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Everything posted by spman

  1. Ok, so last Wendesday, I orderd the Best of Japan 2003 set from Goldenboytapes.com. I paid with my Visa expecting prompt delivery. I did get confirmation the next day that the item had been shipped, but here it is a week later, and I still don't have my item. I sent them an e-mail yesterday afternoon, and they have yet to reply as of this morning. I know the shipping was only 4.50 which is really low for 6 VHS tapes, so it's likely he probobly sent it USPS in "We don't give a damn, you might recieve your item in a month" class, but an entire week is just crazy. Anyone else have past experience dealing with them?
  2. spman

    If you died today, what song....

    I always envisioned everyone at my Funeral swaying back and fourth singing Spirit in the Sky for some reason. Actually, I'd want more of a creepy Andy Kaufman funeral where a video of me singing plays on a screen above my casket and everyone has to sing along.
  3. I wasn't getting angry, nor was I getting excited, so no need to mellow out. No where on there site does it say they are based in Canada, which is prety important information if you ask me, considering the shipping time will be longer then if was shipped domestically. That's also no reason for them not to reply to my e-mail.
  4. spman

    Have the rumors about Sylvain Grenier

    Um, unless things have changed, Patterson was (is?) romantically linked to Steve Lombardi, atleast that was always the rumor.
  5. I really doubt the video quality ont hese are all that spectacular. I'd rather just wait for the day that WWE re-releases them all, or just locate the VHS tapes at a local video store, or even purchase them on eBay.
  6. I'm more interested in seeing how Shrek holds up against the onslaught of The Day After Tomorrow and Harry Potter. Van Helsing and next week, Troy, are both going to have really strong first weekends, b ut then quickly get lost in the shuffle of all the other big hits coming out in the next 2-3 weeks and will ultimatly end up being considerd Box Office Failures.
  7. spman

    Vengance in July

    Ugh, we only get PPVs here in Connecticut one every five years or so, and if I have to go to a show with Bradshaw in the main event, I'll throw trash in the ring. I hope it's a RAW show.
  8. spman

    WWE Gimmick News

    Repackage Rosie as Mantaur
  9. I always liked Strike Force's Legdrop off the top rope while the opponent is in the Boston Crab move
  10. I'm pretty sure the reason The Headshrinkers dropped the belts to Micahels and Diesel on such short notcie was because Samu's contract was up soon or he was getting fired or something to that degree, and they didn't think Bigelow and IRS were over enough to hold the belts. Shortly after Summerslam, The Headshrinked returned with The Barbarian replacing Samu.
  11. spman

    What does 'DDT' stand for?

    And you call yourselves Wrestling fans, for shame! Everyone knows that DDT stood for Damiens Dinner Time.
  12. I'm not sure if any of them were ever taped, but I'd be sort of interested in seeing one of the Bret Hart vs Nailz matches from the House Shows in October 1992.
  13. spman

    Disney blocks "Fahrenheit 9/11"

    This is perfectly fine by me. The last thing this world needs is more misguided liberal sheep who buy into Moore's lies and deception.
  14. spman

    "We Built This City" voted Worst Song Ever

    Personally, I think one of the all time worst songs in terms of the lyrics not making any sense and just being all around horrible is Macarthurs Park by Richard Harris. Macarthurs Park is melting in the dark All the sweet green icing flowing down Someone left the cake out in the rain I don't think that I can take it Cause it took so long to bake it and I'll never have that recipe again Oh Noooooooooooooo! wtf?
  15. spman

    Guilty Pleasure...

    I'm definitly a closeted Rick Astley fan. I'm also ashamed to admit taht I kep Milli Vanilli's All or Nothing album in regular rotation
  16. Here are some sound bites from Lesnar vs Goldberg http://www.angelfire.com/games2/nesfight/WWE1.wav - Lesnars Entrance http://www.angelfire.com/games2/nesfight/WWE2.wav - Goldbergs entrance http://www.angelfire.com/games2/nesfight/WWE2.wav - Right after the bell rings when the two are staning in the ring. Note that you can hear an abreviated You sold out chant and a faint version fo the Godbye song, but everything else is clearly distorted.
  17. Ok, im going to sleep now, so I won;t be around to answer questions. If I find the time tomorrow, I'll record sounds bites from the DVD of the Lesnar vs Goldberg match so you guys can hear for yourselves.
  18. Here's some menu shots for those that wanted them http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM5.JPG http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM6.JPG http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM7.JPG http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM8.JPG Again, copy and paste.
  19. THe trivia gmae is a nice addition, the corny thing is that depenmding on your answer, you get a really corney response from a WWE superstar either commending you on your right answer, or making fun of you for getting it wrong.
  20. Also edited was Ultimo Draogns near Shockmaster-esque incident.
  21. Yep, those have been edited as best they can. They've either been cut or alterd so you can barely make out what the crowd is saying. You can hear the Goodbye song faintly, and You Sold Out. Other then that eveyrhting was changed to either generic crowd banter or goooooldberg
  22. Ok, the crowd during Lesnar vs Goldberg has been completely toned down. Lesnar's entrance has been changed to mild boos. Goldberg's entrance has been changed to mild cheer's and goldberg chants. You can still hear the You Sold Out chant, but other then that, you mostly just hear moderate crowd noise through the match, rahter the complete non stop boos to both guys.
  23. I'm pretty sure they're stretching that out and putting it on a seperate DVD. There's no mention of it on this disc.
  24. http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM1.JPG http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM2.JPG http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM3.JPG http://www.geocities.com/mg1rg2/WM4.JPG Make sure you copy and paste these, they probobly won't work as hotlinks.