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Steve J. Rogers

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Everything posted by Steve J. Rogers

  1. Steve J. Rogers

    Star Wars vs. Star Trek...

    I'll put it this way from what I heard a NYC sports radio host said about the sci-fi and fantasy genres "I hate all that Star Trek Deep Space Nine crapoloa. Well except for Star Wars, Han Solo, you know that was cool" That is pretty much how the mass pop-culturely aware audience (the ones that care about whats on Access Hollywood and E!, read Entertainment Weekly, US, People, ect regliously, the ones that make the number one movies/TV shows generally crapfests, ect) sees the two franchises. Star Trek is sci-fi personified while Star Wars is something acceptable to watch because its "cool" Steve
  2. Steve J. Rogers

    Why ESPN sucks

    How about this, way they treat MLB and how they are so up Commadant Tagliabue and the NFL's kesters: 1) ESPN used to air the HOF ceromonies life from both Cooperstown and Canton every year (both are back-to-back weekends) well in recent years (since getting Classic Sports) they've shifted the broadcast of baseball's HOF ceromony there, but the football one is still shown on ESPN! Not to mention the fact that the HOF football game is AIRED and the baseball one isn't. I'm not saying either should be aired, its just alittle odd as both are exhbition games, granted the NFL one is on ABC and usually gives the MNF crew a good run through before the season starts, I'm not saying they should use Miller and Morgan for the baseball one but it'd be nice to see the game somewhere if you are going to air the NFL one 2) This year they did the Yanks-D'Rays game from Japan, only their broadcasters were sitting in a studio in BRISTOL, CT watching the Japanese feed. This is a regular season game! Yet when the Jets were involved in a PRESEASON game last year (and whenever the NFL does exhibitions aboard) they send full crews out there to do the game, and add those [sarcasim] great cultural differences pieces[/sarcasim] to various programs (SC, NFL preview/wrapup shows, ect)
  3. Steve J. Rogers

    The Old School questions thread

    Uh, WHAT? Unless you mean various casts and braces Triple H has donned over the years I have no clue what you mean He means the chainmail vest, which predates Steiner's King Arthur look several years. I think he cut it out in the fall of 1999, although an exact date is out of reach. Oh THAT. I'm guessing from his Post WM heel turn (left D-X) untill D-X reformed that fall
  4. Steve J. Rogers

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    Bump Boy this thread is dying a slow death And there are what, 5 or so episodes left?
  5. Steve J. Rogers

    Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat

    Who cares, either way someone stole it from UFC. I personally hate the "tap out" anyone can do that. I miss the old days when you had to say you gave up or at least nodded yes. Plus, what if you "accidentally" start tapping, then its a case of a "blind" ref
  6. Steve J. Rogers

    The Old School questions thread

    Uh, WHAT? Unless you mean various casts and braces Triple H has donned over the years I have no clue what you mean
  7. I hope I'm not giving away ideas, but I was thinking of the one thing that can take the "Tables, Ladders, and Chairs" gimmick tag matches and completely overbook it is to put it into a Hell In The Cell/War Games kind of enviroment. Maybe more Elimination Chamber-esque Essentially construct the cell high enough and able to drop the hook that the titles would be on. Maybe a Triple Decker without the layers, who knows (or cares, I realize this is overbooking at its finest) The neat thing, of course, could be a gimmick top that can be pryed open for say arial high spots OFF of the cell's roof (say Wrestler A is on the ladder about to get the title, but in swoops Wrestler B from "BY GOSH! THE TOP OF THE DAMN CELL" to spear Wrestler A to the ground" "OH MY GOD! THEY ARE BROKEN IN DAMN HALF!" or something to that effect Let see if we can think of other creative ways to overbook great gimmick matches...
  8. Steve J. Rogers

