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Everything posted by cabbageboy

  1. cabbageboy

    Invasion vs Goldberg

    I'll actually say Goldberg on this one. Mainly because it is very very easy for GB to get over. You let him destroy people in about 2 mins flat. If you're not willing to do that, don't sign him. The Invasion seems like it would be easy to do, but given the lousy crop of WCW stars they got in the deal (not to mention how bad WCW was perceived at the time) it was nearly impossible to have it work. People tend to forget that there was a lot of tremendous wrestling during the Invasion. The storyline itself as far as WCW's involvement just didn't work. By 2001 it couldn't work. With Goldberg, they have literally bent over backwards to fuck up. Changing his music, making him look inept and ineffectual, putting him in feuds where the crowd naturally would cheer the homegrown WWF guy (Rock), having him sell for guys like Christian. When considering the Invasion angle, ask yourself this: would the angle have been any better had Hogan, Hall, Nash, Steiner, etc. been signed during it? Bischoff as the leader. I mean, it would all just be a tedious revival of the NWO, and they would take over for a while before Vince rallies the troops. The Invasion of one promotion by another is a storyline that can't work if they are owned by the same people.
  2. cabbageboy

    Freddy vs. Jason

    New Nightmare could have been way cooler than it was though. It was a solid movie, but there was a chance there to do some really crazy stuff. Despite the unique premise of Freddy coming out of the movie and haunting the actors and Craven himself, the movie basically comes down to the usual "Freddy stalking the chick" plotline. I would have liked to have seen more with Robert Englund as himself and him being haunted by Freddy. Then you could have a wild ending with Robert Englund killing off Freddy, which would be pretty mindblowing.
  3. cabbageboy


    The way that they have booked RVD in this feud, he desperately needs to go over at SS in some fashion. I mean, a lame small package win is fine. Let's review. Kane has: --Thrown Rob through a wall. --Tossed him into the Titantron. --Beaten him in the head with chairs. --Handcuffed him and nearly lit him on fire. After all that, does Kane REALLY need to squash him at a PPV?? I've heard that Kane will face Shane on the next PPV anyway, so what sort of sense does it make for Kane to go through RVD to get to Shane? Whereas I can see him going against Shane if Shane costs him the match on Sunday.
  4. cabbageboy

    Freddy vs. Jason

    Yeah, to me whenever I think of a Jason movie I think of Jason circa FT13th 6-8. The first movie had his mom as the killer, the 2nd had him with a sack over his head, the 3rd one he got the mask fairly late in the film and wasn't seen much otherwise, and in 4 he is killed by Corey Feldman (haha). I'm not sure what all happens in 5 since I haven't seen that one. But 6 is where Jason became the totally no selling beast we all know today. It's one of the most fun entries. 7 is amusing as well as he takes on the chick with psychic powers and trashes Bernie (Terry Kiser) with a weed whacker. I'm one of the few who likes Jason Takes Manhattan apparently. Perhaps I just like the ending with Jason drowning in toxic waste?
  5. cabbageboy

    Freddy vs. Jason

    NOES was comedic after part 2? I thought 3 was pretty damn serious myself, aside from the amusing dream with Freddy being the "houseguest." It was very downbeat otherwise.
  6. cabbageboy

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    I seriously doubt it. RVD is speaking his mind, but hasn't gone totally off on anyone to the point of getting fired (not yet anyway). I mean he has made some veiled remarks that sound anti HHH but he hasn't come right out and said "HHH is an asshole, he can blow me." See, RVD is just voicing discontent when being asked about it, but he hasn't really gone off on anyone in particular. Whereas Hogan used to go on shows and badmouth people like Kidman (I'm still not sure how much of that was work and shoot).
  7. cabbageboy

    Vengeance buyrate

    The truly goofy aspect of this Kane/RVD feud to me is that it actually COULD draw money if it was booked with any level of competency. Let's face it, one of the sure fire angles that always gets over is a tag team splitting and feuding. Especially guys who are over as singles wrestlers in their own right. You have one guy who is a homicidal maniac, the other is a chilled out stoner. After said maniac tries to kill the lead announcer and does other acts of heinosity, stoner finally realizes that he's got to turn vicious for the first time or else he's dead meat. Instead we get all this extraneous crap with Shane, Linda, Bischoff.....I mean, have they forgotten that this is basically a "tag team breakup" feud?
  8. cabbageboy

    RVD on NO HOLDS BARRED radio

    Van Dam's career has been in a free fall since about June 2002, when they jobbed him to Lesnar at KOTR. This had to be one of those truly retarded booking moves, and I will never understand it. One of those situations where they couldn't see the forest for the trees. They were so preoccupied with getting Lesnar over huge that they didn't even think that RVD winning KOTR and beating the Rock at SS would have worked better and drawn more money to boot. As far as some of the stuff he said here, well, I don't see why he wants to stay on Raw. A change of atmosphere would do him a lot of good, and SMDN would offer a bunch of different guys to feud with. And yeah, this whole interview basically sounds like he doesn't give a shit if they fired him tomorrow.
  9. cabbageboy

    Two Hit Wonders?

