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Everything posted by spman

  1. I'm sorry, but no one can ever possibly be worse then Carter.
  2. Any longtime WWF fans probobly remember this guy, he always wore a tank top and big glasses, and he always managed to sit in the front row of semingly every WWF show, particularly in the New York area. I think his name was Vladimir, and even if you don't remember him, you can easily pop in any tape from the late 80's to the mid 90's and spot him in the crowd. I think WWF Magazine even did an article on him maybe eight or nine years back. Anyone else remember this guy? Who was he? How did he always manage to sit in the front row?
  3. Didn't Mark Henry win one of those Worlds Strongest Man competitions on ESPN shortly before his return from his last injury?
  4. spman

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal: Agree 100%. It's time fo move on to "As punishment, I'm going to tie you up and force you to watch Kane fight Test in an Ultimate Submission Iron Man match"
  5. spman

    Make a statement

    Rebutal: Totally false. The Rock is easily one of the most charismatic and entertaining workers ever. He always pops a high rating, and his sporadic appearences on RAW are always the highlight of every show. Counter rebuttal: Wrong. No matter how popular the Rock is, he is retired and constantly relying on him for the cheap pop makes it that much harder to put over future stars. They shouldn't have to use the Rock, Hogan, Foley or whoever to put people over today. Counter to your counter: The pop the Rock gets is far from Cheap. The crowd genuinely loves him, and all the heat he draws is from his outstanding work on the mic. Even though they never capitalized on it, The Rock single handedly took The Hurricane from being a bottom of the card comedy gimmick to a potential main event player. A majority of Eugene's popularity can also be attibuted to that one segment with The Rock as well. I'll agree with Foley and others being used for cheap pops, but The Rock is no where's near that territory.
  6. spman

    Make a statement

    Rebutal: Totally false. The Rock is easily one of the most charismatic and entertaining workers ever. He always pops a high rating, and his sporadic appearences on RAW are always the highlight of every show.
  7. spman

    Make a statement

    Warrior in 1990 was probobly worse. Despite the fact that live crowds popped for him, he wasn't a draw. Combine that with the fact that as champion, he could no longer simply squash all his opponents in under a minute and it basically killed buisness. It's not like the undercard was doing to horrible at the time either, I mean the Hart Foundation and The Rockers were doing great stuff int he tag division, and Ted Debiase 's on again off again feud with Jake the Snake led to good matches. So I think you can place the blame solely on Warrior.
  8. spman

    Make a statement

    False. Shelton Benjamin is the next Chris Benoit. STATEMENT: No World Title run in WWF/E history was more damaging to the company than Diesel's in 1995. I'm no Nash supporter by any means, but I think the downfall in buisness when he was champ was caused by an oversaturation of 80's style gimmicks, pushing the wrong workers (Sid, Mable), and Undertakers never ending feud with the Million Dollal Corporation, rather then because of Nash holding the belt. It wouldn't have matterd if Nash, Bret, Shawn, Undertaker, or The Goon was world champion during that period buisness still would ahve been down.
  9. spman

    Make a statement

    Statement: If Vince were to drop dead tomorrow, Pro Wrestling would go the way of the Roller Derby in less then 5 years.
  10. spman

    Make a statement

    Statement: Mark Henry will return before the end of the year, and quickly reinjure himself, leaving him on the shelf untill his contract expires in 2006.
  11. spman

    Mr. Bob Backlund

    Bob Backlund ended up being a mid-card entitiy after his feud with Bret ended at Wrestlemania 11. That summer, they tried and revive him with the "I'm running for President on a hardcore facist platform" gimmick which drew heat, but not money. He dissapeared by the end of 1995 only to return again in '97 as a manager for The Sultan along with The Iron Shiek. That didn't last long, and he was gone not too long after that. He made 2 more appearences, in 1999 as a trainer for Mick Foley foor a few vigenettes on Heat, and in 2000, getting a loud pop as a surprise entrant in the ROyal Rumble, and then later as an advisor or Kurt Angle. In 2000 Backlund ran an unsuccessful political campaign in Connecticut and was forced to drop out after I think he was discovered squandering donations or something. Now a datys he doesn't do much of anything other then the occaisional appearence at Independently Booked autograph signings.
  12. spman