    Goldberg speaks on HHH & Vince

    I like how Tom Arnold continued the markish tradition of taking a real, REAL, REAL old tidbit and not doing more research to see if it was still true and accurate, and if not see whats the new info is. It be different if HHH and Chyna JUST broke up, I don't know, LAST MONTH! Buts its been nearly 5 years since they broke up (no clue about the timeline, but that does make sense as Steph DID break them up) Thats like the famous question posed to quarterback Jim Plunket about his parents. (I forget what it was, maybe someone can drag it up) Steve
  9. Steve J. Rogers

    Why ESPN sucks

    I'm pretty sure they were trying to get the canidates to focus on the "sports reporting" aspect of the job rather than comedy bits and catchphrases. Kind of, "Just get over as an anchor/broadcaster first, then you get to get your phrases over" line of thinking Steve
  10. Steve J. Rogers

    Former Cardnial Pat Tillman killed in combat

    How is the media reporting this "glorying" their war efforts? If it was the government reporting this news your argument would almost make sense. But since this report is being passed predominantly by the liberal medie, it's actually the exact opposite of what you're accusing. Its all about their war effort. Its a glorious sacrifice for one's country. How grand! Thats the way it is protrayed. And honestly, everyone who is calling me ignorant, who is ignorant? Do you only get moved when someone "famous" dies? Who cares what he gave up. Every single person who died gave up their family...some their wives...some their children. I'd say passing up a life with one's family is just as bold as giving up a lucratice NFL contract. Money doesn't buy you happiness, in most cases, its the other things you can't buy...like a loving wife and children. Its terrible that Tillman has died, it just sickens me that he has been transformed into a tool by the government/media of almighty sacrifice for one's country. Its kick to the nuts and a spit on the face of all of the other nameless sodliers who died. You only get complimented and martyred if your famous and the Americans can make a campaign around your death. I don't know which media in particular, but sports radio in NYC is treating it as "Putting a face on the annoyomus listing of the daily death total" I'm pretty sure the NFL will be doing something though, especially tommorow at the draft, probably set up a courage/humanitarian award in his honor or something No doubt Arizona State will set up a scholarship/award or something as well I do agree that since he didn't want to be glorified about it that the media shouldn't go out of their way to overglorify it (TV movie of the week, documentaries, ect) anymore than any other annoyomus soilder's passing in battle But thats where sports radio in New York is putting out the story, kind of saying that it puts a face on the war Steve
  11. Steve J. Rogers

    Former Cardnial Pat Tillman killed in combat

    Wonder if anyone spoke to Simmeon (sp) Rice yet? He made comments about how it wasn't a big deal that Tillman did this, that he wasn't that great of a player so why is everyone making a big deal, ect I think he made in on the Jim Rome show, not quite sure about that though To me the comments sounded more like a different topic for a different thread, about how white skill players (WR, safteies, Corner Backs, ect) are treated in the NFL as overrated "Great White Hypes" more than disrespecting Tillman's decision to serve but I can see how the media could take it to be disrespectfull, especially in light of what would eventually happen and all Steve
  12. Steve J. Rogers

    Useless sitcom characters

    Actually PERFECT example from Friends. Well two, Mr. Heckles (The girl's upstairs really weird and cooky (Kramerequse only less funny) neighboor who dies early in Season 2) and Terry (Rachel's boss at Central Perk who just dissappeared in Season 2 and was replaced by Gunther (though Gunther is more of a goofy store clerk/manager rather than the boss of the place that Terry was) NBC wanted them (more so Terry, I think they kind of wanted it with Heckles as well) to insert a "parent" figure into the show despite A) All the characters BEING in their mid-twenties B) Right from the start you do see Monica and Ross' parents and the fact that they still have influence over them C) The POINT of Rachel's entire character arc (ESPECIALLY in the piolt) is her breaking away from any parental type of authority and D) Right away you have a divorced character in Ross, so how much constant parenting does HE still need? Well that obviosuly went no where, as it became apparent that the characters were capable of policing themselves, I mean we ARE talking about Monica as one of them for crying out loud, so the characters were jettisoned without much mention (well Terry was, Heckles got a nice sappy sitcomesque sendoff) Steve
  13. Steve J. Rogers

