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Everything posted by spman

  1. I'll definitly figure out some way to ditribute this. Anyone got any suggestions?
  2. spman

    Bossman passes away

    http://www.wwe.com/news/headlines/1277702 WWE.com just put up a nice brief writeup
  3. spman

    Bossman passes away

    Man, this is just awful. I think now just about the entire WWF Roster from 1988 - 1991 is either dead or crippled. Atleast Bossman is in heaven now with all his friends like Big Shows Dad and Pepper the Dog. RIP Big Man, you were one of the great ones.
  4. Thanks for the advice guys, I'l definitly keep it in mind while I re-evaluate my current lifechoices.
  5. This seems as good a board as any to vent my frustration. So 19 Years I spend growing up, mostly isolated from those outside my family. I have a few friends, but for the most part the things that have given me comfort over the years all require being plugged into the wall. Now I am in college and the goald before me is to meet new people and establish relationships. Here is where the effect of isolating myself socially and spending most of my freetime in front of the TV comes into play. I don't know how to talk to people. I don't know how to initiate conversation, I don't know what to say, I don't know what not to say, and I don't know how to make small talk. This is quite the burden to my goal of trying to expand my horizens and overcome being completely anti-social. You can't meet people if you don't talk to them, and when you don't know how to talk to people, then you end up in a circle. Anyone have any advice?
  6. spman

    Wrestling Pictionary~!

    I'll do it
  7. spman

    1990 WWF Stone Cold?

    Steve Autin had more of a realistic everyday man type gimmick. It wouldn't have meshed well with him fighting people who were pretending to be Mounties or Bull Fighters.
  8. spman

    Simon Dean

    So this guy is basically just a carbon copy of the character Ben Stiller has played in countless movies. Still should be interesting. If you call the number 203-352-1587, you can hear a message from Simon Dean, and are given a chance to leave a message of your own. I simply said "Bring back Mantaur!". Anyways, this character could be interesting.
  9. spman

    My Free Ipod Shipped Today!

    Because as the old saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probobly is.
  10. spman

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    The number is 203-352-1587. It's a Connecticut number, and it currently doesn't do anything. You dial it and you just get a whole lotta nothing.
  11. THe best thing I could do is this Drivers License pic from over a year ago, I don't currently have anything more recent available, and the digital camera is at home. I basically look the same, but with more facial hair now. http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/fuzz.jpg
  12. I suppose my isolation is caused by the more deep rooted problem of having over protective parents who often would deny my the ability to venture off on my own and pursue relationships with people they didn't know or didn't approve of. I actually wnet on a pretty long tangent about this to people at work, and made some pretty accuratepoints about how living conditions, financial situations, and other facotrs have a lot of influence over the way parents treat their children, but I digress. Im not going to blame all of my social problems on my parents, because they're certainly aren't the only, or even most important facotr that led to my isolation, although they still don't do anything at all to help the situation. I suppose I could hae done more as a child, I could ahe played sports, I could tried to meet people, but for some reason I never got around to it. My feeling was always, if it's not broke don't fix it. Growing up, I was content living an anti-social, almost Beavis and Butthead-esque (Is that the first time that's even been used in a sentence?) existance, but as Im growing older, Im becoming increasingly less content with that lifestyle, and becoming more dependent on my reltionship with others to satisfy me emotionally. My life revolved around watching TV and playing video games, and any interference from the outside world simply served an an annoyance to distract me from watching TV and playing Nintendo. Now it seems that I no longer want my leisure activities to be the focal point by which my life revolves around. As you grow, the problems you face in your life inevtiably become more complex, and as such no matter how much you isolate yourself from others, you will inevitably need to seek out help from others to try and make sense of things. This is where I stand.
  13. I could be athletic if I chose to be, but I chose not to be. Im by no means any fat lazy ass nerd who spends his free time going to Star Trek Conventions, Im in margainally decent shape. Looks wise, Im no Tom Cruise by any stetch, but Im certainly not ugly either. I have a nice complextion, no bad acne scars. My skin is a little pale due to lack of sunlight, but on a Scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being Louie Anderson and 10 being like say, Ben Affleck, I'd say Im a solid 6.5.
  14. spman

    Eddie's DVD

    Do you live in the US?? I found the Benoit disks at Wal Mart almost a week early, but Eddie's set isn't due for more than 2 weeks. Yeah, I'm in the US, and I've seen it at atleast two or three different local Wal-Marts now, so it's definitly still out there.
  15. spman

    What match have you watched...

