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cameron chaos

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Everything posted by cameron chaos

  1. cameron chaos

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    At this point Christian doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to. He's not under contract, he could tell Steph to blow him and swallow and it wouldn't matter because they can't do shit to him, he's doing them a favour by appearing at all.
  2. cameron chaos

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    I think if anything you should be banned from making them if shows like those are the result.
  3. cameron chaos

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    I guess for Halloween they decided to book a show that will leave people with nightmares, wishing they never saw it. If that's not the case... God help them.
  4. cameron chaos

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    I just wonder why the WWE chooses to put out all this shit and expects people to keep taking it. There is UFC, TNA and MNF but they put together complete sacks of wank and expect people to stay tuned. How deluded are they?
  5. cameron chaos

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    Johnny Ace was a road agent at the time in WCW. Now he is head of talent relations in WWE. In the words of the Violent Femmes, "add it up".
  6. cameron chaos

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/31/05

    Am, I the only one that read Dustin was backstage or what?
  7. cameron chaos

    Christian Quits the WWE

    Probably gonna dump her ass now they've brought up Laree and canned her hubby. She was starting to get a bit wrinkled around the eyes from all that tanning so maybe they decide she "looked too old" to be a diva anymore.
  8. cameron chaos

    *SPOILER* Result of 1 Taboo Tuesday match...

    "Welcome back Steve, how about you lay down for an announcer after his fat failure we can't release due to our own stupid contract jumps you and beats you down? That way your best friend in the company is guaranteed to never show his face on TV again. There's a good boy." No wonder he is pissed. I assume this is because he doesn't want to do the Hogan program where he was going to lose because of Hulk's creative control clause. So now rather than laying down for Hogan, he's going to lay down for Coach after Henry jumps him.
  9. cameron chaos

    Christian Quits the WWE

    For those saying he'd just end up being beneath Jef Jarrett in TNA if he did go there, I doubt he's exactly employee of the month right now given his dad's business with the WWE so whatever pull he had with managment probably isn't quite as strong as it was a couple of weeks ago when they didn't have to question the Jarretts company loyalty. All the TNA speculation is far too soon anyway. If I'd been busting my ass for 8 years travelling 5 days a week unless I happened to seriously injured and during that time had earned some serious green, I'd likely take time off to enjoy myself after all my hard work. He's probably going to take a holiday at least.
  10. cameron chaos

    Christian Quits the WWE

    Would you still turn up to work with no contract? Would your employer be able to enforce any policies if you were not bound to contractually? This situation is no different. No contract, no job, no commitments. The guy is unemployed and contract free, he can do whatever he wants.
  11. cameron chaos

    Christian Quits the WWE

    No he is not. The issue was settled out of court and the documents were sealed upon the WWE's request, probably because the materials made them look bad. He is now competing in Japan and is current IWGP champion.
  12. cameron chaos

    Bird Flu.

    Between hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and now a new killer virus, if there is a God he must be pretty pissed off at us.
  13. cameron chaos

    Christian Quits the WWE

    If Christian is not under contract as he did not sign the new one, he should not be under any 90 day clauses. No contract = no conditions. The 90 day thing only applies to people released from their contracts. It's also interesting to note they have put out that he quit rather than chose not to renew or sign a new contract, as if he walked out on them rather than chose to exercise some sense and take time to read through the contract himself or get a lawyer to for him. For all we know they could have written in "If at any point Mr McMahon requires an organ transplant, you will be obligated to provide one for him regardless of what organ it may be." I can see them picking him back up down the line, however they are probably currently quite bitter that he dared to walk away from their offer which might explain them putting out that he quit. I can see him taking some time off to evaluate what direction he wants to go in. The guy has been on the road for several years with few breaks, I'm sure he wants to enjoy the benefits of some of the money he has hopefully saved before he gets back in there to be slammed around. Jericho is not under contract. He's like the Rock insofar as he has other interests right now but has said he is loyal to the WWE if and when he does choose to make an appearance.
  14. cameron chaos

    Christian Quits the WWE

    I guess the guy got pissed after being told for years "guys have to get themselves over, they can't expect to just be given a push because they think they deserve one", and then after he got himself over he was rewarded with constantly jobbing. He was never the most exciting performer but when motivated and working with the right person he has pulled out some nifty spots and if nothing else has been consistently entertaining for the last 2 years since his run as The Rock's suck up. It's a shame as he has rarely been injured despite taking crazy bumps over the years with the exception of his back injury last year. I guess he got tired of banging on the glass ceiling, momentarily breaking through (as he did in the Cena feud) before others protecting their spots got management to reinforce the floor yet again. Having his merch dumped earlier this year, taking away his income from royalties on those, probably didn't help either.
  15. cameron chaos

    Songs Stuck in Your Head Today

    22 Grand Job by The Rakes. http://nme.com/mediaPlayer&function=player&playlist_id=132
  16. cameron chaos

    hey, its me!