    Make a statement

    Val Venis is stuck in a perpetual limbo where it's still 1998.
  13. spman

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal: False, unless he does a 360 degree turn and totally renovates his look, style, and gimmick, he's going to continue to get X-Pac heat to the point where it will affect his push.
  14. spman

    Make a statement

    Rebuttal: False, when it all boils down to it, the women are still really lousy workers, it's only a mtter of time before that Trish Stratus vs Jacky Gayda match from RAW a few years back becomes the norm for the women.
  15. spman

    Make a statement

    Rebutal- True, only if it's billed as his final WWE retirement match and not the main event of the show. Statement- WWE needs to get rid of all the stagnenet remains of the 2000 / 2001 era like Edge, Albert, Scotty Too Hotty, Test, etc.
  16. spman

    1992 WWF JR?

    I remember in 1993, WWF released like four differnet Coliseum Video tapes in a row that all had unique Bret Hart / Shawn Michaels vs Kamala matches on them that are all brutally bad. I don't think 1996 Shawn or 1995 Bret could have carried Kamala to anything watchable.
  17. spman

    Undertaker vs JBL 2

    "The way it stands right now, Undertaker and JBL will face off on the October Smackdown PPV in a gimmick match of some kind. So, if you enjoyed their SummerSlam bout, you have another one to look forward to." Credit: PWI So what do you think it'll be? I think perhaps we'll finally see the Rest In Peace, Casket, Buried Alive, Boiler Room, Inferno in a Cell match we've all been clamoring for after all these years, with Chuck Norris as the special enforcer and Orlando Jordan locked in a cage high above the ring.
  18. spman

    Video game shopping

    I've dealt with Videogamedepot and NCSX before with outstanding results, so I would definitly reccomend them. On the other hand, I've heard nothing but horro stories about Lik-Sang.
  19. spman

    WWE News & Notes from the 8/23 Observer

    I think 200,000 is probobly about the absolute bottom that WWE can hit which includes the hardcore fans who will watch the TV and order every PPV no matter how awful it is.
  20. spman

    The Nightclub Shotgun Episodes

    Here in conencticut, we didn't get Shotgun untill a few months into it's run. It aired on our local UPN affiliate on Saturdays and midnight. It would always be sandwhiched in between an episode of Highlander, and a Don Wet Shop at Home Show. Man, that was some quality TV.
  21. spman

    I think everyone is in agreement....

    Smackdown needs an overhaul, but not as bad as RAW. RAW for the most part has been using the same set and format since 1997. It's time for some new graphics, maybe a new set, and some new theme music.
  22. spman

    New/Reissued DVD's

    Yeah, Owen vs Davey is likely on tape somewhere in WWEs archives. Everything including Dark Matches and stuff that happens after the show is finished gets filmed during WWE TV and PPV shows, as is evidence fromt he Benoit DVD containing footage of his Dark Match against Sparky Plugg.
  23. spman

    New/Reissued DVD's

    The UK Exclusivity of these discs boil down to the simple fact that Slivervision owns the rights to the original VHS tapes in the UK and are doing a quick and cheap direct VHS to DVD transfr to make a quick buck. WWE Home VIdeo in America just doesn't want to be botherd and watns to hold this sutff for the inevitable 24/7 channel.
  24. spman

    New/Reissued DVD's

    IYH 1 is a decent show for the time period. Bret vs Lawler and Bret vs Hakushi are ok. IYH 2 is high on my list of shows I want to get my hands on. The US VHS of it is the rarest Coliseum Video release out there. It was only available for a short time in an ad in the back of WWF magazine in 1995, and regularly bring in $100+ on eBay.
  25. spman

    Sports that should be part of the Olympics

    Roller Derby Competitive Eating The Joust Atlasphere The Wall Powerball and Human Cannonball