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Everything posted by eiker_ir

  1. eiker_ir

    If you were a wrestler...

    Prefer to be given only finish and call everything else in the ring ? Lay the entire match out beforehand ? lay the story and prepare the big spots and the finish beforehand, but never move for move Like to have your promo's scripted ? Or just be given a couple of bullet points, and wing the rest ? the second Blade often ? Only on occasion ? Would you rather never blade at all ? only in important matches and if it's really neccesary What style would you like to wrestle ? Why would you prefer to employ that particular style over others ? i think i'd wrestle like Jericho probably, i like that he varies alot and doesn't use the same style/moves every match like HHH or some of the guys that just work the "WWE-Style" Refuse to take certain moves ? Only take them when working with certain wrestlers ? i'll take everything except really dangerous stuff(dragon/tiger suplexes for example) just from some guys. I'd never do extreme hardcore stuff, it's stupid Are there any match types you'd like to wrestle in a lot ? Some match types you'd rather never have to work in ? nothing in particular here but my favorites gimmick matches are Rumbles and Ladder matches What style of normal match would you like to do the most ? Would you prefer to sell or to dominate ? Would you like to do long matches ? i don't like short matches, at least 15min to have a good match. Sell/Dominate whatever Would you like to have a manager or valet to work spots with, or would you rather just do it all yourself ? myself alone Are there some types of angles that you would refuse to do ? Some types of angles that you'd love to do ? i'd refuse any really stupid stuff like necrophilia or pregnancy stuff. Anything else is cool, comedy or serious What promotion would you like to work for the most ? What promotion would you hate to work for ? i'd like to work for the WWE. Any wrestlers today that you'd like to work against ? Any you would avoid working against at all costs ? i'd love to wrestle guys like Jericho, Benoit, Eddie. I wouldn't liek to wrestle big untalented guys (ex: Mark HEnry) What wrestlers from the past would you like to work against ? What wrestlers from the past would you not want to work against ? i'd like to wrestle some of my favorites, specially Bret and Owen Hart, MAcho MAn too in his better times. I wouldn't like to work with big untalented "wrestlers" like El Gigante, Mabel, etc.
  2. eiker_ir

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    Zoolander had a few good ones, with Fabio and Bowie James Woods cameo(if you want to count it) in Scary Movie 2 was the only good thing about that movie
  3. eiker_ir

    What the hell consitiutes a "cameo"

    David Hasselhoff was hilarious in Dodgeball in his 15 seconds on screen, Chuck Norris was pretty good too, "fucking Chuck Norris!" Martin Sheen's cameo in Hot Shots! 2 is funny as hell too i also liked the T-1000 passing by in The Last Action Hero and Hogan in "Spy Hard" just taggin' into the fight.
  4. eiker_ir

    Batman Begins teaser 2

    niceeeee...some shots kinda remind me of Cruise in The Last Samurai, and i really like the bit where he's painting his suit, looks pretty cool.
  5. eiker_ir

    everybody loves raymond

    my dad likes the show so i've watched it a few times. There have been some good moments but i don't really like it that much. Not sure why.
  6. eiker_ir

    NYRevolution, Royal Rumble posters inside

    oh man it's great, they should make every poster a movie themed one, can you imagine HHH as Danny Zucko for WM?
  7. eiker_ir

    Most impressive wrestling debut.

    ^^ yeah right before "BREAK DAH WALLS DOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNN!" that's when his name appeared on the screen. another one and i don't know if it counts but whatever, Mr. Perfect re-appearing in the WWF at the 2002's Rumble. the best part was that he made it to the final four and did the gum-spitting thing hehe.
  8. eiker_ir

    Most impressive wrestling debut.

    man, i still get shivers down my spine when the bg JERICHO appears on the titantron and the crowd goes crazy. Great moment.
  9. eiker_ir

    Batman Begins Poster

    yeah the letters in white look alot better. great poster too
  10. eiker_ir

    What do you collect?

    cool movie related stuff that i display all ovr my HT and DVDs. Stuff like action figures, posters, cups, plaques, etc.
  11. eiker_ir

    Fav style of ring introductions.

    yep, awesome. also loved when he said "...Bret......THE HIIIIIIIIIITMAN......HArt!" Fink's intros are my favorite ever
  12. eiker_ir

    Batman Begins Poster

    oh man i love it, i'll own that too for sure. i agree i think it would've looked better with just "June 17" at the bottom, the logo isn't so bad but the red letters sucks still awesome picture
  13. eiker_ir

    Best of The Best

    Aliens, then Terminator movies
  14. eiker_ir

    What the most dangerous finisher?

    ^^ Noble did the same DDT to Kidman at Survivor Series 2002,ouch, right on the head.
  15. eiker_ir

    How many of you

  16. eiker_ir

    Cool Commercial

    that's awesome, tell me a transformers movie like that wouldn't rock?
  17. eiker_ir

    The OAO Nightmare on Elm Street thread

    i love the scene where Freddy bursts out of Jesse's body, amazing fx and Downhome i love Fvs.J too, both the opening and the last 30 minutes of fighting kick too much ass.
  18. eiker_ir

    Question about the WM 2000 bonus disc

    mmm since he said it in the WM3 segment maybe he was saying he had stage fright etc. at WM3, wasn't that the first one where he said "WEEEEEEEELCOME...to WRESTLEMAAAAAANIA"
  19. eiker_ir

    DAMAN~! is 'Santa, son of Satan'

    this movie looks awesome and i really men it.
  20. eiker_ir

    Most Quotable Movies?

    i use the "uncomfortable silences" line from Pulp Fiction alot, "why the fuck do we have to talk to be comfortable?"
  21. eiker_ir

    Strong Bad E-mail DVD~!

    oh man that's awesome, never thought i'd see it. definitly getting it
  22. eiker_ir

    Best/Worst Looking Champions

    i always thought that Bret looked like a great champ with the classic WWF Championship
  23. eiker_ir

    Best casino you've been to

    The Hilton Casino in Margarita here in Venezuela probably
  24. eiker_ir

    Favorite submission finisher/hold

    another one i liked was when Storm would do the Half Crab but when he throwed the opponent to the ropes and slide between their legs and catch the leg, looked great.
  25. how can people still fall for this stuff?