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Everything posted by LaParkaMarka

  1. LaParkaMarka

    One and Only NFL Week 16 Thread

    Man, great ending...until that weirdo onside kick at the end. What happened there?
  2. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Keep him on the bench. Can't trade him, because there are better/cheaper goalies out there. Can't throw him on waivers, no one will take him. Just let him ride the bench and maybe make the occaisonal start (when you have two games in two nights). Minnesota showed that a two-goalie system can be pretty effective. It doesn't exactly hurt to have a second starter in case something happens to your main goalie.
  3. LaParkaMarka

    One and Only NFL Week 16 Thread

    It's called parity. I love it.
  4. LaParkaMarka

    Fantasy Football

    4 ints just in the first half. And you know Tampa will be throwing more in the second half trying to catch up. What's the record for most INTs thrown by a QB in a game?
  5. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Cordy in Buffy > Cordy in Angel. In all ways. Especially sexiness. Which is what matters.
  6. LaParkaMarka

    WWE Considering Bringing Back Hall Of Fame

    Why don't they make it an addition to Titan Towers? I'm sure they have space somewhere for that.
  7. LaParkaMarka

    Pro Bowl Rosters Announced

    I agree with HoganMadeWrestling. Dat Nguyen should have been there for sure. Favre getting picked just boggles the mind. Hasselbeck played way better than Favre, and I'm pretty sure he's put up better numbers. Let's find out: Favre GS ATT CMP Pct Yrds YPA TD INT RTG 14 420 274 65.2 2846 6.78 27 20 86.3 Hasselbeck GS ATT CMP Pct Yrds YPA TD INT RTG 14 452 272 60.2 3347 7.40 23 12 89.0 Hasselbeck has ~500 more yards, 8 less INTs, and a higher QB rating. Favre has a better completion percentage and 4 more TDs. I think the big difference is that Favre cost GB at least one game (against the Eagles). I'm not sure if you can blame Hasselbeck for any Seahawk losses. Instead, blame the wacky referrees or Darrell Jackson dropping the ball.
  8. LaParkaMarka

    NHL 2004 v. ESPN Hockey

    They're actually doing pretty good this year. ... Which'll make it all the more amusing when they choke yet again in the playoffs.
  9. LaParkaMarka

    NHL 2004 v. ESPN Hockey

    Only way it'd be great is if Don Cherry had Coach's corner like he always does after the first period... Meh. ESPN NFL game did a pretty good job of Chris Berman's halftime thing, but I don't see it being done well with Cherry. What are they going to do, have a random Cherry nonsensical rant about Swedes or how great some Doug Gilmour is? Plus it would be pretty difficult to translate the awesome that is Ron Maclean over to video game format. His quips just wouldn't be the same. Get the HNIC presentation though, and maybe a couple of good HNIC announcers. I like Jim Hughson a lot from the EA series since he's the voice of the Canucks, but I'm guessing the ESPN announcers suck. Replace the ESPN announcers/presentation with HNIC and it should be enough to pry Canadians away from EA's NHL game.
  10. LaParkaMarka

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    There's an online rental place that Penny Arcade was shilling for a while. If you're American you should be able to use it. I remember the artist at that site getting Disgaea through it. I think the company was called Gamefly.
  11. LaParkaMarka

    Those motherfuckers

    That...I mean...dear god. That's so insane. How could that front page pic be at all appropriate for children? That's going to traumatize kids. It's just so crazy and over-the-top. Like when they use RED TEXT OF DEATH to hammer home the point that mommy is an evil murderer. I didn't have any respect for PETA before this. A healthy disdain, really. But this is too far. This has to break a law, right? How could you possibly rationalize handing these out to children??!?! They must be stopped.
  12. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yeah, gotta agree with Rudo here. I loved that Vegas ep. Nice and fun, especially in light of the sad/depressing stuff Angel was doing before that. Good change of pace. Plus that Asian chick was quite hothot.
  13. LaParkaMarka

    Those motherfuckers

    PETA. God, how I loathe them. Reminds me of how they were trying to convince kids that milk was bad for them. I think they even claimed it caused osteroporosis. Think about that for a second.
  14. LaParkaMarka

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    Disgaea managed facial expressions just fine, both on the in game characters and the little 2d cutscene stills. That game is so awesome.
  15. LaParkaMarka

    Week 16 Prediction Thread

    Oakland - 17 points Atlanta at Tampa Bay Kansas City at Minnesota New England at N.Y. Jets Baltimore at Cleveland Cincinnati at St. Louis Detroit at Carolina Miami at Buffalo New Orleans at Jacksonville N.Y. Giants at Dallas Tennessee at Houston Washington at Chicago San Diego at Pittsburgh Arizona at Seattle San Francisco at Philadelphia Denver at Indianapolis Green Bay at Oakland I'm picking way too many away teams...
  16. LaParkaMarka

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    Runic was useful early on, not so much later on. She was indeed an awesome fighter/magic-user combo, though...very useful in the party. I liked using Celes/Sabin/Edgar, with the fourth slot going to whoever. Those blitzes were powerful, and I liked Edgar's tools (especially chainsaw). I thought Gau was a pretty decent character, and Umaro was very useful in that dumb magic tower.
  17. LaParkaMarka

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Well, getting a defensemen for the future is fine. But a couple of draft picks? Bleh. Unless next year has a wicked crop of players, I'm not sure what the Oilers are thinking. Like Max said, they need offensive help now. Do you really see Brad Isbister cutting it for em?
  18. LaParkaMarka

    Worst Final Fantasy Lead

    Relm? Guh? What was remotely interesting about her? Celes was the most interesting character out of FFVI, plus she was extremely useful.
  19. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    She better, damnit. Ok, little nitpicking of my own here. This season, bunches of Wolfram and Hart employees have made reference to the "old regime", especially in the Halloween ep. The problem: didn't everyone at who used to work there get slaughtered by the Beast? I guess they could have all been ressurected, but that seems like a waste. Plus then it shouldn't really affect anyone when people die, if they can just be ressurected the next week or whatever, yet death does seem to affect W and H employees. So what gives?
  20. LaParkaMarka

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm suprised you're not thinking about the Beast whippin it out in super slow motion. You always seemed to like him more.
  21. LaParkaMarka

    Fantasy Football

    Trent Green: 20/25, 341 yards passing, 3 TDs. *poses* *spits water*
  22. LaParkaMarka

    One and Only NFL Week 15 Thread

    Yeah it's BS. This game was close and the Seahawks had a perfect shot at winning. So yes...it's complete bullshit. Usually the ref's will screw you over with there call......now they're physically screwing guys over. Don't forget that there was a late hit on Hasselbeck on that play too. Funny how that didn't get called.
  23. LaParkaMarka

    One and Only NFL Week 15 Thread

    So how did Minnesota lose to Rex Grossman?
  24. LaParkaMarka

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Ressurecting General Leo in FFVI. I wasted a lot of time trying to do that.
  25. LaParkaMarka

    Hockey Jersey Decision

    I like the Oilers team better, but that Philly jersey is very nice. Go with Philly/Comcast.