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Modern Man's Hustle

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Everything posted by Modern Man's Hustle

  1. Modern Man's Hustle

    Since the mods have gone crazy

    Personally, I was confused if I should talk about Raw in the World Wrestling Entertainment folder or the Movies and Television forum.
  2. Modern Man's Hustle

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    Man, I didn't even otice that there were no forum subtitles until I read the thread in site feedback. What's the deal with that?
  3. Modern Man's Hustle

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    I did a wake and bake this morning around noon, then I met up with some friends at this buffet called "CRAZY Buffet", before going back to their house and smoking some more. Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.
  4. Modern Man's Hustle


    Nobody works boards anymore. It's gone the way of disco.
  5. Modern Man's Hustle

    Psicosis to get a tryout match this Sunday

    I'd be down for some Rey Rey / Psichosis lucha shit, if they actually let the two of them go wild. If they put that one match on PPV, I'd probably buy it.
  6. Modern Man's Hustle

    Recent purchases

    Garden State Don't Look Back (Bob Dylan documentary)
  7. Modern Man's Hustle

    "Rockin' it, Frat-Party Style!"

    I meant usethesledgehammerugh. He's like all the "dumb" characters on a show all rolled into one useless pile of shit.
  8. Modern Man's Hustle


    That blinking eye shit. I don't even have to say anything, we all know.
  9. Modern Man's Hustle

    "Rockin' it, Frat-Party Style!"

    Fuck, you're like a bad sitcom character.
  10. Modern Man's Hustle

    "Rockin' it, Frat-Party Style!"

    I agree with him, man. You look foolish.
  11. Modern Man's Hustle

    Things that annoy the shit out of you

    The phrase "indie" as a catch-all for scenesters. Come to think of it, scenesters in general.
  12. Modern Man's Hustle

    "Rockin' it, Frat-Party Style!"

    He's using an intelligent viewpoint, as a semi-literate professional in his 30's, to examine what your behavior looks like and how foolish you sound while living the Greek life. That's what you missed out on.
  13. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    You feel that sting? That's pride fuckin' with ya.
  14. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    Would Atmosphere actually be considered "Indie" rap? They're signed to Epitaph. And Def Jux has been garbage for awhile, true.
  15. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    Not a fan, I take it. Do you listen to hip hop at all, Incandenza?
  16. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    LOL @ Atmosphere avatar, but not lol @ Atmosphere song title? I thought you were the music expert.
  17. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    First double post.
  18. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    Instead of banning people, Kotz will adobt their younger siblings and marry them. It's the best course of action.
  19. Modern Man's Hustle

    Auschwitz was a nice place

    Map of Auschwitz
  20. Modern Man's Hustle

    HOT 97 under heavy fire for tsunami song...

    Mancow's still alive? He was on the air for awhile here, then he mysteriously vanished. Is he still popular, or is it one of those "I used to be cool" sort of things?
  21. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    He's just pointing them out. "Bitch, they're right here."
  22. Modern Man's Hustle

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

    Hey, so I started a new game as a female Consular since I've never got Disciple before - that's a badass character. Does anyone know how to gain influence with him though? My only conversation options are asking him questions that are always answered with Influence Failure.
  23. Modern Man's Hustle

    Recommend me some Cure songs

    Definitely check out "Galore", too. It's their greatest hits from the 80's to the early 90's. Lots of good stuff on there.
  24. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

  25. Modern Man's Hustle

    This is my kingdom now.

    Is he mormon? Mormons aren't hardcore.