    Does no one else find it sad FM replied to his own thread twice before anyone else could/felt compelled to?
  17. cameron chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I've heard WTC "humour" like "what was the last thing to go through the top floor WTC employee's mind? His shoes!" but again, I think it's just pointlessly offensive. I doubt the widows, children and relatives of those that died find any humour in the incident either. However I guess since some aren't affected by it they figure "who cares? not my problem" and don't care for certain boundaries of good taste. back on topic, what's with Jilian Hall's Vaderesque mask? I understand that piece of crap on her cheek would fall during a match, but I can't see how or why a "mole" would be sensitive and warrant protection. It doesn't make sense for her to wear it but they've gave her it anyway. It could be said it doesn't make sense to give her such a shitty gimmick in the first place, and you'd be right, but if they pull stupid shit and somehow find a way for it to make it even shittier, someone really should be getting their ass kicked.
  18. cameron chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Wow, I sure hope you never read Something Awful. I find humor in just about everything, including Muhammad Hassan and the WTC attack. Bully for me I guess. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nope, have no desire to either. I've only ever checked out the Warrior lawyer emails and replies. I also like to think I can find humour in nearly everything, however just because something is "humorous" in one person's eyes doesn't mean it's not completely tasteless and pointlessly offensive. Some people find jokes like "what do you call an Ethiopian family photo? a barcode" to be hysterical, I just find it too be ignorant and racist. Not sure how you can view an atrocity like the WTC attacks as humorous. Generally when thousands of innocent people die or are forced to commit suicide by jumping out windows to avoid the only slightly worse fates of being buried under rubble or burning to death I consider it a tragedy rather than a barrel of laughs. The fact a couple of my relatives died in the incident doesn't make it particularly funny to me either. I guess you just march to your own drummer.
  19. cameron chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If you find humour in someone mocking other people because of their nationality, race and suggesting they are either queer or a terrorist over and over again, bully for you. I personally don't. It's not a matter of lightening up, I just happen to find using xenophobic or racial stereotypes to be crass and ignorant rather than witty and funny. I can only hope one day they run a show in Mexico and he talks about "slapping the tacos out of your mouths" and puts on a Speedy Gonzales accent, the ensuing riot would be fantastic.
  20. cameron chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Benoit just seems to be ashamed there, shaking his head the entire time and pacing around. However if the son in law of the head of the company can get away with xenophobia, racism, and mocking people for their dialects it's no surprise Vince took a shine to JBL and gave him a run with the belt. I found the "Hot Rod" line funny, the rest I thought was pretty crass.
  21. cameron chaos

    Jerry Jarrett at WWE Headquarters.

    What ever happend to Brakus? I only remember seeing him "wrestle" once, and was live at Mayhem in Manchester in April '98. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think he was not as impressive as they had hoped and he got dropped. He showed up in ECW a few of times. He's a bodybuilder these days.
  22. cameron chaos

    TNA finally gets a videogame deal

    Apparently Midway has asked TNA talent to help them with developing the game, so sayeth AJ Styles in the new Power Slam magazine. He's apparently a fan of Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 and prefers the AKI engine so hopefully things will work out for the best if he does contribute.
  23. cameron chaos

    Jerry Jarrett at WWE Headquarters.

    Sambo is not "Russian shoot fighting", it's closer to judo with leglocks allowed and is a recognised sport. Even Combat Sambo which does include striking requires the fighters to wear safety gear (gumshields, headguards, shin guards, gloves) so it's not shoot-fighting/MMA by any means. I also can't see where it says in detail about how "extensive" his training is or anything mentioned about a black belt in either judo or sambo on his resume. Traditional sambo doesn't even have a belt system so it seems you are just making shit up. He looks like a European Lesnar. It'd be interesting if they tagged up Lashley with him and used the fact both guys apparently have legit grappling backgrounds to put them over as more than just big men.
  24. cameron chaos

    And my love for wrestling has just died...

    He was "forced into retirement" when Stone Cold's team lost to Bischoff's at Survivor Series. I think Orton pinned Michaels with an RKO for the final fall. Anyone attempting to apply logic to WWE storylines... just stop. Please. One of their World champs no sold consecutive "serious injuries" from Tyson Tomko "concussing" and then after Angle "broke his ankle" Cena still no sold the "injury" on PPV. If their own staff can't remember what they should be doing and what rules they should abide by (rules they dictate, no less), our efforts are futile.
  25. cameron chaos

    Eugene Breaks Character

    There a rumour about the gimmick being a reference to a mentally handicapped kid that came to late 80s-90s shows who got backstage a couple of times and whenever he met the wrestlers he'd tried to do impressions of them. Was that squashed?