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Posts posted by Taker666

  1. Seeing Jeff Hardy to that stupid dance during the Jagged Edge performance makes me want to see someone beat him down.


    Punk just sitting there looking at the crowd while everyone waves there hands was priceless.


    Very entertaining segment. I enjoyed it all. from Hornswoggle, Jillian, Godfather, Patterson :P , and even the jagged edge performance was pretty good.


    Oh, and just for shits and giggles...



  2. Well, alot of it has to do with a comination of the WWE taking alot of their top entertaining wrestlers off the show, Cena still keeping the title, and Hornwoggle and McMahon running around doing stupid shit. there really is nonthing compelling on Raw right now if you look at the show from top to bottom at the moment.


    IMO, when everyone comes back from their suspension, Orton wins the WWE title and maybe a Shawn Micheals return than I think Raw will be loads better.

  3. If things look the way they seem, SmackDown's side for No Mercy is looking pretty good so far. Batista/Khali is a Punjabi Prison match, Finlay Vs Mysterio and hopfully MVP vs Hardy for the US Title.


    The Wedding segment looks pretty fun. I wonder if we'll be seen a new SmackDown GM Soon. If so, PLEASE let it be JBL some how.

  4. Its been confirmed on WWE.com that it will be Batista Vs Great Khali For the World Title in a Punjabi Prison Match at No Mercy.


    I might be in the minority but the original Punjabi Prison Match was actually pretty entertaining to watch with interesting stipulations. this one could be pretty fun to see to. I'am kinda looking forward to it.


    EDIT: Damn, someone esle beat me to it.

  5. Right now I pretty much given up watching Raw until Cena looses the damn title. I just can't stomech Cena as Champion anymore. its just way to reptitive for me. I was really pulling for Orton to win at Unforgiven but sence it didn't happen. I'am talking a vacation from Raw until Cena does loose the title. Thank god for SmackDown and ECW. both shows have been ten times better than Raw anyways.

  6. I gotta admit the Judas Mesias charater is pretty fucking cool. the beatdown was pretty fun and I like the whole supernatural gimick aspect. This seemed like the kind of gimick Sean O'Haire should of gotten in WWE because for some reason Judas Mesias reminds me of him.


    Impact was pretty fun. I'am curious to see how Impact is gonna be booked when it goes 2 hours. hopfully that means longer matches.

  7. COME ON PEOPLE!! Does anyone around these boards actually watch SmackDown?!? yesterday's show was a pretty damn good show and no one seems to care. Its a hellava lot better show than Raw right now. make some noise SmackDown fans!


    The MVP-hardy segment was gold. MVP is definlly one of my fav superstars at this point. his feud with Hardy is the best feud going on in WWE.


    The Rey/Chavo match was awesome, good way to have Chavo leave the same way he took out Mysterio.


    Chuck Palumbo is starting to entertaining me, his gimick is a rip-off of Undertaker's old biker gimick but its still fun to see.


    speaking of Undertaker, the videos for his return are some of the best peice of work I've seen. those videos are just fucking cool and its definlly getting my hyped for his return.


    I don't know about adding Batitsa to the title match. I was actually curious to see how they would Book the Khali/Rey Match without it being a total squash. And if Batista doesn't win the title here that makes him the offical main event loser. he already lose 7 straight PPVs yet they still keep adding him in the main-event. shouldn't it be the other way around?

  8. Is the story about WWE "cutting costs" by removing name plates on titles still going around? There have been some title changes since then and the plates are still being changed. That story just makes no sense to me, what do those name plates cost in a year? Certainly not enough for someone to even bring it up as a serious cost cutting move.


    pretty much just a false rumor.

  9. Whats funny is that as soon as I read that Punk have won the title. I went out of my way to watch ECW on SciFi last night. thats the first time ever I was actually looking foward to watching to new ECW.


    and now that Punk is Champion I feel I can't miss ECW now and look forward to watching every week. maybe it has something to do with the fact that Punk is the first ECW Champion I've actually care for sence RVD. Big show, Lashley, McMahon and Morrison all never did it for me as Champion thus never cared at all for the ECW Brand until now. I think if Punk had a Cena-like push as the top Champion of ECW than I think ECW could actually be my favorite WWE Brand.

  10. 405px-Sweeneylarge.jpg


    Sweeney Todd (Johnny Depp) returns to London after having escaped a wrongful imprisonment, only to find that his wife and child have suffered at the hands of Judge Turpin (Alan Rickman), the very man who imprisoned him. With the help of his former landlady, Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter), Sweeney Todd launches a plan for vengeance that initially targets the individuals responsible for his misfortunes, but ultimately draws all society in his sights.



    I always loved the Burton/depp movies and this one seems pretty interesting. the promotional poster looks pretty sweet by the way.

  11. with most of the top names from Raw on that list. expect to see two hours of dick jokes from the likes of Triple H and John Cena. how entertaining.


    I don't think SmackDown will suffer much from it. Chavo doesn't really appear much on SmackDown anyway. Funaki? yeah, Edge is injured so hes not on TV anyway, Mysterio is back and Undertaker is coming back so I don't think loosing Batista for a while will break anyones heart.


  12. MVP carring two titles. now thats Ballin!. I 'd be surprise if hes not World Champion by 2010.


    regarding the Khali/Rey Title match. I have a feeling the match will be booked in a more competitive match instead of the all out squash like last time. if thats the plan than the match could actually be pretty interesting.

  13. I don't recall when Orton beat Booker, but I recall he smacked Race once on Raw or something. I guess that counts as killing his legend somehow. Oh and he beat RVD for the IC title at Armageddon 2003.


    How did he exactly kill the RVD legend at ONS this year? He LOST the friggin match.


    I don't think the loss matters, It has more to do with the whole concussion thing after the match.


    I don't ever remember Orton and Booker ever wrestling each other. ever.
