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Everything posted by LaParkaMarka

  1. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Stupid Brady! Ah well, it's been fun laughing at Vinitieri.
  2. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Hahahah. Awesome. I hope the game is a 0-0 tie going into overtime.
  3. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    That's crap.
  4. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Nah, a classic can have amazing defensive plays and stops. I think this game isn't a barnburner, but if it stays like this the 4th is going to be mad dramatic.
  5. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Why did he go down the middle to double coverage? That was a weird decision.
  6. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO Super Bowl Thread

    Mr Clutch indeed.
  7. LaParkaMarka

    Weekend Box Office: 1/30/04 - 2/1/04

    Weird that Big Bounce bombed...it had a nice ensemble cast, a ot of adverts. Did it get a lot of really bad reviews? That Perfect Score movie looked retarded. Ooh, we're stealing the SAT! LOLOL. Tards.
  8. LaParkaMarka

    The Bashams

    3 Count was great. Only time Tank Abbott didn't completely suck was his stuff with 3 Count. Paul London replaces Evan Karagias?
  9. LaParkaMarka

    Colorado used sex parties to lure recruits?

    This is related, and I'm too lazy to make a new thread. But these three articles are just so insane and hilarious. The adventures of a recruit. Part I Part II Part III And a picture of our hero.
  10. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Anyone else catch the Squaresoft reference last ep? Lorne called Eve "Parasite Eve", which was an RPG for the PS1. A good one, too. Gotta love whoever is writing Lorne...Smackdown reference one ep, RPG reference in another. Good times. Those were good lines, Mole, very memorable. I personally like: Angel - "I don't like being kept in the dark....figuratively speaking."
  11. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Jesus H. Christ. That was one wicked episode. Spike going all stumpy was insane...I admit, I marked hard for that. Andrew was insanely awesome, with the constant LOTR references at the beginning (comparing Spike to Gandalf, the "Mr Frodo" line, saying Spike's pecs were Viggo Mortensen-esque), and then him showing that he really has grown as a character (him not running away from Dana, standing up to Angel). Pure awesome. Spike was really well written too, and the convo with Angel at the end was great. Borne - The idea of Scoobies vs Fang Gang is just too cool. I mean, you can really picture them stepping out from the shadows, all armed, ready to take on Angel; then the ep would end, in typical Joss fashion. And I would probably have a heart attack. I really enjoyed the ep with Harmony, last week's ep, and the ep with the Spike/Angel showdown. But this probably was the best of the season...for now.
  12. LaParkaMarka

    Back from Smackdown in DC!

    Benoit getting a main event push...Guerrero getting a main event push. What the hell? Is this bizarro WWF?
  13. LaParkaMarka

    Favourite Animation Show

    Samurai Jack rules all. I loved Gargoyles though...pretty complex storyline, considering it was aimed at kids. Great show back in the day.
  14. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    COlumbus and Florida are in similar situations. Both teams have amazing goaltenders, but not enough support for them. I mean, Luongo had 50 shots thrown at him the other night. That's insane. Florida has a brighter future than Columbus, thanks to all the young talent they have. Columbus should be better...they added Darryl Sydor and that speedy guy from Edmonton. Too bad their defense is still atrocious.
  15. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Something that no one has really talked about is the scene after Spike saves everyone from the apocalypse. That scene really seemed to embody a lot of what areacode was talking about in the last page. Spike saves the world, then gets a reward, even though he says he didn't do it for a reward. The little fairy flutters in, he gets turned into a real boy, and poor Angel is left with the mail cart. So Angel saves the world, and he gets a dead son and a crapload of problems with this crazy law firm. Spike saves the world and basically gets redeemed and gets Buffy. The scene with Spike in bed with Buffy sorta slammed that home, as Angel even talks about going to prom with her. Angel gives up Buffy for her own good, so what happens? Some other vampire with a soul ends up bagging her? Pretty unfair. Especially since Angel loved her first. It's interesting thinking about the stuff that's happened to Angel, and how badly it's really turned out for him.
  16. LaParkaMarka

    NFL Draft, Top Recruits, other college news.......

    I'm glad San Diego is thinking of trading down...I don't want them ruining another QB. It's obvious they can't develop QBs at all. Burress could help out San Diego a lot. Burress + Boston could be a heck of a combination, too bad they don't have anyone good throwing to them.
  17. LaParkaMarka

    NFL Draft, Top Recruits, other college news.......

    Meh, Andre Johnson was pretty darn good for the Texans this year, and Boldin did pretty well in Arizona. Look at the Jets, they went defense and took Dewayne Robertson, who is pretty much a bust. Picking defense is sound, but some teams need some help at WR/QB/RB. I don't know if Larry Fitzgerald will do well, but he seems to be worth taking a chance on. Number two? Probably not. Top ten? Probably.
  18. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Blahahah. That episode was excellent. So much good stuff throughout. Lindsey as Doyle was fun, and Spike as Angel circa season 1 was full of awesome. The double stake, the overdramatic lines, the slo-mo...great stuff. And him telling off that girl he saved was priceless. Angel's hallucinations were quite amusing as well. Gotta love Fred pulling all that crap outta his chest ("What do ya know, your heart really is a shrivelled up walnut"), and of course BEAR~! I also loved the scene with Spike banging away at Buffy, and poor Angel talking about how they were supposed to go to the prom together. What the heck were the Buffy lines though? I really liked the scene with Spike, Wes, and Gunn at Spike's new crib. The shots of Wes and Gunn were interesting...really made em out to be "not good", if you know what I mean.
  19. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    So who got credit for the goal, since no Wild player touched the puck?
  20. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only NFL Conference Playoffs Thread

    The problem with Darrell Jackson is that he has a penchant for dropping passes. I'm pretty sure the Eagles don't need any more of that. Plus, I don't see anyone trading down a bunch of picks to get a guy like James Thrash. Some projecting Larry from Pitt as a top 5 pick. Thrash is so not worth a top 5 pick.
  21. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only NFL Conference Playoffs Thread

    I'd take Marcus Robinson and Todd Heap over the shit the Eagles send out there anyday Chad Lewis isn't terribly terrible. Todd Pinkston and James Thrash are useless though. What big free agents can the Eagles grab in the offseason? TO?
  22. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only NFL Conference Playoffs Thread

    I'm not especially fond of Carolina. But I'd rather them win than the Pats. We can call it the Spite Bowl, or possibly the Apathy Bowl.
  23. LaParkaMarka

    FF X-2 thread

    As long as they're actually healing someone (ie you can't heal someone with full HP) then you get 1 AP each time. It adds up, believe me...White Mage is very quick to master.
  24. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Roenick is hilarious. Good for him.
  25. LaParkaMarka

    ESPN NFL tips?

    Quick slants can kill a blitz, especially if they blitz up the middle. Line up in I-Spread, there's a great slant play that goes to your third receiver. If you have a speedster like Santana Moss or Dante Hall, you can turn those blitzes into TDs. I'm not sure what schemes you've been using, but you also might want to try lining up with an RB back to block, it'll give you a bit of time for your receivers to run their routes.