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cameron chaos

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Everything posted by cameron chaos

  1. cameron chaos

    Warrior absolutely shreds WWE in Byte This reponse

    In a way it's a "He who is without sin, cast the first stone" situation. Warrior may be a right wing loon with racist and homophobic tendencies, but so is Vince. However Vince had done a lot more tasteless and illegal shit in his time and has a PR department on his payroll. For him to try and present someone else in a negative light simply because they chose not to cooperate with him in the production process, irregardless how crazy or politically incorrect that person may actually be, is extremely hypocritical and further proof he is a scumbag ("He doesn't want to work with us on this? Fine, fuck him, get some of the boys to do impressions of him and talk shit, we'll make a DVD yet!").
  2. cameron chaos

    Warrior absolutely shreds WWE in Byte This reponse

    If it is all a TV show, why do they present themselves as a serious sports company and maintain kayfabe at press conferences that are not going to be on TV? When a new season of a TV show is announced for say, Lost, when the press conference rolls around and it is promoted by the network the actors don't pretend to radio in from a desert island. Paul Wight was Paul Wight when he debuted. I don't think he got the Big Show moniker for three weeks or so, so technically he has been shown as himself on TV. Al Wilson was indeed Al Wilson, Torrie's father. Same goes for Chavo Guerrero Sr, actually Chavo's dad. Eddie and Rey's families have been on TV before. Same with Foley's. If the wrestlers are just characters, let them be just that and don't mention or feature their real names, actual families or relatives. You don't see Donald Sutherland being mentioned on 24 or Ice-T being called by his given name on Law and Order: SVU, so if it is just a TV show, why do they try to blur the lines when it suits them? Obviously it causes confusion otherwise Rey's son wouldn't have got distressed as was reported recently. He'd have just said "I'm on TV!" to all his friends and not been bothered at all. Fiction, reality, not two distinct separate things in the WWE. The only difference between Warrior being a dick and Vince being a dick is Vince pays other people to be involved in tasteless things for him. Unless it involves Bob Costas or a newly signed Diva.
  3. cameron chaos

    Warrior absolutely shreds WWE in Byte This reponse

    Vince has never mocked a person dying of cancer <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, he had The Big Bossman do it. Granted it was 2 years after Big Show's dad had actually died but cancer isn't something to be used for humour and entertainment to begin with. Neither is miscarrying a child but they've used that also. As for insulting gay people, having Rico be portrayed as a "stylist" who got angry when a gay wedding didn't go to plan and then in the months that followed having run around skipping, wearing make up, pinching people's asses and kissing them is not insulting at all to gay people at all because every gay person does just that. The guy wanted to put someone in a Panda suit on a UK PPV to get beatdown after he lost the WWF case. The guy has pulled down his pants on TV and made other people jam their faces in his BUTT crack. So yes, I think he is capable of that. MX, I don't believe Warrior said it was a good thing Rude died, however the fact is his steroid abuse is believed to have contributed to an enlarged heart which led to his death. Had Rude not used steroids he wouldn't have developed the problem. Same goes for Bulldog. Was their use of steroids responsible for their early deaths? Evidence points to the answer being yes. Is it politically correct for Warrior to mention this and show no pity after they have passed away? No. Does he have a point despite his ranting? Yes. Do I think he is 100% sane? No. I think he's a right wing nutbar. However kicking someone when they are down is not above the WWE either. I mean, shit, the proof is in the Warrior DVD.
  4. cameron chaos

