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People are already starting to scream "bomb" at this film, since it made "only" 48 million this weekend. Potential factors they're blaming it are people not liking Tom Cruise, and the usual stuff like high prices of tickets, etc. The real answer is much less complicated though. The reason this movie didn't attract audiences was simply put, the weather. Almost the entire nation this weekend had beautiful springtime weather, not too hot and not too cold. People don't go to the movies when the weather is nice out, but they flock there when the weather isn't bad. If it had poured rain this weekend in the bigger markets like the Northeast and California, then they probobly would ahve gotten their 60 million+ opening weekend, but it just didn't happen. This one is gonna stick around for a while though and still end up making a decent amount.
Seriously, with Angle Injured, Orton Suspended, and Batista out, look what twe're left with, a World Champ who wouldn't pass as a Junior Heavyweight anywhere in the world, main eventing a PPV against a guy who prior to Wrestlemania was jobbing to every other guy on the roster in the lower-mid card. We're seriously just something putting out JBL, and an injury to Booker T, away from having Finlay vs Rey as the Main Event of next months PPV (which would kick seven different kinds of ass mind you), but still. Where does the Smackdown Main Event go from here? Is Summerslam going to end up being Batista vs Rey? What if Orton never comes back? Are we gonna have to endure Batista vs Khali? Batista vs Undertaker? Maybe I ought to just give up on American Wrestling.
Superman and Da Vinci will do better than MI. Superman Im not so sure, it'll make a lot of money, and has the benefit of of that July 4th weekend, but the majority of the actors are reletive unknowns, and the buzz on the film has been pretty minimal. We'll see. I actually think Da Vinci Code will be the big bust of the summer, the advertising campaign and trailers have been pretty cryptic, and don't really seem to be too appealing to film audiences. I'm not sure whether or not all the controversy sorrounding the film will help or hurt, but I just can't see the average movie fan sitting through this, it seems to appeal more to the older crowd that may not attend the movies as much. I think it'll do well it's first weekend, but then get swallowed up afterwards.
At least Royal Rumble had The Rumble. That Michaels vs Vince and Shane match tonight was just so bad on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin. It didn't tell any coherent story at all, there was almost zero action, a bunch of weak spots which were recycled from 1998 Mick Foley matches, almost no heat at all, way too much stalling and stumbling around both inside and outside the ring, a schmoz finish where no one was put over at all. Add in the fact that just when you thought the match was over, IT KEPT GOING FOR ANOTHER 10 MINUTES! Throw in how rediculously offensive this angle was to anyone with even an ounce of sense, and you have what is in my opinion at least, the worst storyline and PPV match WWE has done, ever. Katie Vick was stupid, and in poor taste, but it wasn't nescessarily offensive to any large group of people, and it didn't lead to any high profile PPV matches which they asked you to pay 35 dollars for. I truely pity anyone who paid money to seen this mess.
Wow, this was by far and beyond the worst show in recent memory. The Mcmahon Michaels match was not only boring and offensive, but lacked all internal logic and heat. Vince Russo on his worst day could not have written such an overbooked, bloated, awful match. This ranks amongst The Doomsday Cage as far as bad main event matches goes. Kane vs Big Show was indescribably bad, I can't even begin to fathom what they were thinking there. Even RVD vs Shelton was totally paint by numbers. RVDs best days are long past, it was extremely notciable tonight that he was having a hard time keeping up with Shelton.
Ao I was purusing through the music store yesterday, and I stumbled upon a copy of "Girl You Know It's True", the original US Milli Vanilli album, thing was though that they wanted 20 bucks for it. I thiught that this was just the store setting a high price for a CD they know is significant and out of print, but apparently it sells on eBay for 25 dollars and up. Sure, the album has some historical significance as an oddity of pop culture, and really it's not that bad of an album, but why is it worth so much? It's not like it didn't sell 15 million copies, so it can't be that hard to find and in demand. Is it just artificial inflation caused by people who just don't know any better? On that note, while I do have vague memories of the era of Milli Vanilli and NKOTB, mostly through my older sister, in retrospect, how did anyone even think these 2 goofs ever sang on the album int he first place? You listen to "Blame it on the Rain" and "Girl You Know It's True", and they sing as clearly and fluently as anyone else, but then you watch archival footage of their interviews, and these two guys can barely speak a lick of English. Were people really shocked to learn they didn't actually sing on their album, or was it just confirmation of a poorly kept secret?
Heh, a friend of mine who used to be part of a local cable access show which also filmed for some local indy shows relayed a funny story to me once about Ivory. Apparently he was backstage at a show around '99 or so and Ivory is getting ready to go out to the ring, only she's backstage topless in front of a mirror putting on her boob glitter. So he's trying to be a genltemen about the situation, just making small talk with her, but she starts telling him that it's all right to look if he wants to, everyone else does. He also has a story he told me a different story once about walking past Albert backstage at a different Indy Show he was working the crew for. Le't just say, he knows why they call him "Prince Albert"
Er, I'm not quite sure what point or statement they were trying to make about Al Gore. Strangely enough, this weeks epsidoe of Penn and Teller's Bullshit was about Crytozoology, coincidence?