    Useless sitcom characters

    Dude we are talking sitcoms, not sci-fi and A) No they never said where "ken-DRA! THE VAMP-IRE SLAY-AAR!" was from and 2) That was the point of his turn, make a perfectly good background player who is in a handfull of shows with no distinction other than he has a perfunctionary role as Star Fleet's main security officer on the station so that when he turned it hits you like a WTF! type of turn
  14. Steve J. Rogers

    Why ESPN sucks

    Bingo! Where are the WNBA games on? Lifetime?
  15. Steve J. Rogers

    How does TV work in the states then?

    Raw gets rapped because: A) Unlike Sopranos and even stuff like NYPD Blue that gets rapped, wrestling targets adolecents-mid teens demographics (hence all the video game, Greyhound bus, cheap collect call numbers, and candy commericals that run normally on either afternoon schedules or stations like Cartoon Network) hence why it gets the bad rap and B) The nine o clock hour is generally considered part of "family-time" programing for some reason. Hence alot of the more ranchy stuff has happened during the ten o'clock hour or overspill time
  16. Steve J. Rogers

    Why ESPN sucks

    Should listen to his radio show!
  17. Steve J. Rogers

    Why ESPN sucks

    This is probably the biggest gripe about ESPN and Sports Center In the last ten years or so they have really structured their show more towards the athletes than the fans. Thats why they have all the nicknames and catch phrases, thats why they have highlights that generally have nothing to do with the game story, ect. The audience they attract on SportsCenter is the players themselves. (think there is a reason for all their ads featuring various athletes watching SC? Watch ESPN News for coverage geared towards the actual fan watching It has really gotten so bad that the line between SportsCenter anchor and the athletes they cover is so blurred that there is no such thing as journalistic integrity with some of them (i.e. Stuart Scott) That is what it boils down to, they are not broadcasting to the fans anymore, they are broadcasting to the athletes themselves. That actually came into play during the NCAA tourney with the whole Billy Packer-St Joes fiasco. Jaimer Nelson, actually said that he never seen Packer ever do a game, despite Packer being THE guy doing it for CBS for some 30 straight years now. But he probably knows Dick Vitale because all they watch is ESPN's coverage and CBS just drops in during the tournament. I'll cut him some slack because I doubt you are paying THAT much attention to the announcers unless you are by yourself or with only a handfull of people watching the final game or any game during the tourney. But thats the fact, the audience ESPN cares the most about are the ones who play the sport more so than the actual fans of the sport Steve
  18. Steve J. Rogers

    Unintentional Irony

    But its not just the "ESPN Era" I've heard fans say thirty years ago they could rattle off lists of homer leaders, ect
  19. Steve J. Rogers

    Unintentional Irony

    Ask random people if they know who holds the all-time rushing record, or NBA scoring record. Then ask them what the records are. Then ask them who holds the home run record, and with how many. A great deal more will know who holds the home run record. That's why it is treated on a higher plane. More importantly, ask random people to rattle off the current top 10 All-Time HR leaders, or just the 500 club and chances are they can and more precisly can name the top 4 in order (and not just because its been ingranined since Bonds hit 600) of Aaron, Ruth, Bonds, Mays Ask them to name the top 10 NFL rushing leaders or touchdown leaders, or whatever the "elite number group" is. Ditto with NBA points, ect Maybe Hockey goals is the only other stat that gets the honored "Club" title that anyone can rattle off multiple names on Okay, baseball also has the 300 Wins and 3,000 hit club as well Also has something to do with memorabillia and merchandise as well Steve
  20. Steve J. Rogers

    Greatest Dynasties

    How about Icelanders 80-84, and the Oilers run with Gretzky and Messier from 85-90
  21. Steve J. Rogers

