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Everything posted by Taker666

  1. Taker666

    Orton vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania?

    Which shouldn't happen anyways. When the time comes for Taker to retire, he should keep his WM streak.
  2. Taker666

    Orton vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania?

    I'am a big Undertaker fan, and Orton has pretty much bored the shit out of me sence 2002. you pretty much know where I stand. If this match happens, Taker needs to win. I'll never forgive the WWE if Orton is the one to end Taker's WM streak. RANDY ORTON. I mean come on!
  3. Taker666

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    Hmm, well to me, its doesn't matter if SD! is live or not. the only thing that matters is if they put on a good show or not. and SD! has been putting on alot of good shows these past couple of week. better than Raw. Judging the show just by reading the spoilers isn't really fair, because alot of times the show comes off much better on TV than on a message board. Spoilers don't really ruin the show for me, because its not as good as actually watching it. I rather watch a Mysterio/Eddie match than read about it.
  4. Taker666

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Feb 11-13. 2005

    Does Sone of the Mask have ANYTHING to do with the original. or is it a competly different movie that happens to have the same mask? That movie looks like utter garbage.
  5. Taker666

    TNA Against All Odds Poll

    I'am saving my money for WrestleMania instead.
  6. Taker666

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    Classic JBL moment
  7. Taker666

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    I will always prefer SmackDown as the better brand, no matter what Vince or JR says. SD! right now, has the more entertaining wrestlers and puts on the better matches than Raw IMO. For example when they were in Japan. SD! had better matches thn Raw. besides, JBL as been a MUCH better Champion than Triple H has ever been. its been what, 8 month? sence JBL won the title, and I'am STILL not sick of him. So JBL is definlly doing something right, I wouldn't mind if he held it past Wrestlemania. hes that entertaining. and its been 2 month sence Triple H won the title back and I'am already sick of him. The Triple H/Randy Orton feud has really put me off as seeing Raw as the better brand. nonthing on SD! has bored me as much as the Trips/RKO feud. As for the World Title/WWE title situation. I don't view one World title over the other. I just see the titles as the top belt of their respective brands equally. When I watch Raw, The World title is their top belt. When I watch SmacKDown, the WWE title is their top belt. thats how I see it. I only judge depending on who the Champions are. But still theirs no dening the fact that the WWE title is more pregitus(spell check) than the World title. Smackdown! or not, the WWE title has the better history than the World title. Also, the WWE title contenders is just as good as Raw's, you got.. JBL,Cena,Angle,Big Show,Guerrero,Taker,Booker,RVD(when he returns)
  8. Taker666

