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Everything posted by Taker666

  1. Taker666

    Official Royal Rumble 05 Entrance List

    I think its safe to say that Batista is going to be in the Rumble. On Raw, it was mentioned that Batista is gonna be in a RR Qualify match next week. no matter who hes wrestling. you know hes gonna win. so yeah, Batista is in the RUmble aswell.
  2. Taker666

    RAW rating

    Because Raw has been really good latly?
  3. VELOCITY Hardcore Holly Vs unkown indy worker Kenzo Susuki Vs Charlie Haas SMACKDOWN! The Basham Brothers Vs Eddie Guerrero/Booker T Royal Rumble Qualifier Match Scotty 2 Hotty Vs Akio Royal Rumble Qualifier Match John Cena Vs Rene Dupree Royal Rumble Qualifier Match Rey Mysterio Vs Chavo Guerrero
  4. Taker666

    SmackDown! beats Raw

    "Fast numbers for Smackdown has the show doing a 3.7 rating. The overnight rating was a 4.1" Well it looks like the better brand won again. At least the numbers are finally showing that SD! has been the better show latly.
  5. Taker666

    Monday Night Television

    I shit on that comment. The Simpsons is still the best running show on TV right now. at least its better than pretty much all the new crap on TV nowandays.
  6. Theres definlly a big difference. Just like the way Homer Simpson's personality changed from the first season till now.
  7. Those episode always irriated me. mostly because I never really cared fore Marcy in the first place and it always bugged me whenever she would always get the best of Al in whatever plan hes up to. even when she had nothing to do with them. best examples would be the "Reverend Al" episode and the one where Al and Griff tried to blackmail their boss. And the worse storyline/charater out of the intire series: Seven! ugh!. I hated that stupid little shit.
  8. Taker666

    Your wrestler biases

    I biases towards.... The Undertaker: Hes THE superstar I look foward to watching on both WWE brands. I just love everything about the deadman personal, the ultra-cool entrance, the huge ovations,the kick-ass organ theme music, the supernatual speical effects he does sometimes. I'am just facinated with the whole Darkside gimick. NO ONE can pull it off as brilliantly as Callaway can. plus, hes fun to watch in the ring and is proabally better than some of the guys on both brands right now. Hell, I look foward to watching him more than Benoit and Jericho. Kane- been a fan of his sence his debut. even through the katie-vick and pregancy storylines, I stuck by him and continued to support him. also, 2nd best entrance next to The Undertaker. kenzo Susuki- sure hes not great in the ring- but man, when hes talking on the mic or doing a segment. I can't help but burst into laughter. JBL- One of the most entertaining charaters the WWE has came up with and one of the reasons why SD is entertaining. hes a good brawler and brilliant on the Mic, and I'am not afraid to admit it, I've enjoyed his title reign more than Benoits. John Cena- He just entertains me, the huge ovation, going into the crowd and greeting the fans, some of his one-liners. I just can't help but like him. hes great. theres more WWE wrestlers I enjoy. but I'll just leave it at that. I biases against.... Randy Orton- He just bores me. no charater, average wrestling skills, plain ring attire, theres just nonthing I liked about him. when he won the World title, I payed less attention to Raw. Triple H- now I don't HATE him, Hes put on alot of great matches last year(and some crap ones aswell). but when ever I see him with the World title around him and with a mic in hand. he just never fails to bore me hmm, thats it
  9. Taker666

    SmackDown! beats Raw

    Do you really think the fans really give a shit about that anymore. I mean seriously. The fans love mysterio anyways,and seeing Eddie(a fan favorite), loose to Mysterio(another fan favorite), isn't gonna damage Rey or Eddie's credibitly at all.
  10. Taker666

    SmackDown! beats Raw

    Maybe if it was someone like Nunzio,Charlie Haas, Holly, or Shannon Moore, people with no direction and who the fans don't give two shits about. than yeah, its time to worry. But were talking about Rey Mysterio here, one of the most over superstars on SD! and a fan favorite, and someone who has somewhat of a bond with Eddie. Eddie has always been getting away with "Lie,Cheating,stealing" in his matches, but these mysterio wins were from him outsmarting eddie and beating him in his own game. this is actually a decent little story they got here. Its not like Eddie is jobbing to some random velocity jobber and not doing anything with him. This is definlly a classic case for over analyzing something way to much. in a couple of month from now, no one isn't gonna give a shit anyways. besides, these Eddie/Mysterio matches have been great. and thats all I care about.
  11. Taker666

