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Everything posted by spman

  1. spman

    Met Carlito today

    Everything I've ever heard about the Dudleys is that D-Von is really nice and always willing to chat with fans, while Bubba Ray is a real asshole who could care less.
  2. Finley current (or at elast did, haven't heard much recently) traisn the women in WWE, and did work a match or two during the last European tour I beleive. Other Guys I have since come up with Ron Reese, Glaicier, Renegade, Tank Abbott, Bobby Duncam Jr., Van Hammer.
  3. spman

    Met Carlito today

    I can totally understand a wrestler wanting to protect their gimmick, but if that's the case, why even have heels do appearences int he first place?
  4. spman

    Getting to NYC

    So I happened to luck into tickets for The Maury Show today, they tape in NYC. I've never been to the city beofre, despite it only being maybe a 2 hour drive tops from here in CT. To those who frequent NYC, what's the best way to get there? Car? Train? I hear the train is expensive now, but I also hear that parking and traffic in the city can be a pain. Any advice?
  5. spman

    Getting to NYC

    So I got my ticekts today for the show, and they tell me to be outside the studio at 9am. That sucks because it means I gotta start really early. There are local metro north stops, like within 10 minutes driving of my house, but they don't start operating untill around 7am, which would be too late. Instead now I have to find the main transfer point in Bridgeport, CT, and I have to get up at 5am to catch a train around 6 to make it to NYC by 8. Oh well, I guess it'll be an experience at least.
  6. spman

    Lord of War

    Nicholas Cage is the man, seriously, this movie rocked. It actually does give you a deep inside look at the inner workings of arms dealing, so it's intelligent and entertaining. The message at the end is somewhat leftist in it's ideology, but it's still a good solid film, another home run for Cage.
  7. spman

    Survivor Series 94?ish Question Why HBK in match

    Jerry Lawler was accused of raping a teenage girl shortly before the Survivor Series match, so WWE pulled him off Television. Eventually the girl recanted her story, and he returned at Wrestlemania X. Shawn Michaels was just coming back after a 2 months absence over contract disputes, and they simply had him come out on RAW and cut a promo with him running down Harts family. I'm not even sure if they gave a storyline reason for him replacing Lawler, I think they just kind of wrote The King out and hoped fans would forget about it.
  8. spman

    Talent and TV update

    If WWE hasn't speant so many years burying the two B-Shows and making the fans believe that the shows, and all the wrestlers that appear on them are second rate, then maybe they could have used them in more of a All American Wrestling / Wrestling Challange type role. Just have it every week have established guys fighting no-name jobbers to get over their signature moves and finishers. This has been debated before, but would it be possible to ween the fans back into more of a jobber match type format? Or is having weekly shows with matches that would have been built up for months on a PPV in 1992 a pandoras box which can't be shut after being open all these years? The Jobber Match format would do a world of good for building heat and legitimacy for guys like Masters, Carlito, Conway, Grenier, Simon Dean, etc. who have a hard time drawing it otherwise, and would be great for guys at the top like Cena, Batista, Triple H, JBL, and others becasue it would give the mid-card guys more legitimacy in the eyes of the fans, and thus make themselves look better when they wrestle and / or beat them.
  9. Yeah, Christian does his impression of the WM 6 promo about Warrior hijacking Hogans plane or something. That's the only one I've seen.
  10. Well, the feature isn't a total burial of the guy in the sense that he isn't given any creidt at all. Vince, Bruce Pritchard, and others admit that for a brief period of time, the man did have a certain charisma and an ability to connect with the fans that made him stand out. Even at the end of the disc, Jericho says that in his opinion, Warrior was underrated even as a worker, and that when the time was nescessary, Warrior could put on his working boots and keep up with Savage and Rude.
  11. spman

    What do you do when you get mad at a video game?

