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Everything posted by eiker_ir

  1. eiker_ir

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    when the wallet actually said "Bad Motherfucker" on Pulp Fiction.
  2. eiker_ir

    Movie moments you marked out for.

    some of my favorite: - Karate Kid: when Daniel kicks Johnny and wins the match i really mark out eeeeeeverytime i watch it, i love the music building up to the kick and when he does connect it's so damn satisfying. Great Ending. - Rocky: in the first round when Apollo jabs Rocky alot and Rocky suddendly knocks him down with one uppercut. Mark our right there. - Shaun of the Dead: love the "Don't Stop me now" scene. - Army of Darkness: when Ash shoots the deaditie that comes out of the pit to the amazement of everyone and then does this kickass pose while putting the shotgun in his back. - Freddy vs. Jason: the whole movie, when the New Line logo appears with both guys themes it's just the begining.
  3. eiker_ir

    Misfits live...

    hey, it seems the Misfits are coming to play here in May and i'll definitely going but i was wondering, do they play any songs from the Danzig era? or do they play mostly the newer stuff?
  4. eiker_ir

    My new vice......

    i'm addicted to movie posters too, i have a few up right now (Freddy vs Jason, Army of Darkness, Zombi 2 and the newest is the kickass international poster of Batman Begins). I have some more in tubes waiting to be framed. I love them but i hate that when i get them i just can frame them one by one($$$) so it sucks seeing them all rolled up, but they look great when framed so i guess it's all good at the end.
  5. eiker_ir

    Misfits live...

    anybody knows if Doyle is playing again with Jerry or it's still just Jerry with Dez and the other guys?
  6. eiker_ir

    Top 5-10 favorite...

    Benoit vs. Angle is one of my favorites ever, some of the bumps they took were just too damn crazy, i mean the moonsault from the top
  7. eiker_ir

    Top 5 favorite...

    yeah i too liked Hardy-Taker. You know when Taker goes for the Last Ride but Jeff hits him with the chair on the way up, man that made mark out so much, then he hit Taker really hard with the chair again, and for that second i actually thought that Hardy could actually win the title.
  8. haha that was so funny because he said it like 20 times before he crashed into the ambulance. Wherever he saw the camera he went "I'm gonna cripple his Ass!...nWo style! haha!"
  9. eiker_ir

    Better as face or heel?

    1) Ric Flair: heel, the perfect cocky heel, that's why everybody loves him. 2) Shawn Michaels: i think he has better matches as a face, but his more entertaining as a heel(DX) 3) Bob Backlund: crazy heel is my favorite 4) Roddy Piper: whatever, he was the same as heel or face, and he was great at it. 5) Jake Roberts: heel, he's promos just worked that way. 6) Mick Foley: great at both, but after all this years i can only see Foley as a funny good guy. 7) Bret Hart: the eternal face, but his promos were awesome during the Anti-American era. 8) Lex Luger: meh, heel i guess. 9) The Rock: Hollywood heel Rock was incredibly entertaining. 10) Undertaker: i prefer Heel Taker, he was great as a heel during late 2001-early 2002 imo 11) Randy Savage: my favorite was heel from around WM 5, but face savage was cool too ooooooooohhhhhh yeaaaaaaah 12) Big Show/Giant: heel.
  10. eiker_ir

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    Steiner making his return at Survivor Series 2002: "pass me the fucking mic!!"
  11. eiker_ir

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    i've never seen this before, thanks
  12. eiker_ir

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    yeah the download suddendly stoped for me for Flair-Hart.
  13. eiker_ir

    Innovation of Moves

    is this the move were at the end he splashes the other guy with his back like if he did a Swanton?
  14. eiker_ir

    Top 5 favorite...

    Hey, that's my list! i know, pretty good list
  15. eiker_ir

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    oh yeah i remember at the HHH-Rock Ladder match from SS 98, they were face to face before the start of the match and the rock was saying something reaaaaally long but it involved alot of variations of 'fuck'. Plus he was overdoing his lips movements so one could clearly understand him.
  16. eiker_ir

    Top 5 favorite...

    - WM X: the first match that made me think HOLY SHIT. The rematch from SS 95 was pretty good too but this is the one that people will always remember - No Mercy 99, just crazy stuff seen for the first time in the WWF at the time. - WM 2000 was the same but with the Dudleys thrown in, first real TLC match. Great ending. - Royal Rumble 2001, i like this one cuz it reminds me of the HBK-Razor ones where it wasn't just spot after spot, it was a noce change from the TLC matches. - RAW, Eddie vs. RVD, this one is just damn good except for the botched finish.
  17. eiker_ir

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    JR said: "Lita is jerking Edge off!....the ladder" haha and the FUCK THE FCC sign at Raw was pretty funny too.
  18. eiker_ir

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    he said "Lita is jerking Edge off!....the ladder" haha and the FUCK THE FCC sign at Raw was pretty funny too.
  19. eiker_ir

    Your favorite Wrestlemania moment

    of the live ones i've seen: - when it happened i thought the Ladder match at WM 10 was the greastest thing EVER. I was so amazed with that at the time. - The ending of 20 with Eddie and Benoit celebrating. - WM 14 was great too, i don't know, the whole show felt great. - the crowd for Hogan vs. Rock was simple amazing. I also enjoyed seeing Jericho in the Main event. - I loved the HBK-Jericho match from WM 19, including when they hugged and the ouuuch.
  20. i agree that with a decent build-up he could be the number 1 face easily. The fans love him and they still put him in multiple-wrestlers main events(S Series, E Chamber, etc) because they know the fans like him. They just refuse to push him for some reason.
  21. eiker_ir

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    my favorite ever during a match is when Jericho screams "C'mon MOTHERFUCKER!" against Benoit at the Super J Cup. Since there wasn't any commentators or anything it sounded perfect and the crowd was like OOOOOOOOHHHHHHh.
  22. eiker_ir

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    watch No Mercy 2001 during the main event, Austin goes for the stunner but Kurt grabs his foot and Austin goes "SHIT!" and then aplies the ankle-lock. He's all gaining momentun but suddendly stops and delivers the word, pretty funny.
  23. eiker_ir

    Signature Movies

    i would say Superman ...I know ...good
  24. eiker_ir

    Signature Movies

    i would say Superman
  25. eiker_ir

    Worst feud going into a match?

    i would get pretty pissed off at someone if they spill coffee all over me, i mean it's hoooot