Hey, I'm 100% against inhumane treatment of Animals, it's distgusting and totally inexcusable, but I don't quite get the argument that killing and eating animals is inhumane. These PETA nuts love to show the same tired old videos of a few isolated instances of Animal Cruelty and use it to make one generalized statment on the treatment of Animals. The problem is, that you know, we're Animals too. You think out in the Jungle, those Lions look for the Zebras that have passed away from old age before they maul them to death? When you have coyotes in your back yard, do you think they're going to euthanize your puppy or kitty before it chews it to pieces? Absolutely not, but for some reason, when Humans decide to raise animals and slaughter them for food so we can like eat, and stay healthy and stuff, we're barbaric! Explain that to me.
I'm pretty jaded towards films in general, likely from having worked in the theater industry for the past 4 years now, but after seeing this fourth installment, all I have to say is wow this one was bad. I can't even imagine a room full of writers trying to pen the script for this film, because it was just so totally incoherent for the entirety of it's barely 80 minutes in length. I laughed maybe once in the opening scene with Shaq and Dr Phil, but that was it. David Zucker is the Vince Mcmahon of comedies, his early stuff was gold, but he slowly progressed towards a steady stream of fart jokes and outdated references which aren't funny. There was no redeeming quality to this film at all, it was just a complete and utter waste of 80 minutes of my life. I laughed more at the Clerks 2 trailer then at anything else in the whole film combined. Please, to those of you that have not seen this abomination of cinema yet, save your money. You can sit and home and listen to some Weird Al CDs and fart in front your own home for free.
Ok, it's 53 secopnds too long, but still WWF World Champion Triple H pinned Taka Michinoku (w/ Sho Funaki & the Acolytes) following the Pedigree at 5:53 after the Big Bossman & Bull Buchanon attacked the Acolytes from RAW 4/10/2000
So for the first time in line a long, long, time, I had a night off from work at school, so I went to hang out with some friends. First we went like 30 miles down the highway to play lasertag. So we get there, and it's 8.50 a game. It was fun, but not worth the money. Then one of my friends decided we should drive all the way back towards home and go rollerskating. Now I haven't been rollerskating since 1992, so I had no idea what to expect. First the interior of this place looks like it's fucking 1987, neon lights, neon paint, the whole bit, except now it's full of hoodrats, all they play is hip hop, and half the rink is taken up so the hoodrats can try and dance. Now how much do you think rollerskating in the ghetto costs? 15 dollars, which included a rental fee for rollerskate, blades were 5 dollars extra. I remember it being 2 dollars as a kid, which wasn't THAT long ago. I figure the extra expensives is probobly caused by lawsuits, becasue we all had to sign a 2 page liability waiver. The interior of the place was at least nostolgic, but this was the worst waste of 15 dollars ever. It was obvious that they didn't upkeep the skates at all, I got some retro-70's pair that stank, and were broken, the wheels were totally misaligned, and I fell twice and sprained my wrist. It didn't help that I haven't skated since I was 7, and wasn't particularly good back then either. At least they had a 4 player X-Men and Spider-Man arcade though. So anyways, when did things get so expensive? I shouldn't be surprised, having worked at a movie theater, one of the most expensive forms of entertainment going today, but 15 dollars to get injured at the rollerskating rink is nuts. I hear bowling now is like 8.50 a game. If you still happen to be lucky enough to have an arcade in your area now, the lightgun shooters and sit-down racers from 10 years ago are a dollar a game, while more recent stuff like DDR is 1.50+ for like 3 songs. How can anyone afford anything these days? Should I just move out of the Northeast?
Hrmm, The Moeny INC vs Natural Disasters Title Change is actually pretty decent. Good tag work with Money Inc keeping Typhoon isolated, and good psychology with the continuous Sleeper Holds.
I was thinking about this tonight, TNA is coming up on their 4 year anniversary, and while they have accomplished a lot in those 4 years and have had far more success then other would be upstarts like XPW and XWF, they still haven't really been all that successful in the grand scheme of things. They have a late night timeslot on a weeknight when a lot of people are already asleep, they have a small dedicated fanbase, but have had difficulty attracting new fans, and cracking a 1.0 rating on their TV shows have been a near impossibility for them. They do monthly Pay Per Views, but don't get a significant number of buys. My point is, they've gone 4 years now, but will there eventually be a point where TNA is either going to make it, or they aren't? Clearly outside of the main event, they have some of the best in ring product in the world right now, attracting guys from all the world, so clearly that isn't the problem. It almost seems as if their problems are circular, they don't have the large fanbase becasue they don't tour, they don't tour because they don't have the resources, they don't have the resources becasue they don't get the ratings, and they don't get the ratings becasue they don't have the fanbase. Is TNA actually making money right now? Do you think TNA will ever truely be able to compete with WWE, or is it to the point where all it'll take is WWE to sign Samoa Joe and/or AJ Styles and/or Christopher Daniels for the promotion to be done?
