via Xbox Live. If getting an ethernet line to the Xbox is a no-go, you'll have to get a wireless router and pay the extortion price for an Xbox 360 wireless adapter. Although apparently there are 3rd party wireless adapters that plug in to the ethernet port, but I don't know how much those go for nor have I been able to find out where they're sold.
  9. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I think he meant the part at the end when Kennedy was struggling to answer "What if Benoit had steroids in his system?", and then finally said something like "he probably did them the day before he died". The uncomfortable pause and then that answer made for a pretty terrible way to end the interview.
  10. World's Worst Man

    Xbox 360

    It's a Sony first party game, so it won't be on any non-Sony platform.
  11. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    I would be surprised if that happens, but I can see DVD9 being obsolete for big budget games in about a year or two. Devs will just be too hamstrung to fit everything into a 9 GB package, which means they'll have to go multi-disc. Except multi-disc really doesn't work very well for some games (GTA), and it's just an annoyance in general. Microsoft won't be able to change their disc format mid-generation, and HD-DVD will have been dead and buried by then, so it could be a scenario where PS3 games start greatly outdoing 360 games in terms of technology, or the big-budget 360 games will consistently end up going on 2-3 discs. But I also wouldn't be surprised if MS releases a new console much sooner than any company has traditionally done, which would almost certainly be equipped with whatever the disc format standard is at the time.
  12. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    Sony is going to be offering "full-sized" games through their download service, they already have PS1 games available, and they eluded to PS2 games being available as well, so hdd space is definitely a big deal for the PS3. With that being said, Sony doesn't use a proprietary hdd like Microsoft does, so you can buy a big one from a computer shop and use it, rather than paying extra for a model with a bigger hdd.
  13. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    What do you call ten more gigabytes of storage capacity per layer? That's about the only meaningful difference, but it's quite significant.
  14. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

  15. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    In picture quality, which is not the only facet of technology.
  16. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    HDMI cables cost like, $3. 1080p isn't necessary for "really great graphics" either. Graphics vs. gamplay has nothing to do with anything. Good games are good games. If a game has great graphics and poor everything else, it's not generally considered a good game. The Wii is at a good price, but the system has no longevity. In a graphical and storage sense, it will be completely out of date in two years, Nintendo has very little announced for 2008, and they've already blown their big cash cows (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Mario Kart, Smash Bros). Maybe the 3rd parties will come through, and maybe they can ride the hype for a while, but it's still a bleak picture. The vibe I'm getting is that HD-DVD is more or less done for. Not surprising really, as Blu Ray is a better technology, and when technology is going head to head, the inferior one usually gets put out to pasture unless there is a serious price differential.
  17. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    Ironically, it seems like the Wii and PS3 have fairly similar game libraries in terms of quality. Two or three high-end titles, and a few middle of the road, 'ok' looking titles. The price was the original reason for the negative vibes, but this latest nonsense has worsened the situation. Not that it's a dumb move itself, because it's not. They way they handled it was the mistake. If they had come right out and said "we're phasing the 60 gig out, so we're going to knock $100 off the price, and now $600 (the old price of the 60) will get you an 80 gig PS3 with a game bundled in" it wouldn't be such a PR nightmare. People might bitch about no real price drop, but it would inarguably be a better value than the 60 gig. Sony has just been woefully inept at the PR game since the PS3 price was announced.
  18. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Oh, it's just Meltzer. What does he know, he's never been in da locker room! His information clearly isn't right.
  19. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    I was thinking that £100 to someone in the UK might mean the same to $100 to a person in the US, but that doesn't appear to be the case. UK's average household income is much lower than the US, based on the national currency. It just happens to be higher if converted. And on the other hand, the Canadian average is higher than the US in both cases, so $100 to someone in Canada probably isn't worth as much to $100 to someone in the US. I wonder how these companies get away with charging such a comparatively high price for their products. This is something I've wondered for a while, and thought that maybe the different currency strength had something to do with it, but that does not seem the case. It's pretty shitty in any case.
  20. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    You seem to misunderstand. This was to prove the point that Kennedy and Finlay were both saying things contrary to what the WWE had publicly said. Both Alvarez and Meltzer have sources inside the WWE, and they have both apparently seen the wellness policy. They both have more information than you, whether you want to believe it or not. You or anyone else can also access a lot of that information by reading the WON. It's better than keeping one's head in the sand.
  21. World's Worst Man

    PlayStation 3

    That's no different than people here. I believe the Wii is proof of that. The difference is the Wii costs $350 less. As for the UK who knows? Is the 475 pound price tag lower relative to the prices in NA? What I mean is, do you Brits make less of your own currency than people in the US or Canada make of theirs? The British pound is obviously worth much more than the USD, but if the average salary in the UK is similar to the average salary in the US, based on the currency itself, that 475 pound pricetag is significantly less of a burden than the $600 USD pricetag in the US. And you mentioned that most places sell it for 275, which would even be a bigger difference.
  22. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    See, it's stuff like this. Meltzer and Alvarez bring the facts, and both are of the opinion that WWE deserves some of the blame and needs to make some changes. The evidence points to that argument being more correct than the opposing viewpoint. Not to say that guys like Mero aren't full of shit, because I don't know if he really has his facts straight either, but his side of the argument makes a lot more sense knowing the specifics of the wellness policy, and knowing how much bullshit damage-control PR is coming from WWE and their wrestlers. It's just a matter of getting that information out there, but even if it was, there seems to be a group of individuals who don't want to listen.
  23. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Charisma is more important for appealing specifically to morons, certainly, which is probably why a person such as yourself believes it to be true in general. Sorry to disappoint you, but the opinions of the uninformed masses don't change the facts and reality of the situation. Kennedy and Finlay were both being calumnious, and even if they had good intentions, it doesn't seem like they have much pertinent information.
  24. World's Worst Man

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Why did you take the time to fake that, HTQ? I would have expected better. For shame. Ken Kennedy would never lie to his fans.
  25. World's Worst Man

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Crosby is Canadian, and the US is like, 6th best in the sport, and there you have it.