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Everything posted by Skywarp!

  1. Skywarp!

    Is there a revolution on our hands?

    * Looks around * While I'm a little flattered since this is the first time anyone's called me out to Hardcore, I don't feel much like participating today. Maybe a little later, guys. And JSYK, sorry for telling you to die--I'm usually not this mean or callous. I reconsidered it soon after posting it and edited that out. Banky's trolling just got on my nerves last night, as I'm sure trying to annoy people is his whole purpose for lurking around here. And why does it seem that y2jailbait is hated around here? I've never personally witnessed any posts that would seem to warrant it.
  2. Skywarp!

    Blink 182 - Blink 182

    You're dragging this thread horribly off-topic with your flamebaiting and your talk of 311. Are 311 and Blink 182 the same band? No, no they are most certainly not. Trolling would be what you're doing...intentionally dragging a thread off topic. I also suggest that you die. Theoretically speaking. Of course. Are you 75, by the way? Do you think that using archaic words makes you an English master? I suggest you die, yet again. I am cleared of all trolling charges: I was not the first to mention 311, I was flame baited first and therefore permitted to retaliate in kind within reason, and I am not the same poster that used "gumption."
  3. Skywarp!

    Blink 182 - Blink 182

    "Transistor" was really really good, but I think they should have cut a couple songs, though. Hey, I really like "Evolver". But I think that's mostly because I was afraid in the days leading up to its release--if it was another "From Chaos" it would have ruined my week. Luckily, when it was over, I was assured that they weren't going steadily downhill. I know the subject heading of Blink 182 drew you shit monsters to my thread, but you can make a quick exit right now. buhbye -=Banky I dislike Blink182. Just because someone likes a band you don't doesn't mean they like all the bands you don't. Not to mention that I like the song in your sig (Gasp!). I know that must be devastating to the narrow scope of the world you have, where opinions and taste are objective and everyone that's not you is a moron. Newsflash: people that operate that way are usually the most pathetic of all. Besides, do you really have nothing better to do than troll all day? Or should the rest of this forum start a pool on how long it takes you to get banned again?
  4. Skywarp!

    Blink 182 - Blink 182

    "Transistor" was really really good, but I think they should have cut a couple songs, though. Hey, I really like "Evolver". But I think that's mostly because I was afraid in the days leading up to its release--if it was another "From Chaos" it would have ruined my week. Luckily, when it was over, I was assured that they weren't going steadily downhill.
  5. Skywarp!

    So I wanna buy a new FPS

    Ok, if you're going by IGN, "Goldeneye" is definitely out becuase it's supposed to be terrible in every single way (except online multiplayer but you don't care about that). That leaves you with the other two: "Call of Duty" (which I am asking for because I do care about online) which is supposed to be ok but paled in comparison to the PC original, and "Killzone", supposedly a decent FPS that unfortunately doesn't live up to the massive hype. Just research and choose between those two, I guess.
  6. Yeah, I don't blame you. I have 1, 2 and 3 and requested 4 for Christmas. Besides "Not Without My Anus," I really don't think I'll have the desire to ever watch another Season 2 episode again. They really, really suck, and we're all lucky that South Park didn't tank because of it. Come to think of it, everything after "Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo" on Season 1 isn't that great, either.
  7. Skywarp!

    Blink 182 - Blink 182

    311 is horrible. haha Now, now. I think 311 are comprised of very talented musicians. And yes, the Blue Album was all right, But no "Grassroots."
  8. Skywarp!

    Gargoyles on DVD

    Gargoyles was a great show (Not the Goliath Chronicles, mind you). You can still catch it late nights on Toon Disney. I was in high school and I was obsessed with this cartoon. That's how good it was. Although, I thought some of the Avalon World Tour episodes were pretty dull.
  9. Skywarp!

    GoldenEye Rogue Agent

    But how's the multiplayer/online? That's all that really matters with Bond titles anyway.
  10. Skywarp!

    Woman steals inflatable Santa, Snowman and Turkey

    Maybe she's just as annoyed as I am that Christmas marketing starts earlier and earlier every year.
  11. Skywarp!

    This man is incredible.

    I really don't know what someone's job could possibly be when electrical engineering is their HOBBY.
  12. Skywarp!

    This man is incredible.

    http://www.benheck.com/News%20Main.htm I love them all, especially the wood grain look of the Atari 2600s.
  13. Skywarp!


    Abobo! We need you!
  14. Skywarp!

    Top songs so far

    "Take Me Out" is the only Franz song I heard and I love it. If I hear another single from them I like, then I'll think about picking that one up. However, when I use the little song clip headphones at Barnes and Noble, the album as a whole doesn't sound that engaging. So what to do?
  15. Skywarp!

    Sorry Everybody

    The best is Jesus on page 6: "Even I am sorry."
  16. Skywarp!

    The Clinton Library

    Didn't HW get the memo, it's a black trenchcoat affair X-Presidents 2008!! W.: Where's Gerald? Clinton: His invitation got "lost in the mail." Carter: Oooh! H.W.: Hahaha!
  17. Skywarp!

    Living without government

    Clinton wasn't totally off the hook--he took the stand at the 9/11 Commission and I think he was also a target in "Against All Enemies". I haven't read that, so I'm not sure. Trust me, people are aware Clinton fucked up, but Bush is more fun to villify. I'll admit to that.
  18. Skywarp!

    The Clinton Library

    Well, if you want to nitpick on the scope of things, a section about Watergate should be huge, while a sex scandal really is just a footnote in history. I see no problem with that.
  19. If they end South Park, they should at least do a college spin off of Butters or something...
  20. Skywarp!

    Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

    Looks like a significant amount of people are waiting for Santa Claus on this one.
  21. Skywarp!

    Video game sites/mags, and why they suck

    The reason I don't agree with short and sweet reviews for video games is that just giving a thumbs up or down recommendation is ok for a movie, but a video game is a much bigger investment. If something costs 50 bucks, you should spend a few pages critiquing it.
  22. Skywarp!

    Third Annual SmartMark's Video Game Awards!

    Don't forget Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
  23. Skywarp!

    Video game sites/mags, and why they suck

    I'm still pissed off that the gaming community got me to buy "Viewtiful Joe" when it was a mediocre rental, at best. That was one of those instances where I looked to the community and said "what is WRONG with you people?" Although I see it's more of the same with VJ2, I'm not getting burned this time.
  24. Skywarp!

    The 40 LEAST Metal moments

    Supposedly there were live mp3s on the net of Avril covering System of a Down's "Chop Suey!" However, she didn't put out the effort to learn the lyrics and just ends up screaming gibberish.
  25. Skywarp!

    9/11 Conspiracy Theorist on CNN

    I've read some of the conspiracy stuff about the WTC, and the basic argument is that demolition experts and physicists believe that the WTC collapsed not because of the official jet fuel/pancaking floors theory, but because it was a controlled demolition. The demolition experts say it looked exactly like a controlled implosion, and the physicists claim that the clean freefall of the towers refutes the claim that each floor was pancaking since the whole thing came down in "freefall" time--10 seconds. That doesn't allow time for even one floor's structural integrity to crack once the domino effect started. They say that to buy the official story of what happened is to ignore the laws of physics. I don't know where I read it, but if I find it, I'll post it.