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cameron chaos

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Everything posted by cameron chaos

  1. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Those people are also idiots. There is no woman so annoying that a huge man should punch her. if she is annoying while swinging a bat at your head, then fine. some women deserve to be slapped in the mouth. not punched, but definitely have some sense knocked into them. No one DESERVES to be beaten up, slapped or otherwise if they are annoying. They'll still be annoying afterwards and assault charges aren't worth it just because someone is annoying. I think a "fuck off and leave me alone" followed by walking away is a better option. Now, on the other hand, if it was an issue of self defense, that's another thing, however I can't imagine Debra would be stupid enough to start a fight with someone twice her weight nor do I believe it would be impossible for Austin to restrain her rather than punch her in the mouth.
  2. cameron chaos

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    we did get to see the tattoo though, when he was "burned"by kane and came back he had the straps pulled down and was bandaged on the back but you could see his tattoo Interesting. Did they note it in the commentary at all? If it's already been shown on TV I don't know why they'd make him keep the bodysuit then. It's bad enough he does that stupid dance.
  3. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    So basically a contradiction. "Yeah, it's terrible she got beat up, but she was asking for a slap eventually". I don't care how annoying someone is, there are better ways of dealing with them than beating them up. Telling them to piss off and walking away for one.
  4. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Vince must be thanking God for terrorists and Paris Hilton. He already showed his appreciation of terrorists by allowing a group dressed up as them to beatdown the Undertaker on Smackdown. I wonder if a Diva will now get a Hiltonesque gimmick.
  5. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Debra is 47 and no longer involved in wrestling or modelling to my knowledge, if she looks old it's because she is nearing 50 and doesn't have to live in the gym anymore. Bret's 50 now, I actually thought he looked well and healthy for his age and compared to a few years ago after his stroke.
  6. cameron chaos