    Article on JBL

    DAMN! I pushed enter by mistake, anyways, heres an article on JBL's wedding... Credit NYtimes.com meredith Ann Whitney, a stock analyst, and John Charles Layfield, a professional wrestler, were married last evening at the Wyndham Casa Marina in Key West, Fla. The Rev. Lavelle Layfield, a minister of the Church of Christ and the father of the bridegroom, officiated. The bride, 35, will continue to use her name professionally. She is an executive director of CIBC World Markets, part of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada, and works in New York, where she analyzes the stocks of financial institutions. She appears regularly on "Cavuto on Business," a Fox News program. She graduated with honors from Brown. She is a daughter of Barbara Gentry of Key West and Richard P. Whitney of Annapolis, Md., and a stepdaughter of Chisholm Gentry. The bride's mother retired as an executive recruiter in Washington. Her stepfather, also retired, was a freelance writer. The bridegroom, 38, is the World Wrestling Entertainment champion, competing under the stage name John Bradshaw Layfield. He is also known as JBL, a character patterned after the wealthy oilman J. R. Ewing on the television show "Dallas." He is also the host of "The John Bradshaw Layfield Show," a syndicated radio show that covers current events. The bridegroom's previous marriage ended in divorce. The bridegroom's father and mother, Mary Layfield, live in Athens, Tex. His father, who retired as the chief executive of the National Bank of Athens, is the pastor of the Church of Christ in Malakoff, Tex. The bride and bridegroom met in 2003 when they were panelists on "Bulls & Bears," a Fox News program, and were seated next to each other at dinner afterward. Mr. Layfield had just published "Have More Money Now: A Common Sense Approach to Financial Management" (Simon & Schuster). "At that point, I was an extremely independent woman who had supported myself for a very long time," Ms. Whitney said. "I traveled a lot, but it's so hard to meet people." Just days before she had been in a Manhattan taxi, chatting with the driver about relationships. "He said to me, 'If you really want to meet the right person, you've got to identify all the characteristics you want in a man,' " she recalled. Ms. Whitney took the cabby's tip and immediately drafted a list of qualities her ideal mate would possess: strong character, kindness, intellectual curiosity, family orientation, friendliness, generosity, good looks and enthusiasm for travel, food and music. "When I met John, I checked off every item," she recalled. Mr. Layfield's reaction was just as strong. "Everything about her was perfect," he said. A week after their initial meeting, the couple went out. They enjoyed talking so much they lingered over dinner for hours. "After that I called her about 25 times a day," Mr. Layfield said. "Meredith came along at a time in my life when I really needed somebody badly," he added. "She took a country boy like me and kind of refined me. I know what fork to use now at the dinner table, and I drink my beer from a glass." That refinement process, Mr. Layfield recalled, was set in motion on their first date, when he asked Ms. Whitney if it would be acceptable to wear jeans and a sleeveless shirt to the restaurant. " 'You're joking, right?' " he said she asked. "Thank goodness I found a shirt with a collar and sleeves."
  9. Taker666

    More info on the ECW ppv

    This will answer your question. Taken from WWE.com No Way Out Sunday, February 20, 2005 | Pittsburgh, PA SmackDown! PPV WrestleMania 21 Sunday, April 3, 2005 | Los Angeles, CA RAW & SmackDown! PPV Backlash Sunday, May 1, 2005 | Manchester, NH RAW PPV Judgment Day Sunday, May 22, 2005 | Minneapolis, MN SmackDown! PPV TBD Sunday, June 12, 2005 | New York, NY TBD(ECW PPV) Vengeance Sunday, June 26, 2005 | Las Vegas, NV RAW PPV The Great American Bash Sunday, July 24, 2005 | Buffalo, NY SmackDown! PPV Summerslam Sunday, August 21, 2005 | Washington DC RAW & SmackDown! PPV Unforgiven Sunday, September 18, 2005 | TBD RAW PPV No Mercy Sunday, October 9, 2005 | TBD SmackDown! PPV Taboo Tuesday Tuesday, November 1, 2005 | San Diego, CA RAW PPV Survivor Series Sunday, November 27, 2005 | Detroit, MI RAW & SmackDown! PPV Armageddon Sunday, December 18, 2005 | TBD SmackDown! PPV New Year's Revolution Sunday, January 8, 2006 | TBD RAW PPV Royal Rumble Sunday, January 29, 2006 | Miami, FL RAW & SmackDown! PPV
  10. All I'am gonna say is, this Triple H/Batista/SmackDown storyline is proabally the best storyline the WWE came up with in a long time,I loving this and it definlly has me hooked. I love Brand Vs Brand Storylines. we all know that its gonne be Batista/Triple H for the World Title and Cena/JBL for the WWE title. but I can't wait till the big blow-off when Batista decides to stay on Raw and challenges Triple H for the title! the crowd is gonna pop huge for that. or maybe there might be a twist in the storyline somewhere. well, whatever happens. I'am loving this storyline.
  11. Taker666

    Brock Lesnar Files Suit Against WWE

    If his dream was to play in the NFL, than why the hell did he join the WWE in the first place if his true passion is with football? Brock Lesnar is a moron. nuff said.
  12. Taker666