    Warrior absolutely shreds WWE in Byte This reponse

    You beat me to it, but that's totally dead on. The comparison is absurd. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So someone making tasteless remarks out of spite is cannot be equated to taking part in and approving tasteless storylines that are depicted on TV before a worldwide audience? As for the comparison being absurd, Vince uses real world events for storylines and characters frequently (90s Slaughter, Hassan the Arab-American and his "team", Edge/Lita/Hardy, the whole Montreal screwjob debacle that led to his Evil Boss character) so if it is just a TV show, McMahon should stick to intracompany storylines rather than try to use actual events in any way. The WWE defines it own rules every now and then. Paul Bearer "dies" and is gone but The Undertaker is not arrested, John Cena violates a restraining order and gets carted off to jail, Undertaker "dies" and comes back, one day they support the troops the next they are trying to profit from a character created to milk current hatred of a certain religious group, one day Crash TV is dead and the next Kurt Angle is chasing after another man's wife even though they have mentioned in their own media that Angle has a wife and child, Angle slaps on a shitty toehold and gets a tap out, Daniel Puder nearly destroys his shoulder with a legit submission and it isn't even acknowledged. Their own inconsistency in regards to what is real, what isn't, what is acceptable, what's not, changes from situation to situation so to simply say "oh, it's just a TV show" is not really applicable. The Shield is just a TV show, WWE is what it wants to present itself as when it suits them. It wasn't so long ago they were talking about not being a wrestling company and instead being a "multimedia entity".
  5. cameron chaos

    Met Carlito today

    Apparently he is always a douche at signings. People wrote into Power Slam magazine here in the UK mentioning how he was the same way at Virgin Megastore signings in Scotland and Ireland. Apparently Booker, Rey and Dawn Marie were quite fan friendly while Carlito wouldn't actually pose for pictures, would just sign and say "Next".
  6. cameron chaos

    Warrior absolutely shreds WWE in Byte This reponse

    I think you are forgetting Vince has approved necrophilia, animal cruelty and ingestion, a cancer storyline where the deceased's son surfed on the coffin, a character created in the wake of terrorist attacks around the world to get cheap heat, dozens of racially stereotypical characters and almost ran an incest storyline with the Beaver Cleavage character. I suppose you could include the graverobbing of Undertaker's parents, the DDP/Sara, Angle/Sharmell and Bischoff/Linda stalker storylines, HHH getting Steph drunk to marry and fuck her, Goldust the gimp, Trish the barking dog and a few other things in the list of tasteless shit Vince has approved. Oh, and the adultery storylines he books himself into every couple of years (Sable, Trish, Stacy). Then you also have Mae Young, Sexual Chocolate and the plastic hand, Victoria the psycho lesbian, Sable/Torrie the lesbians, Dawn Marie marrying and fucking Torrie's dad to get him out the way so she could try seduce Torrie, Heidenreich the poet and anal rapist, Viscera who beat up Trish because she wouldn't fuck him... Warrior may be extremely caustic in his views and have no fear of reprisal but he's far from being on the same scumbag level as Vince.
  7. cameron chaos

    Vince and Hogan on CNBC

    Uh... right. It's not because a bunch of guys in ski masks ran out to mock garotte the Undertaker, it was because Copani didn't do a good job. Which is why he didn't impress a Hollywood agent enough to picked up.
  8. cameron chaos

    OAO Spike and UFC vs. USA and WWE thread

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess it's funny that Heyman ripped off Ray Stevens on Benoit's behalf also then . Imean, is anyone surprised they changed his moniker from "TheCatSmasher"? Hardly a name that'll keep PETA off their back. Loiseau uses jumping kicks and elbows, obviously he's not a "high flyer" in the sense of Rey Mysterio Jr but I don't think any actual pro athletes have turnbuckles to jump off. Besides that, it's a description, anyone with MMA knowledge knows that Loiseau is nicknamed "The Crow". Meltzer really needs to realise US MMA and US Pro Wrestling are not linked like puro and Japanese MMA, he'd make less of an ass of himself if he did.
  9. cameron chaos

    Kenta Kobashi on Raw Homecomming ??

    I'd rather see him job to Cena. The internet would fuckin EXPLODE with rage... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Kobashi would make sure to kick his face in if he's going to job.
  10. cameron chaos

    Kenta Kobashi on Raw Homecomming ??