    I've probobly watched the very first Wargames match at Bash 87 and the Wrestlemania 10 ladder match enough times that I could recite them move for move.
  16. spman

    Eddie's DVD

    damn, I'll have to look back and compare with my original tape, but it appears they edited the part of Eddie vs RVD where the crazy fan runs into the ring and pushes over the ladder.
  17. spman

    Eddie's DVD

    I managed to pick up Eddies DVD today, almost a full month early (A new personal best!) at a Wal-Mart that just opened in the area. I just started watching it now, but I love the old school AWA stuff.
  18. spman


    I recently upgraded to Winamp 5.04 from whatever version I used to be using for god only knows what reason. Anyways, I hate it and it's crap, so which version of Winamp is the best to use? Or, better yet, what program other then Winamp would you suggest to play your MP3s. One major problem I've been having since I upgraded Winamp is that when I add a directory to my playlist, and I paly songs from there, it automatically plays the next MP3 in order after the last one finishes, and I can't figure out how to stop it from doing that. Anyone know?
  19. spman

    Andy Kaufman

    What do you guys think of Andy Kaufman? I feel that Kaufman was a truely brilliant preformance artist who even today, would still be twenty years ahead of it's time. I don't think Kaufman ever gets the fair shake he deserves for his contibution to popuar culture. I mean, twenty years later people are still debating whether or not his fight with Jerry Lawler was a work or a shoot. All of todays TV Reality shows probobly would not have existed without Kaufman pioneering the thought of reality as entertainment. Even his supposed death, as sad and premature as it was, was a truely ironic end to a very strange life. How many other people can say that even after they die people are still willing to argue that they stil might be alive? Despite the fact that his work was largely misunderstood at the time, I think Andy Kaufman died a hapy man, he had accomplished all his set out to do as an entertainer, and did not have to live to see his own spiral into destruction taht so many of the other greats go through.
  20. spman

    WWF Laserdiscs

    On a similar note, all of WWF's Coliseum Video releases up to Wrestlemania 5 were also released on Betamax. If you watch old NWA tapes from the late 80's you'll see ads that proclaim betamax version of the advertised events are available, but I've never actually seen any NWA Betas, which leads me to believe they either don't exist or are phenomanally rare.
  21. Anyone remember around 1994 when Nikolai Volkoff made his WWF return, and his gimmick was that he was supposedly now dirt poor. He speant the last of his money on ticekts to RAW at the Manhatten Center, and Ted Debiase berated him for being poor, and made him his servent. Instead of Debiase's tights with dollar signs on then, Volkoff's tights had cent signs on them. When they were seen backstage, Volkoff kept trying to eat, but Debaise just kept yelling at him. They even had some continuity in 1997 when VOlkoff made a cameo on Shotgun saturday night living on the streets of New York in a cardboard box, eating out of a garbage can. Anyone else remember this?
  22. spman

    ALF Season One

    Am I the only one on earth willing to admit they boiught this? ALF was a great sitcom, way ahead of it's time. Unlike the other schmaltz on TV at the time like The Cosby Show or Full House, ALF had attitude. Sure, the show may seem really geeky by todays standards, but watching it now, it still stands the test of time, and still holds up today unlike the shows I mentioned previously which are of little value to audiences today. A quick rundonw of this set, it's 4 discs and contains all twenty five episodes of the first season. Unlike the later seasons of ALF, which had quite a few really bizarre episodes, this first season doesn't stray too far from the normal sitcom formula, and it works out well. Like I said earlier, while it might not seem too crass by todays standards, ALF really stood out amongst the other family oriented sitcoms of the time because it wasn't about teaching values or morals, it was about attitude. The episodes have been remasterd and are presented in 4:3 Full Screen with 2.0 Dolby Digital which both looks and sounds outstanding. I'm glad Lions Gate seemed to take their time with this set, because many companies lately seem to just do a direct film to DVD transfer without care for how it looks, and just want to make a quick buck. Special Features include the Original Unaired Pilot, which really isn't a whole lot different then the one that ended up being broadcast, a 10 minute gag reel featuring outakes from the show, and a short "ALF Trivia" section which just contains a brief synopsis of the series. The menus are wll d0one and feature interactive segments hosted by ALF, which are pretty funny. A commentary track or two featuring the creator of ALF or better yet the original cast would have been interesting, especially considering just about all the original actors fell off the face of the planet after the series ended, but the stuff they did include was a nice touch. Overall I must say I am happy with this set. Fans of the show will probobly be dissapointed with the thin selection of extras, buremasterd picture and sound certainly make up for it. Hopefully Season 2 will have more behind the scenes stuff na dmaybe a commentary or two, but I hear that Paul Fusco, the creator of ALF is really adament about keeping the illusion alive that ALF is real, and not a puppet, so it's doubtful that we'd ever learn too much of the dirt behind the series Overall 8/10
  23. spman

    ALF Season One

    Boy Meets World falls under the Full House / Cosby Show category of "It really wasn't funny then, and you can't help but roll your eyes at how bad it is now" ALF on the other hand is still a genuinely amusing show, even by todays standards.
  24. spman

    Mr. Bob Backlund

    I was just remembering what I think I had heard on the local news here in Connecticut at the time when he was running. Im farily certain that there was some controvery in his campaign, but I can't quite remember what.
  25. spman

    Real Life Heat

    I think The Rock is really just an appearence or two away from being in the wrong crowd who just shits all over him Brock vs Goldberg style.