    I completely destroyed 2 N64 controllers playing WWF Attitude back in the day
  12. I picked this up at Wal-Mart today as well. It is a total burial, but it's not THAT bad. Yeah, everyone on the roster shits all over the guy, but they're mainly repeating the exact same stuff that Meltzer and Keller and everyone else have been saying about the guy for years. Yeah, the guys promos were unitelligible, the guys personal life was really strange, he had no love for the buisness, was a terrible worker, and was an unprofessional prick backstage, what else is new? It's a fairly entertaining retrospective on the guys career, but to call it a burial is mislabling what it is, WWE is just calling a spade a spade. All the great stuff is included, including rediculous promos, the Papa Shango feud, Warrior vs Triple H being shown in its entirety, WCWs attempt to rip him off with The Renegade, and his run in WCW. Old School fans will appreciate the history, but it doesn't really blow the lid off anything we didn't already know.
  13. spman

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    10. Gun Toting NASCAR Driving Jesus 11. The Masturbating Bear 12. Preperation H Raymond
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International...ke_a_Pirate_Day Arrrrr ye land lubbers, I'll have you all swabbin the poop deck before dawn!
  15. spman

    PPVs and your moneys worth

    Very rarely do I ever actually plan on buying a show, I'm lucky enough to have a friend who always orders at least the big 4 PPVs every year and invites everyone over to watch, beyond that, every so often if I happen to be home on a Sunday night, and I have nothing better to do, I'll ordr the show on my own dime, unless the card looks absolutly awful (GAB 2005). The only 2 shows I can honestly think of off the top of my head that I remember saying to myself "I absolutly must oder this show" were No Way Out 2004, just because all reports at the time were that Eddie was going to go over and win the belt, and I had to se that, and Backlash 2004, because I was sold on Orton vs Foley.
  16. spman

    WWE Shareholder Meeting Recap

    That cockiness is awfully similar to Eric Bischoff... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> and I feel it is fully warranted, TNA is not WCW, TNA isn't even ECW, TNA is a glorified indy promotion with guys who couldn't cut it in WWE working the main events.
  17. This is pretty interesting, I always thought that WWE had some kind of exclusive contract with MSG?
  18. spman

    Family Guy Switched

    Tonights episodes was terrible. I dunno, I just found very little funny in it. Ronald Reagan got a minor chuckle, but that was about it.
  19. spman

    My Name Is Earl

    I had no problem adding Earl to my TiVo, but for some reason it doesn't have the new Chris Rock show anyone on the listings for me to add.
  20. I'm suire if this sells well, we'll probobly see Rumble, Summerslam, and Survivor Seires too.
  21. I picked up Toy Story and MacGyver Season 3 yesterday
  22. Well, beggers can't be choosers I suppose, but it would have been nice if they had sprung for at least some extras.
  23. spman

    Randy Savage...

    With the current wave of Nostolgia coming over WWE and them bringing in guys like Hogan, Piper, Billy Graham, Snuka, etc. on a regular basis, and even giving attention to guys who a year ago you NEVER thought you'd see mentioned in WWE again like Bret Hart and Warrior, there is one guy who remains suspiciously absent from this. The one guy who you rarely hear mentioned, and never see is Randy Savage. To my knowledge, Savage may very well be the only fence left that Vince has yet to mend, discounting guys like Sammartino who want nothing to do with him, and guys like Kevin Wacholz whom Vince has legit heat with. Is there any real bad blood between Vince Mcmahon and Savage? I mean, I know we've all heard that story about him fucking Steph which is more then likely nonsense, but is there anything else that could explain the absence of Savage in the WWE's current view of their history? Even on the Greatest Stars of the 80's DVD which covers nearly every big name in the 80's, including guys like Orndorf and Orton whom calling stars might be a stretch, Savage is only briefly mentioned in the segment on Steamboat regarding their match at WM 3 which isn't even seen in it's entirety on the disc. I mean, I'm aware of the legit heat which may or may not exiust between Savage and Hogan, but they're not dummies. Money talks, and I'm sure if given the oppertunity, they'd put whatever issues they have with each other aside for another big pay day at WM.
  24. spman


    Since when has having ties to hollywood ever prevented any film makers from leaning to heavily to one direction? Ok, maybe not to the right, but I don't see anyone attempting to stifle the creative visions of nutjobs like Michale Moore and Oliver Stone.
  25. spman

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    The show is being pre-empted for a Telethon for Hurricane Katrina relief. Although Smackdown will suffer a sea of delays in it's biggest markets thanks to Baseball, Hockey, Basketball and College sports. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, the telethon thing is being announced, but WWE is m,aking no effort at all to announce the fact that in nearly every major market (NY, DC, CA, CT, Chicago, amongst others), it won't air on Friday at all, and will be on Saturday instead.