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I found out today the reason MVP has to wear that bodysuit is because he has a very large tattoo of Malcolm X on his left pectoral. They have a picture of it in Power Slam. I'm kind of curious who decided that tattoo was not to be shown on TV while others have theirs on display.
  7. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    He admitted as much before in a Power Slam magazine, however said he quit in 1991 when the steroid scandal started to raise it's head and after seeing what happened to Dynamite Kid.
  8. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I hope Kevin Sullivan sues this asshole into bankruptcy for slander and libel.
  9. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I think the fact she holds the majority of the shareholder conference calls is evidence that she is considered to be the more diplomatic businesswoman than Vince who's infamous rant at Bob Costa is up there in terms of any and all maniacal rants on TV ever. You also have to keep in mind Linda appears to be a normal 60 year old woman while Vince has the face of a 60 year old and the body of a 25 year old bodybuilder. It's not surprising one is more sensitive to the allusions to steroid abuse and 'roid rage, I doubt Linda has ever stuck a needle with Dianabol or Winstrol in her BUTT cheek although that's not to say she's not stuck one in Vince's before.
  10. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    He was the wrestler Black Cat and Kuroneko in Japan, he died in January 2006 from a heart attack. Bit of trivia I didn't know, Mar was also an original member of Los Gringos Locos with Eddy and Art Barr. So, a mutual friend of both Benoit and the Guererros.
  11. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    In theory if the crossface was applied around the throat of a young boy with the wrist bones of the two hands locked together, by levering back it could cause the compression of the boy's windpipe leading to tracheal bruising and subsequent swelling, asphyxiation and a possible brain hoemmorage causing a blood clot on his brain.
  12. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Uh, what? I'm not saying being given a title made him kill his family. I'm saying he was obviously having personal issues for a few years, had distanced himself from his friends and loved ones while he likely knew he wasn't going anywhere long term. If you're going to extract selective excepts to villify me based on specious reasoning, how about you not bother since it isn't going to do anyone any good.
  13. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    The signs of his deterioration seem to go back to Nancy's initial complaint. It seems he'd been having increasingly violent mood swings for the past 4 years. Allegedly he seemed distant and troubled since coming back from a sabbatical, even being distant from old friends. He knew he wasn't going to get a run on top ever again and was now going to be used to put over guys like Kennedy, MVP and CM Punk. He was spinning his wheels and wasn't going to be a main event player despite his tenure. He got bumped down to the promotion viewed as the bottom brand where the title had been on Vince McMahon weeks before as a joke. Meanwhile his relationship with his wife had grown strained since he was away a lot, was becoming dependent on prescription drugs, had violent swings and again became distant from her. I can only imagine what was the final trigger that made him go home and kill his family, but I am assuming news will come out with the details. Apparently his wife was considering divorce proceedings and was worried about his mental wellbeing and said as much to mutual friends of the Benoits and Harts so obviously she had some concerns before this all happened. While his achievements are to be admired, sadly he has went from a personal hero in my eyes to cold blooded scumbag coward. The only solace I take is knowing no one will suffer amongst them ever again, whether it be Chris from occupational depression and psychotic urges, his wife due to his violent behaviour or his son who became a Frankenstein project under his twisted but well intentioned father.
  14. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    The sad thing is Dynamite warned Benoit about the troubles and ills of steroids and the wrestling business before, even on a LAW show back in 1999, but obviously he chose to ignore Billington's warning.
  15. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    So now it looks like Benoit hit Nancy on the head, tied her up and then knelt on her back, his bodyweight causing her to end up with bruising on her front from compression and he then choked her to death with a cord from behind. He then wrapped her body in a towel. He then spend several hours alone or possibly went to bed before he decide to go to his son's bedroom and asphyxiate him by smothering him in bed with a plastic bag. He probablt texted Chavo for the first time. There were no visible signs of struggle so Benoit either overpowered his son completely or smothered in his sleep. He left Bibles by the dead bodies proceeded to go to his weights room to find something heavy enough as a counterweight to support his 200lbs plus of bodyweight as he hung himself. He wrapped a cord attached to a weights deck around his neck and let the weights drop, hanging himself in the process. He obviously had been experiencing violent mood swings since 2003 when nancy first reported an incident, took time off for "personal reasons" and apparently had been not himself, acting distant and as if something was eating at him. I think it's obvious why he was shooting Daniel up with HGH. He'd had to work twice as hard in his life and had to compromise his own health more than most others because of his height to achieve what he did in life and didn't want his son to have to struggle due to physical shortcomings. Is it completely fucked up and likely would have caused health complications and possible gigantism in later life, as well as out of proportion features and internal organs? More than likely, but it doesn't seem like Benoit was playing with a full deck for a while. He probably though he was doing Daniel a favour in the long term by giving him a head start so he'd grow tall despite his father's genes.
  16. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Well, the cult of celebrity lists talentless attention whores above pro wrestlers, no matter what the crime or event. I read more in print about Kate Moss sniffing coke than I did about Bam Bam Bigelow and Mike Awesome's deaths combined. Sad but true.
  17. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I agree. Seems you guys, RedJed and I are the only ones that don't think it's the best time to come up with punchlines in the wake of a family's death. Guess our collective comic timing is off.
  18. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    How would you feel if someone made a joke about the way your child died? I can't imagine you'd just laugh along with them. If it was some guy on a message board that I don't know? Why should I care. I doubt that would be your opinion if someone mocked your dead child. Then again, I know people who have lost their children to disease and I can assure you that they never get that jaded about their children. Maybe not, but almost no one is mocking the kid. Most of it is about Benoit himself. Suggesting his family should have suspected something because he made cut throat gestures in the ring? Come on. Even if Benoit is found to be guilty of murder, he should be remembered for who he was and what he achieved, not just how he died. If we were to judge everyone based on their deaths or final actions, there'd be a lot fewer heroes and icons in the world from Elvis to Van Gogh to Hendrix to Shakespeare. Until he is found to be guilty, I think more respect should be shown to all the unfortunate people involved.
  19. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    How would you feel if someone made a joke about the way your child died? I can't imagine you'd just laugh along with them. If it was some guy on a message board that I don't know? Why should I care. I doubt that would be your opinion if someone mocked your dead child. Then again, I know people who have lost their children to disease and I can assure you that they never get that jaded about their children.
  20. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    How would you feel if someone made a joke about the way your child died? I can't imagine you'd just laugh along with them.
  21. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    It's interesting how the sentiment in here has shifted from mourning to mocking in mere hours. I guess it's much more important to appear witty on an internet board than it is to show some humanity and not mock the dead before they are even in the ground yet. Here's to hoping when a loved one of yours passes away some overweight outspoken idiot wrestling fan who thinks he is funnier than he is wanders by the funeral you're attending, rolls his eyes back and says "Rest. In. Peace." then see if you manage to resist the urge to beat them into a body cast for being so disrespectful. Alternatively I'm sure that the WWE will set up an email to deal with those wishing to send comiserations to the family. Maybe some of you will send along your thoughts to them in the coming days and weeks? People, even on here, wonder why wrestling fans and the business is looked down upon by other forms of media. From newsworthy tragedy to messageboard comedy in less than 12 hours.... why serve pearls to swine when they prove to have no taste or decency?
  22. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Well if it's true then he deserves to rot in hell. How can you kill your wife and own son? He had accomplished all he was going to in wrestling. He had to know he was spinning his wheels in WWE. The only thing I can think of that would motivate anyone do to something like this would be a long term infidelity. Benoit wouldn't have got custody of any of his kids since he's on the road all the time, would have had to part with half his fortune and ended up losing his family anyway. I personally am surprised WWE didn't send round an ambulance when they were told his wife and child were puking blood or at least insist that Chris should take them to hospital.
  23. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Sympathy and tact are not the same.
  24. cameron chaos

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Just because he's suspected of being a murderer doesn't justify people cracking jokes over the death of an entire family including a little boy.