    I reckon they'll have a shot of him in the crowd and that'll be it. JR will comment on him being a legend the world over and Coach will say something about him being scared of HHH. That'll probably be it.
  11. cameron chaos

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It many fighting sports, people of Samoan descent often seem to have pretty good chins (IE- hard as hell to knock out or even rock), David Tua being a good example. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I also think generally mongoloid skulls have been found to be thicker than caucasoid or negroid skulls.
  12. cameron chaos

    Oct. 3 UFC show in Jeapordy?

    The guy works out of Vegas for two guys that run casinos. What do you expect? MMA fans are aware of the SPIKE show. Disheartened Bonnar is out but aware nonetheless.
  13. cameron chaos

    WWEShop Goes Insane

    or Who can be sure?
  14. cameron chaos

    Vote on the new Edge shirt design

    Wow. Tasetefully done with tons of crossover potential. I can see these being as popular as the Austin 3:16 shirts.
  15. cameron chaos

    Ross Report for September 21st

    Well, people aren't going to have a positive response to this, I'm sure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Christian needs to kneecap HHH with a baseball bat sooner rather than later if this is true. Yes, I know they are on different shows. I don't care.
  16. cameron chaos

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    I recall in one match against Victoria she went for the move to duck a clothesline and Victoria elbow dropped her in the gut. I thought that was pretty swank. Elix Skipper does the move much faster and slicker.
  17. cameron chaos

    The Rock Confirms WM22 Status

    Pefect sense. I'm surprised he's even appearing with the negative press WWE has gotten this year. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why appear on a wrestling event when he doesn't want to wrestle? I can't blame him for not wanting to associate with the WWE give3n it's current state, but if he is too busy and his current line of work and the insurance it entails prohibits him from wrestling, wouldn't he be better off just staying away and making money as a movie star rather than possibly facing scorn for only popping by for a large PA cheque on the biggest show of the year?
  18. cameron chaos

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    I didn't see Vince on the show.
  19. cameron chaos

    More News On Puder's release

    Vince's senility is getting the better of what little sense he has if this is true.
  20. cameron chaos

    The Rock Confirms WM22 Status

    "My heart is in wrestling... but I won't be wrestling." Does this make sense to anyone else?
  21. cameron chaos

    Another Tough Enough Winner Released

    Question: If Angle was not going all out and trying to fuck them up, how did he manage to break Chris Narwocki's rib? One good Thai kick to his knee and Taker would be screwed. He's had far too many surgeries to be an able competitor. The guy can't even close the triangles he tries to throw into his matches because he doesn't have the leg flexibility anymore. If he did fight, I imagine it would end up looking like Heath Herring vs Giant Silva.
  22. cameron chaos

    WWE Shareholder Meeting Recap

    .....He DID tear both quads no less than 9 months ago, right? I didn't just dream that, did I? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Steroids can be both a bane and a benefit.
  23. cameron chaos

    Jake 'The Snake' Roberts DVD

    You forgot to mention the Moustache he stole from the cop in the Village People.
  24. cameron chaos

    Ross Report for September 15th

    THANK YOU! Kill this fucking gimmick already. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ross says and has said a lot of things that have been bullshit. I mean, you don't have to look further than when he would crow about the cruiserweight division and Billy Gunn being the "best pure athlete in the WWE" despite being unable to go more than 8 minutes without blowing up... both ended up becoming running jokes. I doubt the Kerwin gimmick will be going anywhere.
  25. cameron chaos

    WWE news and notes

    They should check the dumpsters behind all the bars and strip joints in his hometown. Classy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because Scott "air hostess/old lady molester, car vandal, chronic no shower, show up in no condition to perform, suffer alcohol poisoning on a plane back from Korea, smoke dope before shows with Nash" Hall is the epitome of class and professionalism and deserves to be treated in the same way. He had some good matches years ago but the guy is an unrepentant wreck for the most part.