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Everything posted by Taker666

  1. Taker666

    What keeps you tuning in?

    Seeimg my fav superstars in action, the gimicks, storylines, the entrance, the theme songs, the kind of entertainment you don't get in any other TV shows or movies. Pro Wrestling as it all. which is why I watch Raw and SmackDown! every week. rarly do I find something I don't like about WWE programing. even if the show sometimes suck. there will always be something I like about it.
  2. Taker666

    SmackDown! Spoilers

    Well, I was searching around for some SmackDown! Spoilers and...well, This is the best I can do, I got this from the PW forum so you can understand the quality of these spoilers. sorry. heres pretty much a taste on what went down tonight..... __________________________________________________ I just got back from SD. Here are some results: Velocity: Orlando Jordan Def. Matt Johnson (?) - the jobber is from Lafayette, so he got cheered pretty good. Kenzo def. London Chavo def. Kidman Reigns/Jindrak def. Holly/Haas - I had my Holly sign and the camerea guy looked right at me with the camea, so watch for it. Smackdown: Almost a full house, very little tarped off area. Cena def. Dupree Angle has a challange, some guy who claimed to be from New Orleans. Relatively quick match. JBL promo where he sayshe will pick who he defends out of a bowl... turns out tobe Shannon Moore. Squash isn't the word. Longcomes out and reveals that the bowl was filled withpapaers with Moores name. Soehe makes a RR match.... JBL vs. Angle...... vs. Show. Funaki def. Spike. Yeah. I didn't pay much attention to this match b/c I had to rewrite my notes... some asshole spilled a coke on my note book. RVD/Rey def. Booker/Eddie There was a huge thing over who was gonna get the title shot. I knew it would be them since frommy seat I could see Eddies car behind the set. Good match, great comedy from Eddie by getting th belt, but debating it first. Then he put on top of Rey and laid down, looking like Rey has hit him. He was waving 'bye' to Rey, but the ref caught him... and all he did was lay back down! I doubt any of that will get on air. I think that was the last match for SD. After that was the dark match with Taker vs. JBL/Jordan. Takers entrance.... OH. MY, GOD. I was litereally shaking inside and out. If you'be never seenit live,there is no way to understand it. Heidy was in the ring, and talking trashto Taker. The lights went out and then the music started.... four druids came out pushinga casket. Taker came up on the Titantron saying that at RR he had Heidy's final resting place.... the casket was putringside... Heidy reached outand touched it... and the lid popped openand Taker was in it!! Awesome. Pretty good casket match. They filmed it so it may end up on TV one day or on something else. I really enjoyed myself. I swear I'm gonna dream about that casket popping open! _________________________________________________________________ So, from the little I can understand. JBL Vs Big Show Vs Angle for the WWE title at the Royal Rumble right? sweet.
  3. Taker666

    Raw Rating

    To tell you the truth. I see no reason to debate ratings anymore. ever sence 2001, Raw and Smackdown has stood in the high/low 3.0 range with occasionlly high 2.0s and low 4.0s here and there. I don't care what ratings the show gets anymore. they've been the same for 3 years. they're not going to get any higher or any lower anytime soon. I think ratings debate are pretty pointless now. When I watch shows like The Simpsons, friends or Seinfeld, I'am not going to rush to the net to see what the ratings were. same with the WWE. just my 2 cent.
  4. VELOCITY Matt Johnson Vs Orlando Jordon Kenzo Susuki Vs Paul London Billy Kidman Vs Chavo Guerrero Hardcore Holly/Charlie Haas Vs Luther Reigns/Mark Jindrak SMACKDOWN! WWE United States Championship John Cena© Vs Rene Dupree Kurt Angle Invitational Match Kurt Angle Vs Matt Stryker WWE Championship John Bradshaw Layfield© Vs Shannon Moore WWE Cruiserweight Championship Funaki© Vs Spike Dudley WWE Tag Team Championship Rey Mysterio/Rob Van Dam© Vs Booker T/Eddie Guerrero Plus a Taker/Heidy/Casket segment at the end
  5. Taker666

    SmackDown! Spoilers

    Call me an Undertaker mark all you want. But I'am damn as hell looking foward to Undertaker/Casket segment at the end. That shit is going to be fuckin tight.
  6. sooo, I guess Jeff doesn't hang out with Matt and Lita anymore?
  7. Taker666

    Weekend Box Office

    I thought Aviator should of been better, but it was pretty good and yes, Decaprio did a damn fine job in the movie. After "Catch me if you can" and this movie, I think hes a much better actor than people make him out to be. hopfully they make a sequal to continue on the rest of Howard Huges life. ALOT more happened than what the movie showed.
  8. Taker666

