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Posts posted by Skywarp!

  1. Yes, this story is disgusting, but...


    "He said the incident was a wake-up call for parents to pay closer attention to what their kids are doing, what they see on TV and what kind of movies they watch"


    That's not true. Doesn't anyone else remember being a pubescent and making up all kinds of fantasies in their heads? There's always blame to lay, I suppose.

  2. I can't wait to hate this.

    Enough to rant about it?

    Depends on how much I'm exposed to it. I don't really know anyone that can tolerate Limp Bizkit aside from my idiot brother who buys every horrible nu metal album in existence. If he gets it, I might just have to listen to it and react accordingly.

    You can listen to clips at www.limpbizkit.com.

  3. from allmusic.com...


    It took a long, long time for Limp Bizkit to get their follow-up to Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavored Water into the stores. First, guitarist Wes Borland, generally regarded as the band's musical force, up and left the band, and it took a long, long time to find a replacement guitarist. After a national talent search performed at Guitar Center stores, where candidates had to sign contracts that gave up their rights to anything original they played at their audition, they settled on former Snot guitarist Mike Smith and recorded an album. Then scrapped it. Then they recorded another album. Then scrapped it. They were going through album titles, too — it was called Bipolar then, charmingly, Panty Sniffer. Finally, all the sessions and the turmoil was whittled down into one very long, very bad album called Results May Vary. Part of its weakness stems from two perennial Limp Bizkit problems: for a metal band they sound, well, limp, and in Fred Durst they have the worst frontman in the history of rock. These two things plagued even their hits, but Borland at least gave the band some ideas. Without him, the band is left to flounder, and Durst, who already dominated the band's personality, not only has to provide the bravado, but he has to give it direction — which is likely why it took so long for this mess to get released. Durst doesn't come up with any new musical ideas, apart from slight hints of Staind and emo on the ballads, but the album doesn't suffer from recycled musical ideas, since they were already doing that on Chocolate Starfish. No, it suffers from an utter lack of form and direction, from the riffs to the rhythms, and a surplus of stolen ideas. "The Only One" cops the opening of Steve Miller's "Take the Money and Run," "Gimme the Mic" plagiarizes the Beastie Boys' "Pass the Mic" down to rhyming "y'all" with "y'all" (but Durst adds a whole lotta "motherf*ckers"), while "Phenomenon" borrows from several rap songs, highlighted by Durst getting lyrics wrong. And this points out the biggest problem of Results May Vary — Durst is running amuck, flattening down the production into a grey sludge, then writing inane lyrics that are shocking in their banality.

    Since Durst has ingratiated himself with Hollywood, inexplicably getting Thora Birch to concede to being berated to in the video for "Eat You Alive" and French kissing Halle Berry in the video for "Behind Blue Eyes," maybe he's not such a bad guy in person, but on record he's a mean, vindictive, hateful idiot, spewing undirected bile at undeserving targets. Here, a prominent target seems to be Britney Spears, who unceremoniously dumped the dude after an affair that lasted less than a week, since she wasn't all that thrilled that he revealed her pubic hair grooming on the Howard Stern show (what a guy!). Now, he's hurt and ranting about how she broke his heart, unaware of his own culpability in the affair. But that's par for the course for Durst, who stumbles through life without realizing the consequences of his actions, then whines about how nobody understands him. Here, he complains about being picked on in high school, not realizing that his blustering aggression makes him a bully (and that's not even accounting for how he unwittingly incited violence and destruction at Woodstock '99). Then, he complains several times about radio and MTV playing the same old bands, willfully ignoring that he's whored himself out to MTV numerous times and that his band received their radio breakthrough by paying to get their songs played. He invokes icons callously — "ease your pain/like a melody from Kurt Cobain" — most notably on a boneheaded cover of the Who's "Behind Blue Eyes," turning it into a Staind song with a Speak & Spell on the bridge ("B-I-Z-K-I-T. Say it") and adding insult to injury by misspelling Pete Townshend's name in the credits. And this isn't even counting the embarrassing Apple plug in the liner notes, or the Fight Club reference in the artwork, the obviousness of which suggests that Durst would be one of the brainwashed legions chanting "his name is Robert Paulson" instead of thinking for himself. Like before, some of this could have been palatable if the music had a fraction of his anger (no matter how misguided it is) or had some energy to it instead of just being murky emoting. But since the music has no melody, hooks, or energy, all attention is focused on the clown jumping up and down and screaming in front, and long before the record is over, you're left wondering, how the hell did he ever get to put this mess out? — Stephen Thomas Erlewine

