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Modern Man's Hustle

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Everything posted by Modern Man's Hustle

  1. Modern Man's Hustle

    The Minuteman Project

    My next door neighbor is a border patrol agent. He told me that there's 1 guy for every stretch of 100 miles on the border. One fucking guy for every 100 miles. There's no way that all of the illegals can be caught this way, all of the precious laws upheld this way. The Minuteman Project has already located 10,000 people within a span of a week. I met a member of the Project the other day. Republican, voted for Bush, but was, and I quote, "Incredibly disappointed with how the administration was handling things." I have an aqua-colored house on my street. It's been aqua for two years now. I've seen about 200 people come and go through the house since they moved in, and every time a house goes up for sale on my street, it's always a "family member" from the aqua house that wants to buy it. Expansionary tactics are already being deployed. Slowly, they will take over, as, slowly, everyone else is going to move out of this neighborhood.
  2. Modern Man's Hustle

    Jeff 'Unover' Jarrett

  3. Modern Man's Hustle

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Did you see them at the Common Grounds? Fantastic. Mark your calender, Mr. Denza.
  4. Modern Man's Hustle

    The OAO South Park Thread for 4/6/05

    The Barry Bonds bat was a reference to the "Richer" episode from Season 5. It's Token's, because he plays with autographed bats while everyone else plays with sticks and pinecones.
  5. Modern Man's Hustle


    I remember laughing hysterically at Viva La Bam the other night, when Bam was laughing in April's face with his friends, then all of a sudden he leans back and snaps his fingers and they all stopped laughing and walked away. It was so fucking absurd that it was goddamned hilarious. Me? Why thank you.
  6. Modern Man's Hustle

    A gimmick created by Agent of Oblivion

    I used to do drugs. I still do... but I used to, as well.
  7. Modern Man's Hustle


  8. Modern Man's Hustle

    Are you a beautiful flower in the desert of life?

    A winter snow falling on a mosoleum, perhaps. Never a beautiful flower, though. Goths would never say the word "beautiful".
  9. Modern Man's Hustle

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    :::world crumbles:::
  10. Modern Man's Hustle

    2005 thus far

    Queens of the Stone Age's Lullabies to Paralyze is a great little CD.
  11. Modern Man's Hustle

    Let's make a Royal Rumble poster of ourselves.

    It's a shame about your lack of neck, too.
  12. Modern Man's Hustle

    Why is the "Leaders" of this board

    How come did
  13. Modern Man's Hustle

    We need to establish a scale

    America: We stand as one.
  14. Modern Man's Hustle

    SNL Review

    Hell of a song. "I'm the son of rage and love..." It's a jam, that song right there.
  15. Modern Man's Hustle

    The OAO South Park Thread for 4/6/05

    "What? I'm right here. What are you gonna do about it?"
  16. Modern Man's Hustle

    The Royal Blue

    Fuck the Royal Blue! Kegger down the street at Zack Malibu's house!
  17. Modern Man's Hustle

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    Spoon is under my protection now.
  18. Modern Man's Hustle

    Star Wars Trilogy DVD Set

    I guess you're not cool enough to talk about Star Wars anymore, C Bright.
  19. Modern Man's Hustle

    The OAO South Park Thread for 4/6/05

    It was just a cartoon this week. I like it when they take breaks from having to be controversial and talk about something happening in the news and just make a cartoon. Don't get me wrong, I love the show, this season has been phenomenal, but I enjoy it more when it's JUST A CARTOON.
  20. Modern Man's Hustle

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    That doesn't even make sense, homeboy. Perhaps you can elaborate with what exactly you were trying to say?
  21. Modern Man's Hustle

    I'm naked and feeling neglected, and I've been

    This is the best thread you've ever made.
  22. Modern Man's Hustle

    Piss on this.

    Right hand poised for dick grabbing, but what in the name of God is the left hand? Pube trimmer?
  23. Modern Man's Hustle

    Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

    You've still got him beat on that whole being terrible thing, though.
  24. Modern Man's Hustle

    Share your industry secrets

    I also love the people that love iced drinks, then act astonished when I hand them to them and the drink isn't blended up. I then have to take five minutes to explain that there's a vast difference between "blended" and "iced", and that if they wanted a blended drink, they should have asked for one. I then mention something about a context clue and tell them better luck next time.
  25. Modern Man's Hustle

    Share your industry secrets

    Someone's full of shit in this thread. If you ask me for a double shot decaf nonfat iced latte with sugarfree vanilla, I'll be giving you a plain old iced latte and you won't be able to tell the difference.