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Everything posted by Taker666

  1. Taker666

    WWE.com relaunches title history section

    Just an Update. The History of the WWE Championship is now up and running at WWE.com
  2. Taker666

    New John Cena United States Championship

    yeah, I actually think the WWE US title is a awesome looking belt. my 2nd fav belt in the WWE right under the World Heavyweight title.
  3. Taker666

    New John Cena United States Championship

    So I see your not to fond with the TNA X title than.
  4. Taker666

    Which SmackDown youngster

    Once this whole crap is over with. I could see Charlie Haas having a break-out year in 2005 much like his former partner Benny. If Charlie doesn't win the US title till Dec,31,2005 though. hes done for
  5. Taker666

    Which WWE wrestlers smoke?

    And he sort of did, If you remember that one SmackDown!.
  6. Taker666

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    Glad you had a very good time. The show looks pretty good to me after reading the spoilers. looks alot better than last weeks show. the Battle Royal should be alot of fun for I'am a sucker for those, and the Funaki celabration sounds priceless! I'am Glad Taker is getting more involve on the show now. I'am tired of these "Rare appearences" crap. arguably the most over superstar in the WWE and the fans want to see him. Rather he deserves it or not, I don't give a shit. I hope Taker wins this Sunday.
  7. Taker666

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    hmm, sometime in 2001, I think it was the dudleys, won the Tag Team titles before a PPV when they were scheduled to wrestle in a Tag Team title match. Does anyone know which PPV it was? Might have not been the dudleys though. Anywho, the Main-Event looks pretty tight. so I'll be watching.
  8. Taker666

    Does the WWE/World title still

    Eh, I don't look into this much. I still see the WWE and World title just as important as when they were in the WWF and WCW respectivly.
  9. Taker666

    Smackdown spoilers for 12/2/04

    Well, Apprently that new DIVA SEARCH LOSER GOD DAMMIT was just Michelle, who already debuted on SD!.
  10. Taker666

    Flaws in WWE logic

    Bah, anyone can find a flaw in anything the WWE does everyweek. I think a better topic would be "Find one storyline or angle that DIDN"T have any flaws". Beats me though.
  11. Taker666

    Smackdown spoilers for 12/2/04

    heh, course I ment Stable. fixed it though.
  12. Taker666

    Smackdown spoilers for 12/2/04

    Show looks pretty decent. I'am just glad The Undertaker is finally back in ring action again. That should be fun to watch even if it is against JBL and Jordon. last time Taker wrestled on SD! was against Gangrel and Viscera. that was freakin 2 weeks before No Mercy. sheesh. This new stable with JBL,Jordon, Bashams and Amy sounds pretty interesting. bout time SmackDown! gets their own stable. They just need a catchy name, something like "Layfield Corperation" or something.
  13. Taker666

    When did the world title last change hands

    Venis was also on Raw in the background when Triple H got "Knocked Out". He was also on the stage when all the Raw wrestlers came out at the end.
  14. Exactly, Some of them could be good. but they're just not my cup of tea.
  15. Taker666

    The Batman

    Catwoman and Joker looks fuckin horrible in this new Batman toon. The Pinguin looks decent. never seen the others. Seriously, this show sucks. Batman The Animated Series was so much better
  16. I have no interest in those Anchant, Epic type movies like Samerui,Gladiator,Braveheart,King Aurthor, Alexander, Troy, Master and Comander etc.. no matter how good they are. I just find them pretty boring and uninteresting. and half the time, don't understand what the fuck they're talking about sometimes. Alexander pretty much sealed my hatred for these epic movies.
  17. Taker666

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, November 24-28

    Wow,The only movies on that list that are any good are The Incredibles and Rey. What a shitty year for movies.
  18. Saw the Movie last night, One of the worst fuckin movies I've ever seen. Keep in mind I had no desire to see this movie in the first place, My friend wanted to see it for some reason and dragged me along, ugh!. The movie was way to fuckin long, way to many talking, unnnessasary shitty Gay love scenes, Generic Ainchent Boring Battle Scenes, Colin Farrel's horrible acting. Me and my friend actually walked out of the movie a little after the 2nd battle scene, we just got to damn bored with it. Shit Movie.
  19. Taker666

    Is this the worst year WWF/E has had since 1995?

    I started watching wrestling in 97. And Honestly, Now that I think about it. I really much perfer this year more than both of 98/99 combined. Face it, the wrestling back than completly sucked as well as some of their PPVs. the storylines and angles were fun and much more entertaining. but thats all it was. nonthing BUT storylines and Angles. Not to mention the WWF Roster during those times can't even touch today's WWE Roster. I see more wrestling on TV in WWE today than back than. Some storylines today sucks, but some are pretty decent and entertaining aswell. These past few Raws have been off the chart, and with the exception of this week's SmackDown! only being decent, that show has also been alot of fun to watch. So yeah, 04 > 98/99
  20. Taker666

    Random question - Jason Sensation

    Sorry, Wrong Post.
  21. Taker666

    Quick Hell In The Cell question

    Is it just me, or is the JD 2002 Hell in the Cell match the most forgotten,underated hell in the cell matches ever? I've noticed that everytime someone brings up a topic regarding Hell in the Cells in any way,shape or form. this match is hardly ever mentioned. Hell, the No Mercy Hell in the Cell gets mentioned alot, and it happened in the same year. eh, just something I noticed.
  22. Taker666

    And the best PPV theme song for 2004 was...?

    The No Mercy theme song is one of my favorites this year, a bit creepyish. The Taboo Tuesday theme was pretty cool to and the Wrestlemania theme was also pretty good. everything else was pretty shitty. espeically Rey Mysterio's song. UGH!
  23. Taker666

    WWE RAW Live, House Show Results Nov. 20, 2004.

    I remember going to SmackDown! 3 years ago. It was the show leading up to WrestleMania X7, It was the one where Triple H had Undertaker arrested and the Main-Event was Austin Vs Angle with The Rock comentating. This was my very first and sadly, only WWE live event I've been to. I had seats all the way at the top. but despite all that. I had a fuckin blast. best live show I've ever been to.
  24. Taker666

    history of ECW DVD

    I got my copy the day it came out. One of the best DVDs the WWE had made. and this is coming from someone who never saw a ECW show or match sence I got the DVD. The extra feature matches were some great stuff. espeically the RVD/Lynn match. and Tazz's Paul Heyman blessing segment was so emotional and touching it was great.
  25. Taker666

    Paul Heyman Bashes TNA Promotion

    EDIT: Just listened to the ECW segment. very good stuff.