  4. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=...id=478569&rfi=8


    Pupil's expulsion appeal denied


    Bob Bauder, Times Staff 09/03/2003


    BEAVER - A Beaver County judge has dismissed an appeal filed by the mother of a 13-year-old South Side Area School District pupil who was expelled earlier this year after admitting to having oral sex with another pupil on a school bus.


    The mother appealed the June 12 expulsion to county court. She alleged the district violated her daughter's constitutional rights and was not clear in its written policies that oral sex on a bus was unacceptable behavior.


    Judge George E. James disagreed, ruling that the expulsion was legal and was supported by substantial evidence. James upheld the disciplinary action and denied the appeal.


    School administrators suspended the girl and a seventh-grade male classmate, also 13, for 10 days on May 19 after several other pupils reported that the pair had oral sex that day on a bus while returning from a field trip to Independence Marsh in Independence Township.


    The Times is not identifying the children or their parents because of the nature of the case.


    Both children admitted to middle school Principal Thomas Ralston that they had consensual oral sex on the bus in front of other pupils.


    During an expulsion hearing June 2 before the school board, the girl said her behavior was the result of peer pressure.


    According to a transcript of the proceedings, the girl said that before leaving the marsh, she and another girl had discussed performing oral sex on the boy, and the other girl said they should do it.


    "She said because she thought it would be cool and she thought all of her friends would look up to us," the girl told the board.


    On the bus, the second girl tried to get a second boy to let her fondle him, the expelled girl said.


    Meanwhile, the girl who was expelled was sitting next to the first boy. She said several other boys sitting around them began egging them on, one calling them chicken and other names, and another saying he wanted to see some action.


    "Then I looked at (the boy) and said, 'Well, what are we supposed to do?' and he said we were going to lose our friends if we didn't," the girl said.


    Neither the bus driver nor two chaperones noticed what was going on. Administrators learned of the incident after several pupils told a guidance counselor, who reported it to Ralston.


    When confronted by Ralston, the girl and boy were remorseful and ashamed about what happened. Prior to the incident, neither child had been disciplined at school.


    Both were expelled until Oct. 29. They were offered admission to the school district's alternative-education program and can be reinstated to mainstream classes as long as they comply with the conditions of their expulsion.


    They also have to be examined by the school's student assistance team to determine whether they should be referred to the county's mental health agency for counseling. If they are referred, they must complete the counseling. They also are banned from all school functions during the expulsion.


    Phone calls placed Tuesday from The Times to the parents of both children; Kurt Winter, the attorney for the girl's mother; and Diane Z. Buchanan, an attorney for the school board, were not returned.

  5. The Presidents of the United States of America.  No elitist could ever like them, but deep down, how can ya hate 'em?

    Perfect example.

    I like them...they're cool and didn't take themselves seriously enough for anyone to actually hate them. They kinda defy any sort of genre classification.


    Okay, there's "alternative" I guess--which is MTV's label, not mine.

    Oh absolutely. PUSA were a bunch of great guys and musicians who carved their own niche and goofy following. I miss their presence in mainstream rock.

  6. From TV Guide:




    ...Lee, you'll remember, who sued Viacom in June, alleging that the media giant was trying to trade on his name when it announced that TNN would be renamed Spike TV. After a few weeks of fussing (Viacom claimed the suit was costing the network millions), Lee agreed to an out-of-court settlement. As part of the deal, Lee and his wife reportedly will produce for Viacom-owned MTV."


    That sickens me. Now he thinks his name is a trademark. YOUR MOVIES SUCK, SPIKE!
