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Everything posted by spman

  1. spman

    Why do people commit crimes?

    Depends on what kind of crime. Theft and fraud and such I believe is seen by some people as a viable alternative to work. You can potentially make more money in one afternoon of pocket picking, grifting, or just flat out burglary then you can in a month of actually working. Holding up a liquor store of a 7-11 is just fucking stupid, you're not going to get a dime for that, and will just land your ass in prison. If you can concoct a fool proof scheme to rob a bank or an armored car though, and you can get away with it, then you can run off with a years income easily. The allure to some is pretty enticing, especially if you don't have a family or a job or anything tying you down in your life at the moment, then what is a couple years in prison? 3 square meals and a place to sleep is more then what a lot of people have. Another category of criminals is drug addicts. If you're a crack head or a junkie, and and you need another hit, you're likely not going to care whether or not you have to pull a knife on someone to get the money to get it. Shoplifting is mostly just a crime committed by crazy people looking for a thrill, or kids that get pressured into it by their friends. Of course, the line between shoplifting and burglary is increasingly getting blurred now that you have groups of organized shoplifters going into stores with bags lined with tinfoil to throw off security sensors, who work together to an elaborate distraction scheme and walk out with thousands of dollars in merchandise. Don't let the man fool ya, Crime doesn't pay if you're an idiot, but if you're clever and daring enough, it can pay pretty damn well.
  2. spman

    The Smarks Board circa 2001(?)

    Geez, I remember the days before PWInsider, 1Wrestling, and others. Back when the only outlet for Pro Wrestling News was shitty geocities sites that copied news from the Torch and Observer. www.ProWrestling.com was the first major site, run by some guy named Zoran or Zorad or something equally stupid, and another writer named Sushi-X who gained a small bit of fame due to ripping off the alias of a long time correspondant of Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine. I believe that Bob Ryder started writing for them at some point, and eventually in '97, 1wrestling was created as an extension of prowrestling.com
  3. I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him.... Yeah pretty much, the rumor flying around is that Savage is the one that took Steph's virginity. That was in that DVR sleaze thread.....I don't know if I really believe that though. I do remember one time Meltzer was questioned about it though, and he didn't write it off completely, he just stated that there could very well be something to that story.
  4. spman

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    You didn't see the little names underneath each guy when they first started talking? Yeah, well it's one of those things where I was back and fourth between the TV and the computer while I was watching it, but I know for a fact Jim Brunzell was on there at least 6 times before they identified him.
  5. spman

    WWE announces 2006 DVDs

    I just finished watching the feature portion of the AWA DVD, and it's definitely one of the best ones they've put together yet. Plenty of insight from all the major players in the company, including the Gagne's, Baron Von Raschke, Nick Bockwinkel, Larry Hennig, and others. The Gagne's themselves come off as somewhat sympathetic characters who just wanted to continue to promote gold 'ol fashioned professional wrestling, but just couldn't compete with the circus that was the WWF. It's often debated whether it was Vince Mcmahon's aggressive promoting, or Verne Gagne's refusal to progress with the times that led to the downfall of the promotion. The feature itself seems to imply that it was a combination of both. It focuses on Vince taking his company national, and signing all of the best wrestlers, as well as Verne's boneheaded booking decisions and incessant nepotism. Vince Mcmahon himself comes off in this feature as somewhat mean spirited I think, but at the end of the day, Verne just couldn't compete, and it's his own fault that he let it all slip away. The Gagne's though are also as thick as they ever have been too. They refuse to admit that they ever made any mistakes, and that it was the evil tyrant Vince McMahon that just trampled them for no good reason. They stop short of being bitter, and in the end you kind of feel bad for them in a way. Despite this though, many others like Baron, Bischoff, and Hogan have no problem ripping into Verne and pointing out all of his flaws and some of his sleazier traits as promoter. If I had to say there were any problems with the feature, the only thing that sticks out to me is that there are times when other wrestlers or people involved in the business are speaking whom I don't recognize, and the editors don't do a very good job of pointing out exactly who's who. Definitely don't pass this up. It's very much accessible for all fans, and is nothing at all like those 10 page history lessons Meltzer does every so often in the Observer that bore a lot of fans to tears.
  6. spman