    Dare I say that Nirvana might actually be a two hit wonder by this absurd definition? The only two songs I know of that they had that hit the top 40 in the pop charts were Smells Like Teen Spirit and Come As You Are. Maybe About a Girl or something else charted after Cobain's death, I dunno.
  10. cabbageboy

    Vengeance buyrate

    Smackdown's major problem is that there isn't one person you can look at on the show and say "This guy is going to draw money." It seems like an entire show of guys who are good wrestlers but can't draw a dime, or haven't been given opportunities to draw. This PPV tanking is sad because there was a lot of good stuff on it, but the stuff they actually hyped was crap no one would buy (Vince/Zach, Steph/Sable, etc.). And when it comes down to it, Lesnar is someone I don't give two shits about. I don't care if he is a heel or a face, I just don't care about him. He's made no great impression either way. He reeks of someone the fans might cheer because he's getting a push, rather than someone the fans cheer because they actually like him and WANT him pushed.
  11. You know, after considering this Ash thing it would likely work. If there is one thing that F vs. J needed it would be a sympathetic human character, and Ash would be that.
  12. cabbageboy

    Freddy vs. Jason

    The problem with defining horror as something that works on a psychological level and really troubles people is that type of movie is VERY hard to do and isn't limited to the horror genre. I mean, JFK is a movie that really bothered me but is that really a horror movie? Of course not. There was nothing in Freddy vs. Jason that would scare anyone over the age of 10. It's extremely hard to scare people these days, so why not camp it up with humor and over the top killings? I'm a pretty big fan of horror movies, albeit I enjoy the old classic Universal stuff more than schlock slasher movies. None of it scares me particularly, hell if they did truly upset me I likely wouldn't want to see them over and over. Horror movies have always been about bizarre camp humor, going back as far as The Old Dark House (1932).
  13. cabbageboy

    Freddy vs. Jason

    I also was wanting everyone to die in the film. In terms of the theater there really weren't all that many people at the showing I went to (which was a 1pm matinee in the huge main theater). My bro and I were laughing our asses off throughout the movie, mainly at the occasional one liner and definitely the hilarious kill scenes with Jason. I'd probably go see a sequel should they do one, whether it be with Michael Myers or with Ash.
  14. Would anyone think Ash has any sort of shot vs. both Freddy and Jason?
  15. That's one thing you can say for Michael Myers...at least it was mostly Dr. Loomis who took him out in the Halloween movies. Jamie Lee Curtis ran around scared to death (H20 aside). Ah hell, Predator would whoop both of them. He considers it beneath him to even bother with teenage chicks....he goes after people like Arnold.
  16. cabbageboy


    First off, WWE can't afford to lose RVD. I mean he IS one of the few guys on Raw that is actually over to any degree. Thus I think when his contract is up they will say whatever bullshit they need to in order to get him to resign. Probably throw in a token title run to sweeten the pot.
  17. People miss the big picture with Albert. The guy has been around for about 5 years for god's sake. He has shown literally NO signs over getting over to any degree beyond the occasional chant of "Shave your back." At some point you would think they might realize the guy just doesn't have anything and give up.
  18. cabbageboy

    Freddy vs. Jason

    After reading that there will be a winner, it will likely be Jason. Freddy really hasn't had much left in the tank since about 1988 (New Nighmare aside), while they keep occasionally cranking out the Jason cheese. If there is a Jason vs. Michael movie it will likely be terrible. The whole basis for F vs. J to be decent is that you get an actual actor in Robert Englund to go over the top and give the audience someone to hate. I mean, if you just have two silent no selling beasts like Freddy and Myers go 1 on 1 the audience isn't going to care who wins.
  19. cabbageboy

    Just how bad will Jersey Girl be next year?

    After hearing that Lopez will die in the first 15 mins of the movie, I am having serious doubts about it. Aside from Psycho has this sort of thing (killing off a major star fairly early) ever worked well?
  20. cabbageboy

    Weekend boxoffice report Aug 8-10

    Freddy vs. Jason will easily be #1. SWAT was #1 this past week and frankly I knew almost nothing about who was even in that movie till about a week before it came out. The whole F vs. J thing has been hyped for a long time. It will make money. I have NEVER gone to see a Friday the 13th movie or Elm Street movie and I am even excited about seeing this.
  21. cabbageboy

    Blatant Political Sabotage

    For whatever odd reason I don't actually think RVD will be squashed at SS. Let's face it, last night they had Kane lose via countout to Bischoff, so it's obvious that wins and losses don't matter to Kane at all. As far as RVD being demoted to the midcard..what midcard?? Raw has basically about 10 guys hovering around the main events and then everyone else is an opening match jobber.
  22. cabbageboy

    Most overrated films of all time

    Deer Hunter was definitely a very flawed movie. It's such a frustrating movie because there are elements with awesome power (Walken's Russian Roulette scenes, the POW scenes), yet then the whole first hour of the movie is tedious. There are some really weird transitions in the movie too: --The movie goes from them enlisting to just BAM, all of a sudden we see Vietnam and De Niro with a flamethrower. Huh? How did they all get in the same unit in Nam? --From here they just are captured with little explanation. --The last scene should have been De Niro trying to hunt again but finding that he can't shoot the deer now. It could have been a stunning All Quiet "reach for the butterfly" moment, but since it is 3/4 through instead of at the end it isn't as stirring as it could be.
  23. cabbageboy

    Dave Meltzer on RVD

    I disagree with the notion that RVD can't carry people. I mean, I saw him have some really fun matches with guys like UT and the Big Show. Bear in mind that this was during the time when NO ONE else was having even watchable matches with those guys. If anything, his style enables him to have at least a fun, amusing match with virtually anyone. However, it limits him a bit when it comes to having amazing 5 star classics with people like Eddie or Benoit.
  24. cabbageboy

    Freddy vs. Jason

    They actually have odds on this stuff? Much like a match of two world champions in the 80s (think a Flair/Backlund deal) this won't end in a winner. Neither Freddy or Jason would job to the other, it would kill their heat. Would anyone see a Jason movie if he jobbed to Freddy or vice versa?
  25. cabbageboy

    So Who Attacked Brock?

    It was of course just a set up. EMTs wouldn't be fooled for a real long period of time, but if you faked it you could get away with it for the short time period that Brock needed.