How does TNA even make money on their live shows at Universal, isn't admission free?
I know a lot of times when a majority of the movie takes place in a stadium setting, they just do open casting for extras, and just let anyone who wants to walk in off the street and get free lunch come in and fill seats.
Nastiest head drops in wrestling history.
spman replied to The Mandarin's topic in General Wrestling
Nothing can ever top Vaders powerbomb on Joe Thurman, nothing can even come close. -
Looks like a fairly bland show this week. 2 weeks in a row with no Finlay!
What DVDs would you like to see the WWE release?
spman replied to iggymcfly's topic in The WWE Folder
The Best Worst Gimmick Matches Ever: 11/27/86 The Roadwarriors vs The Midnight Express Skywalkers Match 1/24/88 Bunkhouse Stampede Steel Cage Battle Royal 4/1/1990 Mixed Tag Match Randy Savage and Sherri vs Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire 3/24/1991 Rick Martel vs Jake Roberts Blindfold Match 5/19/1991 El Gigante vs Sid Vicious Stretcher Match 11/27/1991 Chamber of Horrors Match 10/25/1992 Sting vs Jake the Snake Coal Miners Glove Match 11/25/1992 Big Bossman vs Nailz Nightstick Match 11/25/1992 Undertaker vs Kamala Casket Match 8/30/1993 Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez Rest in Peace Match Bonus Features: Nailz Debut Viginette from Prison Spin the Wheel Make the Deal 10/27/1990 Rick Martel blinds Jake the Snake on The Brother Love Show AWA Team Challange Series Turkey on a Pole Match Undertaker viginettes building Kamalas Casket 1/21/1990 Sapphire and Sherri on The Brother Love Show Disc 2 11/23/1994 Undertaker vs Yokozuna Casket Match 3/19/1995 Blacktop Bully vs Dustin Rhodes King of the Road Match 6/25/1995 Bret Hart vs Jerry Lawler Kiss my Foot Match 9/17/1995 Team Hogan vs Team Dungeon of Doom Wargames Match 12/17/1995 Triple H vs Henry Godwinn Hog Pen Match 2/18/1996 Razor Ramon vs 123 Kid Crybaby Match 3/24/1996 Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage vs Every Heel on the roster Doomsday Cage Match 7/7/1996 Big Bubba vs John Tenta in a Silver Dollars on a Pole Match 10/26/1997 Hulk Hogan vs Roddy Piper in a Steel Cage Match 7/11/1999 Junkyard Battle Royal Match 5/7/2000 Triple Decker Steel Cage Match Undertaker Vigienettes building Yokozunas Casket Jerry Lawlers promos walking through horse shit The Hogan vigientte where he's walking through a cave and gets attacked by The Dungeon of Doom 4/25/2000 DDP and David Arquette vs Jeff Jarrett and Eric Bischoff -
Strangely enough, WWE has complete spoilers for the end of the Angle match up now on their website. Now it seems they're attempting to make Ortons suspension out to be a work.
Movies that everyone loves that you cannot get the love for
spman replied to Masked Man of Mystery's topic in Television & Film
Donny Darko The Rocky Horror Picture Show Any of the Harry Potter films Any Kevin Smith film, except maybe Clerks -
What other tag teams do you think deserve to be in the Hall of Fame? Obviously LOD, Demolition, Freebirds, Rock and Roll Express, etc. but I think you could even make a case for The Bushwhackers / Sheepherders. They had a fairly extensive career, lasting close to 10 years in the WWF alone, and were consistantly the most over opening card act in whatever arena across the globe they were in too, even if they were mostly a comedy act. I certainly think they would qualify, even if they may not have been the most succesful having never won the tag belts.
It was a combination of both I believe. Clearly WWE was shifting away from the big muscled guys for the time being, and focusing their attention more on the less muscular guys like Bret, Shawn, Piper, Flair, Savage, Yokozuna, etc. While guys like Hogan, Sid, Bulldog, Warrior, etc. were quickly either swepped under the rug or shown the door until the steroid investigation was over.
I had to drive about 40 minutes to find a theater that was playing this, but man was it worth it. I'm honetly not sure what sort of message the movie was trying to promote, whether it was intended to be a satire of lobbyists, or a more libertarian view of "Don't listen to what other people tell you, research and make your own decisions" sort of message, it could really be seen either way. The film is basically just a story about a lobbyist for the Tobacco Industry, and how he uses his charm and charisma to defend the business he represents. It's a very funny, somewhat dark, and cynical film that really has to be seen. It's currently in limited release now, but it expands to more theaters on Friday, and next week, so try and catch it if you can, because this could be the sleeper hit of the year, plus Katie Holmes sex scene, no tits, but you do get to see a pretty decent amount of ass, so you can't lose!