    Paul London action figure

    At first glance, I thought the guy next to Heidenreich was a horrible horrible transition of The Undertaker only because the face looks alot like him. but I guess it is Heyman. I never thought I'd EVER mistake Undertaker for Heyman in anyway, god these dolls sucks!
  13. VELOCITY 1. Paul London beat Akio (13:32) with a 450 Splash. 2. Hardcore Holly beat Rene Dupree (4:15) with the Alabama Slam. 3. Charlie Hass beat Spike Dudley (5:01) with a modified powerslam. SMACKDOWN 1. Eddie Guerrero beat Kenzo Suzuki (4:17) with a Frog Splash. 2. Luther Reigns & Danny Basham vs. Mark Jindrak & Doug Basham went to a no contest (9:34) when The Undertaker interfered. 3. Funaki beat Chavo Guerrero (7:55) with a jumping swinging DDT. 4. John Cena beat Orlando Jordan (5:01) with the FU. 5. Kimono Match: Torrie Wilson beat Hiroko (1:43) by removing Hiroko's Kimono. 6. Kurt Angle beat Rey Mysterio Jr. (17:13) with an Ankle Lock. 7. The Undertaker beat Heidenreich (17:04) via pinfall.
  14. Taker666

    Amazon selling exclusive "Best of the WWE 2003"

    For me, The Royal Rumble,WrestleMania,Vengeance, and Survivor Series were the best PPVs of 2003. and I thought Survivor Series was the best PPV overall in 2003 IMO.
  15. Taker666

    Smackdown's possible cancellation

    "sigh", its already been reported that SD! is not getting cancelled. besides, theres already a thread about it. SmackDown is not going anywhere.
  16. Taker666

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    I know this is an old topic but I thought this was interesting. Looks like the WWE is doing a histories for ALL of their title, The history of the European Championship and Light Heavyweight Championship are now up. and the next and final one will be the Hardcore Championship.
  17. Taker666

    Smackdown/Velocity Match Listings

    kenzo/Cena looks alright, but the other SD! matches sounds awesome. looks good to me.
  18. Taker666

    Smackdown NOT to be Cancelled

    *cough*Veronica Mars*cough* *cough*I don't watch that teeny bobber shit*cough*
  19. Taker666

    Smackdown NOT to be Cancelled

    Considering Smackdown! is the only good show on UPN. that network is screwing themselves if they do cancel the show. espeically sence its their top rated show(or one of)
  20. Well, I watch Raw and SmackDown! everyweek sence 2001.(with SD! being the better show lately). but I really don't care to watch Heat or Velocity though. nonthing but boring matches and recaps to shows I've already seen. Blah! As for PPVs. well, I buy them on DVD. I have no way in watching it live.
  21. Taker666

    SmackDown! ratings

    "Theres good news for Smackdown this week anyway.The 1/20 edition of Smackdown did a 3.8 broadcast rating, with a 5.7 share. That is the second week in a row that the show has done a 3.8 and will have the creative team doing cartwheels up at Titan Towers. My take on this is that WWE is benefiting from no Survivor on CBS and the anything-but-Friends-like Joey at 8 p.m. on NBC, along with the losing-luster Apprentice. Also, this week CSI aired a repeat, which had to help as well." Kurt/JBL/Amy Vs Big Show/Joy = ratings?
  22. Taker666

    SmackDown! ratings

    eh, I enjoyed the show. sue me.
  23. "New Year's Revoltion looks to have sold 270,000. This is quite high compared to the two other new PPVs WWE added this year and is nearly 100,000 higher than Taboo Tuesday. The PPV also sold more than this Judgment Day, Great American Bash, Vengeance, Unforgiven, No Mercy, and Armageddon. This is the most successful single brand PPV event since Bad Blood '04, and the fourth best selling WWE PPV of fiscal 2005."
  24. Taker666

    New Year's Revolution Buyrate...

    The only thing I didn't like about NYR was Triple H winning the title and Benjamin/Maven not happening.(yeah, the match proabaly would of sucked, but it was hyped to be a match on the card so it should of happened). everything else I pretty much enjoyed. EDIT: oh yeah, and Jerry/Arab sucked to.