    Stranger than Fiction

    If you're seeing boom mics on the screen in a film, that means it was probably filmed in Flat (1.85:1 aspect ratio) and the moron projecting the film at the theater has the film out of frame.
  7. spman


    Wow, this was far and beyond the funniest movie I've seen so far this year. There are just so many jokes that go over the top and well beyond good taste. Cohen himself doesn't compromise anything at all, he goes all out with racism, male chauvinism, and homophobia. There's really no target in this film that goes untouched. This film is definitely not for the easily offended, and the hotel room scene is just a bit too much, but overall this is without a doubt in my top 10 so far this year. Definitely go out of your way to see this over the weekend, and you may have to go out of your way, because it's only playing on about 800 screens.
  8. spman

    PlayStation 3

    I just made a cool 700 bucks selling my 20 gig system w/ 2 games and an extra controller on eBay, and I mean 700 dollars profit on top of the initial investment.
  9. spman

    PlayStation 3

    I fucked with a whole group in front of Best Buy this afternoon who told me they had been there since Tuesday. I walked up to them with an entire Mcdonalds Big Mac meal and proceeded to eat the entire thing while talking to them. Personally, I was shafted to the second shipment at Gamestop for the 60 gig system, but I have a 20 gig coming tomorrow for definite.
  10. For the record, my comments are not totally unfounded. Both Joel Gertner, and the other fat guy who runs shows here, (Mealy something other I think his name is?) are both Jewish.
  11. The fact of the matter is that not only does CT have strict fire codes, but it's also an extremely vicious independent territory run by jews who are bitter that they can barely draw 150 people to their show in a high school gym while TNA comes in here and does 800 to their show in an actual sports complex. So if anything, it's wasn't Vince who called the fire chief, it was any one of the dozen or so other stupid promoters in the area that wanted to kill their business that did it.
  12. Connecticut has some extremely strong fire and safety codes that are strictly enforced ever since some circus fire in the 40's that killed a couple hundred people, mostly women and children, and injured almost everyone else involved. Plus, that nightclub fire at the Great White concert a few years back just down the way in Rhode Island didn't help much. and I was at that tent show ROH ran, and it was quite the experience to say the least. It was a complete fucking downpour for the whole show, and the tent was only about maybe 15 feet off the ground and there wasn't even enough room under the tent for everyone to fit. It was still a good show regardless, and it at least made for an interesting story.
  13. What a fucking waste of time that was. 40 minutes to drive to Bloomfield, and a quarter of a tank of gas, only to find out the show was canceled. They told me they'd refund my money at least on Monday through Paypal, but I'll believe it when I see it. There may be something to the conspiracy theory though, because one of the members of WWE's Board of Executives is Lowell Weiker, a former Governor in this state, and I can guarantee you he still has connections.
  14. Anyone know the capacity of the old facility? Wow, it's a good fucking thing I checked my computer tonight and saw this, as I would have pissed if I got to East Hartford and found out the show moved. Anyways, everything I heard from people that were familliar with the East Hartford Venue was that there was essentially no room for seating at all. There was maybe space for a ring, about 50 floor seats, and that's it, no bleachers, nothing, it was supposedly just a real tiny ass dive, and no one involved bother to look into that before they booked the show.
  15. spman

    What are you watching?

    I'm running through some tapes I got from a dealer at an Indy show I was at last week. I just finished the first volume of a history of the WCW title match which goes from Luger to Hogan, and includes some rarities like both Vader vs Simmons matches, and fancams of the Sting vs Vader matches from Europe where they flip flop the belts back and fourth in less then a week. No's I'm watching Saturday Nights Main Event Volume #1 which has the first 3 shows on it. Not too thrilling wrestling wise, but entertaining nonetheless.
  16. Does anyone off hand know where I can lyrics to Konnan's rap song that they played about 9 times on every Thunder and Nitro for about a year, and does anyone have a clear MP3 of it? I swear, that song is about up there with "Informer" by Snow on the intelligible lyrics scale.
  17. spman