    SmackDown! beats Raw

    Than as far as I'am concern, we're in bizarro world.
  12. Taker666

    SmackDown! beats Raw

    Well, first off. Triple H winning the World title again didn't help. being really bored with Orton's push, crappy Tag Team Division. Raw isn't overall bad sence I have been enjoying Raw latly. but theres just more on SD! I enjoyed alot more than Raw. No one on SD! bores me as much as Orton and Triple H does. they have a much better Tag Team Division, and despite the lack of push, I enjoy the cruiserweight division more. and overall, I just enjoy the guys on SD! more than the Raw roster. and SD! has been putting on some better wrestling matches latly. also, because of the Undertaker. I've always been a big fan of his and always enjoy when ever he comes on.(so I'am a taker fan, BAN ME!!) Yeah, I know. Raw has to be the better show because Benoit and Jericho are on it. but I just happen to enjoy SmackDown! more than Raw.
  13. Taker666

    SmackDown! beats Raw

    already checked, Raw got 3.8. hmm, could of swarn it was a 3.5 or a 3.6. still doesn't change the fact that SD! is the better show.
  14. Taker666

    Will you order TNA Final Resolution?

    Nope, my PPV money is going to the Royal Rumble.
  15. Taker666

    It's not really the lack of quality wrestling

    Yeah, some more wrestling on the show would of been nice, but storylines > Matches have been going on sence the attitude days so complaining about it NOW is kinda pointless to me. besides, didn't Raw have 8 matches the other week?
  16. Taker666

    Rumble winner has the option again

    I remember at the Royal Rumble 2003, the rules were that the winner faces his brands Champion. they should of just kept this rule.
  17. Taker666

    It's not really the lack of quality wrestling

    For me , thats what I always do when watching WWE programming. I don't let what I read on the net effect what I watch and I definlly don't analyze or put logic into everything the WWE does. Its just more fun the watch Raw and SD! that way. Like any other TV show, I watch WWE to be entertained and I have been enjoying Raw and Smackdown these past couple of months. i"ve seen alot of great matches on the shows latly, espeically SD!. WWE shows arn't made to be analyzed. if your watching WWE with a smark state of mind than WWE isn't for you, you'll be hating on everything they do. Instead of wondering why the WWE put the belt on JBL, why don't you just enjoy him as the cocky heel busniess man you love to hate. Hell, even if a show is bad, there would always be at least something I enjoyed about the show.
  18. Taker666

    New tag team signs with WWE

    I found this.. "The Shane Twins will be staying on the road with the Smackdown crew and are expected to debut on TV within the next few weeks." so it looks like they'll be debuting on SmackDown!. well, at least SD is getting a new Tag Team.
  19. Taker666

    What to do with tag titles?

    Well, because they got way more talent now than they did before the band split.
  20. Taker666

    Eddy/JBL 2004 MOTY

    DQ finish or not, who cares. I really enjoyed the match and I think its one of the best matches of 2004. MOTY? definlly not. one of the best? hell yeah. save for the crappy cruiserweight match. the rest of the card I thought was pretty good.
  21. Taker666

    The Triple H Celebration Thread

    Oh, and some more goggle results.....
  22. Taker666

    The Triple H Celebration Thread

    Actually, he is. on the intire Raw roster of course.
  23. Taker666

    WWF Heat spoilers

    I heard he didn't after all, but will be at tomarrow's SmackDown Taping for a try-out match though. or so I heard.
  24. Sooo, with Orton/HHH (hopfully)happening at the Rumble, than most likly Batista Vs HHH will happen at WM right? I hope Orton/HHH is at the Rumble, that way I'll have the Rumble Match, the WWE title match, and the Casket match to look foward to than this shit of a match and won't have to stink up the WM card. Batista Vs Triple H is the way to go at WM.
  25. Taker666

    New tag team signs with WWE

    Well, one of their career highlights was they played large penises. Yep, I see plently of potenial for these guys.