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    I think what happened was that Kim approached Tony B. like it would be a partnership as in 50/50 profit sharing and 50/50 work. Yet Tony B. found that he was doing all the work to set the place up, get it going etc......and Kim would just check over him once in awhile with an attitude like he was superior. Like how he came in while Tony B. was painting and said, "blah blah PARTNER blah blah" and that enraged Tony B. They kind of hurried the storyline, but you could still get the jist of it pretty good. In otherwords, Tony B. felt like he was being scammed. Thats what I got out of it, Tony B is doing all the work and Kim was reaping the rewards for no work Anyway, that is the problem though with the show (its small, and generally not much of the show) where its such a small season and its all compacted into the same time frame that the show airs (11 weeks) that it really doesn't allow for too much new threads being picked up in the middle of the season the way the massage parlor was because in a normal show schedule (20+ episodes over the course of 10 months) you could see the storyline at a normal rate: Stuff you saw in the episode, then it continues througout the next few weeks as the business opens for a few months and the only time Kim shows up is to pick up his paycheck and ask for favors, ect, basically being the a silent partner despite going 50/50 and the payoff happing late in the year But with the show so short and compact storylines tend to get rushed Steve
  22. Steve J. Rogers

    The Old School questions thread

    Not unlike the "Black Scorpion" angle this was one where they just ran out of time to pull an actual good person for the gimmick, not that they didn't try as Kevin Sullivan was actually approached (rumored to be it included Ted DiBiase, Jake Roberts, amongst others) Essentially the quintenssential Russo payoff. Give the audience great setups and interesting and intriguing angles, but with a major letdown or nonsensical swerve as the payoff Steve
  23. Steve J. Rogers

    Why Monday for the "flagship" show?

    Just something I wondered about, despite wrestling's connection with Saturday morning (where most older causual fans remeber watching wrestling "back in the old days) and both WCW and WWF's forays in Saturday night programing (SNME, WCW Saturday Night (the flagship before Nitro) I can understand why a weekday night would be selected But then, the target audience isn't exactly "supposed" to be doing the same things more "older" demographics do on weekends (going out on Friday/Sat night, hence why TV networks basically either give up programing or have "family" themed programing) Or did Vince and USA want to cut into MNF's ratings? Figuring that most of the "target audience" would be home watching football anyway why not give them wrestling? Steve
  24. Steve J. Rogers

    The Old School questions thread

    I'd say fall 99, after he turned on Kane. It just grew from there. I remeber alot of smark hate on X-Pac back during his Syxx days
  25. Steve J. Rogers

    Warrior and Sting

    It's called getting older and different make-up. God, I hate marks who always are like that. I had a friend who always saidm Goldberg was really the Warlord. So many times I wanted to slap the bastard. And it gets even more annoying when you give them imperical proof (i.e. a website that you can go to and watch the progression of Mark Callaway as "The Undertaker" through the years) and they still insist that they are right. I don't know if its to annoy real "smarks" or if they want to feel that they are "one up" on someone who says they know all the "behind the scenes stuff" BTW how is this for a rumor that could get started. Listening to a guy who was a mark in the 80's on the radio (about 34 now) in NYC talking about how Miss Elizabeth was on steriods because she looked so much different from her WWF days and WCW days! Uh dude, ITS CALLED PLASTIC SURGERY! Actually, now that I think of it, the problem there is kind of what baseball has been becoming for the last 15 years or so. Where any time a wrestler dies at a young age its automatically assumed to be steriod related. Not alcohol, painkillers, coke, ect, nope its because of the juice! Haven't heard of wrestlers oding on steroids! Heard tales of Billy Graham being on dialisis, Rick Rude's heart giving out, ect but the way marks will tell you is that they oded on steroids This is what baseball can look forward to in a few years (which is a whole different tangent for another folder) Anyway, that is another big thing about marks, they always think that wrestler deaths are steriod related rather than as I said before alcohol, painkillers, hard drugs like coke, heroin, ect Steve