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Everything posted by LaParkaMarka

  1. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    Put Tobias back at K if you want...he's probably better than a CPU at this point.
  2. LaParkaMarka

    NFL Week 3

    Ronnie Brown...who saw this coming. Runs for the 3 TDs and then throws one? Crazy.
  3. LaParkaMarka

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    Gee, nice move Randy. Randy Orton is awesome. So is Umaga. They need a Randy Orton/Umaga tag team.
  4. LaParkaMarka

    Jeff Hardy Strikes Out for the Final Time?

    Maybe they thought you were Corey Hart.
  5. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    Apparently I'm the kicker too. This is unexpected.
  6. LaParkaMarka

    WWE SmackDown - September 19, 2008

    Did Michelle McCool really bust out a tiger driver? Did she break Maryse's neck?
  7. LaParkaMarka


    I have. It was fairly typical for a Dexter season premiere, kind of follows the pattern set in previous seasons.
  8. LaParkaMarka

    WWE General Discussion - September 2008

    So what's the deal with Shane Helms? Is he still on the roster? This is a pretty good time to bring him back as a heel.
  9. LaParkaMarka

    Weekend Box Office Report

    When Mr Belding saw the ruined menorah, did he say "Hey hey hey, what is going on here???
  10. LaParkaMarka

    the most offensive two word combination

    This. Gotta be the most offensive thing to say to a black chick, right?
  11. LaParkaMarka


    I like how Miami is going play action, when there's like 15 seconds left and they're on the 18 yard line. Who really thinks they're running the ball here? No one would bite on that fake.
  12. LaParkaMarka


    What's wrong with Miami's playcalling. They have the ball on the 3 yard line, 3rd down, down by 13. Two shots to punch the ball in. Play 1 - Endzone fade, broken up Play 2 - Enzone out, broken up Really, no runs? It's not like you have a garbage RB there, and the team has no wide receivers.
  13. LaParkaMarka


    I'll cheer for injury. Basically, just for Tom Brady, that douchebag. Here's hoping they go 0-16.
  14. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    It seems less about the money and more about wanting playing time. No one wants to be a backup, but backups and special teams players are essential. I say offer a bunch of contracts to level 20 types for any starting spots we have available. Start a recruiting thrad over at the glb forums. Post something in the "Teams Looking For Players" section, and talk about how you're looking for active starters. You'll get some interest.
  15. LaParkaMarka

    F4W/WON WWE Notes - Summarized notes, radio notes, etc.

    I don't even know why the host has to bother asking. The pictures are right fucking there! They weren't sure if it was her because the pictures were over 8 years old, but they didn't know that. That makes no sense at all. Also, Lena has a far more dubious past than the answer given here. Details, please. I think I enjoy slimy details about wrestling more than the actual product.
  16. LaParkaMarka

    Ask Chris Simms

    Who would win in a fight: Monte Kiffin or Chucky Gruden?
  17. LaParkaMarka

    PSN Usernames

    DoctorHorrible Games I own: GTA IV, All Pro 2k8
  18. LaParkaMarka

    90210 is coming back to tv

    "Look at her, you could crack an egg on that ass. And I say that because when I was her age, Ricardo Montalban literally cracked an egg on mine" She might have said dress instead of ass, but I like my version better. Go Lucille!
  19. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    Just some random DE. It might be a good idea to go after mid-tier FAs, since those Level 29 types will have 100 teams after them.
  20. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    We have two CPUs on the roster. I would recommend getting rid of them as soon as possible. One of them is QB, and there are a ton of QBs that are looking for roster spots. DE might be harder to find, but there are some out there (someone like http://goallineblitz.com/game/player.pl?player_id=370271 perhaps). Actually, I wouldn't mind helping to recruit if you need an extra hand.
  21. LaParkaMarka

    WWE Raw - September 1, 2008

    No, but I'll have a smile on my face if he gets destroyed by the next big thing in under 10 seconds at a PPV. A friend of mine brought up this scenario tonight: Let Santino go through with this Honk-O-Meter thing, and let it get to the 63rd week. Then the week he is to break the record, let history repeat itself a little bit. Lets say over a year from now this thing with Haas is still working. Have Santino cut a promo declaring that the following week, he will tie the Honky Donky Man, then have the Ultimate Warrior's music hit. Have Haas charge the ring and squash Santino. I don't see Haas' impersonation gimmick lasting another year.
  22. LaParkaMarka

    WWE SmackDown - September 5, 2008

    He murders Eddy Guererro's widow. The scary thing is, the angle kind of makes sense in a stupid wrestling way. I don't think anyone expected that a few years back.
  23. LaParkaMarka

    Goal line blitz

    Go for it Marvin...we don't have to have a TSM exclusive team, but having a TSM owner would be nice.
  24. LaParkaMarka

    Discussion: WWE Scramblemania~!

    I know it's never going to happen, but having CM Punk and Brian Kendrick as the World Champs would be a pretty funny moment.