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Modern Man's Hustle

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Everything posted by Modern Man's Hustle

  1. Modern Man's Hustle


    Considering that I haven't seen you post in my time at this board, and everyone immediately jizzed at the prospect of seeing you back, I had to assume that it was a return. Ask around.
  2. Modern Man's Hustle


    I still don't know who you are. It works both ways. I don't know who you are either.
  3. Modern Man's Hustle


    You're not important enough to mock.
  4. Modern Man's Hustle


    Good news, guys. The board is totally saved now that Sandman is back to post gibberish and have his buddy CWM tag along.
  5. Modern Man's Hustle


    Your motherfucking diety?
  6. Modern Man's Hustle


  7. Modern Man's Hustle

    Ryan Adams new CD...Cold Roses

    Definitely a return to Whiskeytown form, which is a welcome turn. The only complaint I have is that a lot of the songs could have easily been cut and been released as one completely mind-blowing CD, instead of two good ones.
  8. Modern Man's Hustle

    Help me pick a new avatar

    Those are the ones I've narrowed it down to.
  9. Modern Man's Hustle

    The Sliver Fox Club

    Congrats, you're an ignorant piece of shit.
  10. Modern Man's Hustle

    Help me pick a new avatar

    You realize that the pigtails is Paris Hilton, right? Terrified.
  11. Modern Man's Hustle

    Help me pick a new avatar

    It was a great experience. It wasn't just me, though. I went to the show in St. Louis with my friend Nick, and during the last song of the set, Slug came out into the (admittedly smallish) crowd and shook hands with people, etc. After the set ended, he signd autographs for people and chatted with me, Nick, and a group of about 4-5 other people. Slug took us back behind (kinda underneath) the stage and handed us some "Free Beret" t-shirts. I don't even know who Beret is, since I'm just a casual fan who had only heard 2 Atmosphere songs before Warped. But right after that, Slug asked if anyone smoked bud, and when everyone in the group enthusiastically answered "yes", he whipped out a packed chocolate philly and sparked it up. I really didn't say much to him since I'm somewhat shy (social anxiety disorder) and as I said, I didn't know much about the music at the time. Still, it was an awesome experience. After smoking up, I went and got tossed around brutally Flogging Molly's mosh pit. That's god damned cool, man. Nicely done.
  12. Modern Man's Hustle

    Help me pick a new avatar

    Shut it.
  13. Modern Man's Hustle

    Help me pick a new avatar

    Really? That's awesome, man. I'm actually a bit jealous. How was it to hang out with him?
  14. Modern Man's Hustle

    Natalie Portman....

    She looks great.
  15. Modern Man's Hustle

    The Annual TSM Survivor

    Yeah, that's true. Ban UTSU just because, though.
  16. Modern Man's Hustle

    A Forty For My Homies.

    i don't like juggalos. There's a joke to be made here drawing a correlation between your name and that statement. Unless you already made the joke and I didn't get that you were intentionally making the joke. Either way, I'm satisfied right now.
  17. Modern Man's Hustle

    It's over.

    She laughed and asked if I was serious. I wasn't lying, I could actually tell.
  18. Modern Man's Hustle

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Seconded. Seriously.
  19. Modern Man's Hustle

    It's over.

    I just told the girl that gives me blowjobs when she's in town that I can tell she's been practicing.
  20. Modern Man's Hustle

    Czech, I'm tired of your fucking power trip.

    Czech, I called you a douchebag a couple pages back. I guess you missed it.
  21. Modern Man's Hustle

    Czech, I'm tired of your fucking power trip.

    It's a good thing you're not a betting man.
  22. Modern Man's Hustle

    Czech, I'm tired of your fucking power trip.

    This is neither the board nor the thread to address that issue. I've created a board where all things pertaining to Modern's Man Hustle can be discussed in civilized discourse.
  23. Modern Man's Hustle

    Czech, I'm tired of your fucking power trip.

    Let's get this thread back on track. Czech is a fucking douchebag.
  24. Modern Man's Hustle

    Laura Bush is damn funny

    That's not even what he was saying, so how about you shut the fuck up? Rich white ladies are notoriously uptight. Nowhere in this sentence does he say that Democrats are hip, nowhere does he "grab for any straws". The only thing of note is that "The Entertainer" is in quotes, but that's only because he's not funny.
  25. Modern Man's Hustle

    People who don't shut the fuck up during movies

    I saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on Friday night at 4:50. When my friends and I got to the theatre, it was filled with all sorts of virgin-looking motherfuckers who clearly played a lot of D&D. You know the type...fat, long hair, scraggly beards, smelled like Dorritos. We sat right behind a group of like six of them, who were loud as shit during the previews. They kept on talking until my buddy asked me, "What's so important that these guys won't shut the fuck up?" I answered back very loudly, "Clearly, the twelfth level dungeon master has something very important to say and we should all pay attention." They were quiet for a little bit, but every time they would start up being loud again, I'd yell out something like, "Cloak of Reduced Focus Invisibility!" "Mighty Sword of Eternal Flame!" and it shut them up. Of course, just yelling out "Shut the fuck up!" works well sometimes.