    Evan Almighty

    This film has got to be a huge hit and make a killing at the Box Office, because I remember reading that they were just hemorrhaging money during production. Trailer doesn't look particularly promising.
  18. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,226520,00.html Despite the fact that the man is 83 years old, it still somewhat of a shock. Bob Barker and The Price is Right is always kind of one of those pieces of Americana that you thought was just always going to be there. The fact that the show has been on for 30 years now with relativity the same format is a testament to it's longevity. It had always been a goal of mine to one day get out to LA and try and get on the show, but I really think the show should probably be put to rest when Bob leaves. I just cringe at the thought of a Price is Right hosted by John O'Hurly or Louie Anderson.
  19. spman

    Mission Impossible 3

    Well, this is it, Friday kicks off the Summer Movie Season, and when the dusts settles, this will probobly end up beign the #2 box office draw behind X-Men. I saw it tonight, and it was pretty good for what it was. It's pretty brainless, and in fact if you attempt to really put any thought or logic into it, you're going to end up with a pretty big migraine. The big action sequences defenitly live up, but I felt the story may have been a little too convoluted for it's own good, by the end I had some difficulty discerning who was good and who was bad. The ending was a pretty big cop out too, but I guess a movie like this can't have any big twists. Phillip Seymour Hoffman did a decent job as the villain, but I just can see a guy like him really playing a credible bad guy. He's just kid of fat and smarmy. Tom Cruise did a great job as well, as crazy as he may be, he may be one of the most consistant actors in Hollywood today, so I give him props for that. Overall, it's definitely worth your money this weekend, but I'm more enthused for X-Men and Superman.
  20. spman

    The OAO Cyber Sunday Thread

    I find it very amusing that Piper and Flair's combined age is almost as old as the combined age of ALL FIVE Spirt Squad guys.
  21. spman

    The OAO Cyber Sunday Thread

    Holy cow this one was awful. Normally we hit up Hooters and catch the show for free, but tonight they wouldn't even show it, and opted for the Patriots game instead. So we all had to chip in 5 bucks and pile into my friends house to watch this show, and man was it bad. This was easily one of the worst they've done since Great American Bash 2004. If Lita vs Mickey James tonight didn't single handed kill the entire womens division, then nothing will. and did anyone else notice that Big Show was out for about 95% of the match in the Main Event? Is he really hurting that bad? I know last weeks Observer said that he was in really rough shape was was strongly considering hanging up the tights next year, but at least he seemed to be somewhat active prior to tonight. Maybe I just having been paying attention.
  22. This is making much bigger headlines here in CT, but it's also a huge story nationally. Joe Lieberman lost the primary election yesterday to Ned Lamont, and is going to instead run as an independent. This is insanity if you ask me. With Republican approval dwindling all over the place, the Dems response to capitalize is to just move even further to the left, and cut off anyone in their party that might have a dissenting opinion? I may not agree with everything Lieberman has ever done, but he's a good man, and he's one of the few senators left that doesn't always stick to the party line. The big winner here could very well be the GOP, if Alan Schlesinger, the Republican running for the Senate in CT, can run a strong campaign, and the Dems get too bogged down squabbling with Lieberman and cause their vote to get split, our second Senate seat in CT could very well have an R next to it come November.
  23. spman

    Worst Presidential Candidates

    Despite having been elected, Jimmy Carter in '76 and '80 was amongst our most incompetent politicians ever. Just a good 'ol Southern boy who had delusions of grandeur whose failed social and foreign policy turned us into the joke of the world. He had no backbone to stand up to anyone, especially the Soviets, and the Iranians, which just made him look weak. It was no surprise that he barely even got the Party Nomination in 1980, and got massacred by Reagan afterwards.
  24. spman

    ECW and Smackdown Spoilers

    Huh, Khali is back already, and in ECW none the less?
  25. spman

    Controversy Creates Cash - Eric Bischoff

    I read the book, and I thought it was ok, but that there was too much revisionist history going on, not even so much in WWE's favor, but just Eric Bischoff using selective memory to explain things the way he'd like to remember them as opposed to how they actually went. The biggest example of this that I remember is when he talks about Hogan not wanting to turn heel and how Hogan made the decision himself because he knew that Nash and Hall were the wave of the future. What he leaves out entirely was the fact that Hogan's heel turn was a necessity for his career, since any drawing value he had as a face was completely destroyed in 1995 and '96 by the never-ending Dungeon of Doom feud and the Doomsday Cage match., both of which caused the fans to completely turn on Hogan.