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    One of the things I love about JBL, Is no matter what else hes wearing, he always has to wear that cowboy hat. rather hes wearing a giant neckbrace, or a Biohazard suit. the cowboy hat is still there LOL!! same thing with any vehicle he drives to the ring. has to have the bullhorns on there. How can you not love this guy!!!
  9. TNA is is way below even ECW. How in the hell can that be considered a threat. look at TNA's stars, and look at the WWE stars. I mean really.
  10. Taker666

    Vote for Shopzone

    "FACE "Two Skeleton Arms" X-ING". What the fuck does that mean? Seriously, these shirts are horrible. The ones that try to be funny are even worse. UnderQuaker? "Taker rhyms with Quaker, and hes wearing a wig and a goofy hat, that is so unlike him. OMG !!!1!!1!!!111 FUNNAY! Please
  11. Taker666

    Movies that killed a career

    I got a good one. Unless someone already brought it up..... Kevin Bacon after that shitty "Hollow Man"
  12. Taker666

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    Slaughter was actually US Champion during the NWA days. You could check here... http://www.titlehistories.com/WWE%20United...ght%20Title.htm Anyways, more proof that the WWE US title has the WCW/NWA linege(like it really needs it). I got a SmackDown! Magazine telling the story about the history of the US title and the complete linage with pics from the NWA/WCW days and recently WWE.
  13. Taker666

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    And about the whole ratings argument. um, the ratings haven't gotten any higher or lower sence 2001. they've been steady sence than, just wandering around the high/low 3.0 range. last week's SD! got a 3.4 rating. If JBL was truly the rating cancer people claim he is, than SD! would been getting WCW 2.0 ratings every week. and didn't SD! get a 3.6 rating a couple of weeks ago?
  14. So whatcha think? I have mixed feelings about. I think it looks kinda cool, but than, eh. I think the spinning plate is a nice touch though. adds to the "Ghetto" look the belt is going for. EDIT: FUCK, the pic doesn't work. Just go here to see it.. http://secure.wrestlingsuperstore.com/supe...&ProductId=8453
  15. Taker666

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    You know what, I've been somewhat of a fan of his sence the start. Every promo he cuts, his reactions, his new Cabinet Faction, his charater has all been 100% gold. And I've actually enjoyed some of his PPV matches with Eddie, Taker, Booker and recently angle. I think hes a much better wrestler than people would like to admit. Some people just forget that not everyone could be a clone of Benoit, Jericho or London. I think the WWE struck a gold mine with the JBL charater and made it work. hes actually one of guys I look forward in seeing on SmackDown!. I love the JBL Charater and hes actually been a better Champion than some give him credit for. And about the whole argument of "Being pushed to fast", "he came out of a jobber tag team just months ago" and "there are more deserving Champions", I don't give a shit, it happened and the end results has been great.
  16. Taker666

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    LOL! I see where your getting at. I could imagine seeing The Undertaker doing a ballarina dance down the isle during his entrance! Fuckin Hillarious!
  17. Taker666

    New John Cena United States Championship

    For a slightly better look at it. (No offense Taker) none taken, I was just to lazy to find a bigger pic. What I was saying is, the WWE should of done what they did with the WCW World title, keep the original design, but replace the "WCW" logo with the "WWE" logo.
  18. Taker666

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    Anyone remember the Royal Rumble commerical where they had a bunch of British soilders having a battle Royal in the Ring and at the end Angle Saids...."You call that a Royal Rumble?" I think it was the 2002 Rumble.
  19. Taker666

    New John Cena United States Championship

    I loved the Original WWE US title design. But to make EVERYONE happy, maybe the WWE should of done this......
  20. Taker666

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    Well, sence Raw was bringing back the Intercontinental Title, It would of made sence for SmackDown! to bring back the United States Title to even things out. The Storyline was that Stephanie said that she was bringing back the US title, and there would be a Tournment for it.
  21. Taker666

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    Anyone remember... "The WWE and football......NAH"
  22. Taker666

    Royal Rumble Commercial Online

    Well, I could of sworn I saw The Undertaker in the commerical. could of been Reigns though.
  23. Taker666

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    If that were the case, they'd have included The Rock, since it officially became a WWE title the night after Survivor Series 2001. Yeah, but the World titl.....God DAMN! Can you please get a different sig soon. ugh!
  24. Taker666

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    In the description of the World Heavyweight Championship. It saids that.."he opened a briefcase and pulled out the old WCW Championship and gave it to Triple H" So the World title is the WCW Championship. but I guess the WWE is starting the linage from Triple H when it offically became a WWE title. Hes the first World heavyweight Champion. but not the first overall title holder of the belt.
  25. Taker666

    WWE wrestlers accused of harassing Hooters patron

    I call all this, BULLSHIT. nuff said.