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Everything posted by LaParkaMarka

  1. LaParkaMarka

    Hockey Hall of Fame Inductees

    Dino should get in. Glenn should, but I think he ran into some trouble with the law or something. I'd love to see Esa Tikkanen in...he was great. And I find it hilarious that Kirk McLean actually got HoF votes.
  2. LaParkaMarka

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    He's a 61 year old retiree dating some chick he met off the net? Sounds like our Bob. When is the show starting up again?
  3. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Beast = good. Ask Rudo. Cordelia as villian = Terrible. I think everyone is in agreement on that.
  4. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    There should be a Villian sitcom spinoff. Have the Mayor, Glory, the BEAST, and Jasmine. They can hatch plots to take over the world, foiled only by their wacky misunderstandings.
  5. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm watching an Angel season 4 episode right now...the one where they bring back Faith. Anyways, Cordy kissing The Beast is still incredibly icky. Way to take the badass away from poor Beast.
  6. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Not Fade Away
  7. LaParkaMarka

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Judging from what I've seen today, most have. So true. Well if any Canadian team made teh finals it would be the same for them all over Canada. Not for Toronto.
  8. LaParkaMarka

    The Mini-camp/Preseason NFL Thread

    I'm suprised the Vikes didn't try and sign Jeremiah Trotter or Jason Gildon.
  9. I love how they brought back Ralph and made him British. Just look at his picture. I think this show has a lot of potential. Hopefully the Omarosa character isn't too much of a focus.
  10. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Anyasault. Wow, she should really change her name to that. Gotta love Mole's sig too. The thing with death in the Buffyverse is that it is never permanent. Anya could have been brought back pretty easily, just like Buffy or Darla or any of the other dead characters.
  11. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    People died in the big fight against the Mayor. Harmony for one, and that gay guy. He died, didn't he?
  12. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I wasn't happy with how Buffy ended. I thought Chosen sucked. It ended the series ok, but I didn't think it was a very strong episode. Not Fade Away was one billion zillion gajillion times better. But hey, someone had to die. Anya was pretty expendable, as far as the gang went. I thought Faith and Principle Wood would die too, but they were kept alive for whatever reason.
  13. LaParkaMarka

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    God, give it up redbaron. If Canadians still watched after the most boring team ever won the cup three times, they will definately still watch after a young and exciting team won. Good work, Tampa...they deserved the win. And that Khabibulin save sliding across the crease was amazing.
  14. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    First appearance of Izzy the Devil was in the 100th episode, I believe. Cordy - "You made a deal with the devil!" Angel - "That's not what it's like at all." Izzy - "Hey, Raquetball Thursday?
  15. LaParkaMarka

    SEMIFINALS Tournament ANGEL~

    Not Fade Away Apocalypse, Nowish
  16. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Gotta like the Lorne quote too.
  17. LaParkaMarka

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    I agree with Will. Canadians will never give up on hockey. It's the national sport, and will always have a huge fanbase here, regardless of what happens in the Finals. Does anyone honestly see Joe Canuck going "Oh, Tampa won the Cup? Time to give up hockey and follow Lacrosse". A few people might bitch and moan, and then whenever next season happens the Canadian fanbase will be right back where it is.
  18. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Nice posts from jerichoholic and brian. Anyways, I'm reading this paper, and they constantly cite a researcher named Wolfram. Everything cited to him I consider evil lies. Thanks a lot, Angel.
  19. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Didn't Wes and Gunn kill a dragon in Season 2? I'm thinking they could have taken the dragon down. The other 50000 demons though, maybe not so much.
  20. LaParkaMarka

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Hockey is pretty screwed even if Calgary wins. It's not like a Canadian team winning the cup is going to turn the league around.
  21. LaParkaMarka

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    Whoo! Go Tampa! Really looked like Calgary was going to win...Tampa was barely hanging in there at the end of the 3rd/OT.
  22. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm pretty sure Adam no sold everything thrown at him until Primevil. I don't see how he was a pushover at all; he would have killed non-uber Buffy dead pretty easily if she didn't run away from him constantly. I also don't see how you can call WR&H a pushover. By season 5, they had actually done what they wanted...Angel was working for them. Season 5 was about Angel making the wrong choice and having to pay the consequences for it. Their apocalypse was happening in "Not Fade Away", and it seems like it would have worked. WR&H was awesome.
  23. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Damnit, that blows. Andy Hallet is all kinds of awesome, I hope he gets better.
  24. LaParkaMarka


    Shells A Hole in the World Not Fade Away Reprise Voting for three season 5 episodes seems wrong, but I guess that's how these kinda tourneys go.
  25. LaParkaMarka

    The 2004 Stanley Cup Playoffs thread

    You're calling in sick on Saturday night?