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Modern Man's Hustle

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Everything posted by Modern Man's Hustle

  1. Modern Man's Hustle

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    I watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow the other night and I was really into it. I couldn't tear myself away from it, couldn't stop raving about it. Then the drugs wore off and the movie sucked.
  2. Modern Man's Hustle

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    I think I see some grey in that beard.
  3. Modern Man's Hustle

    Do you smoke?

    My experience with 100's went like this.... "Let me get a pack of Marlboro Reds, Barry." "Alright, brutha." "You got those in 100's?" "....girls don't smoke Reds."
  4. Modern Man's Hustle

    "Rockin' it, Frat-Party Style!"

    Written by a 30-something author.
  5. Modern Man's Hustle

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    How is this the TSM Rat Pack?
  6. Modern Man's Hustle

    Basketball Star

    I like how the guys are all jumping around celebrating and she's just like, "...motherfuck, that hurt."
  7. Modern Man's Hustle

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    If I were to have a clique, it'd be classy. I guess you'd be Dean Martin.
  8. Modern Man's Hustle

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    Alright, I like you now.
  9. Modern Man's Hustle

    Are you Tired of my Shit?

    Bud Muds LOL? IAFI, I like you. I want you as an ally.
  10. Modern Man's Hustle

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    Worst post ever.
  11. Modern Man's Hustle

    Worst voicemail messages?

    People that do that "oh, I'm talking to you but i'm not really here you're talking to my voicemail" message. I fucking hate that. And people that QUOTE songs in their message. A friend of mine says this, "Hey, this is, uh, Hank....it's Independance Day and I just can't break away from the parade, so uh...haha...leave me a message." If you're going to quote a Dylan, quote a good Dylan, I say.
  12. Modern Man's Hustle

    Serious thread.

    Bait and switch. Hop up and down on one foot, tilt the ear that has the water in it towards the ground, slap the other ear with an open palm repeatedly. Either your eardrum will burst or the water will trickle out. I forget, really.
  13. Modern Man's Hustle


    Just say TSM from now on, it helps the slower people.
  14. Modern Man's Hustle

    I just "blue" myself????

    Other than being homonyms? Nothing in common.
  15. Modern Man's Hustle

    The Passion of The Clerks

    Mewes has been on I Love the 90's a lot lately, and he seems to be pretty sober.
  16. Modern Man's Hustle

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    I lost a friend to a drunk driver, so it's good to see your friend is alright. I agree with Vitamin X now, sometimes its more fun just to sit around and be high.
  17. Modern Man's Hustle

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    Jaxl, your drunken story is funny, man. I just can't be cool with anyone driving drunk.
  18. Modern Man's Hustle

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    Yeah, ignore me. Please enlighten us with "classic" threads about the one time you ran over a child because you were too drunk to make coherent thoughts. Please do.
  19. Modern Man's Hustle

    I just "blue" myself????

    "Blue" and "blew" are two completely different words.
  20. Modern Man's Hustle

    "Rockin' it, Frat-Party Style!"

    OH SHIT. Hey look, Modern Man's Hustle, I didn't credit the quote to you either. I credited that to myself too. Guess I gotta start nailing shit down so Czech doesn't take it.
  21. Modern Man's Hustle

    Tales From The Bar Floor #1

    So you came on here to brag about how you and your friends are idiots and endanger the lifes of innocent people regularly. Fuck off.
  22. Modern Man's Hustle


    Quit now.
  23. Modern Man's Hustle


    And Kotz will make your little sister his next Sun-Yi.
  24. Modern Man's Hustle

    "Rockin' it, Frat-Party Style!"

    The Czech Republic put part of this story as his signature, but clearly forgot to credit the source. I'm pretty sure I don't like him already, I don't like plagiarists.
  25. Modern Man's Hustle

    Since the mods have gone crazy

    Cuz he's not a subtitle.