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Everything posted by LessonInMachismo

  1. LessonInMachismo

    We Got WWE 24/7

    You've never heard of Primetime Wrestling? Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon were the hosts and they'd show matches from house shows and sometimes repeat matches from Superstars or Challenge.
  2. LessonInMachismo

    WWE Sunday Night Heat on USA network

    It was in one of those press releases.
  3. LessonInMachismo

    We Got WWE 24/7

    No Primetime, Lushus?
  4. LessonInMachismo

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    I'm a conservative kind of guy.
  5. LessonInMachismo

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    I never put sugar on my cereal.
  6. LessonInMachismo

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    That reminds me of when John F. Kerry was trying to eat a Philly cheesesteak sandwich while mingling with the American people.
  7. LessonInMachismo

    Question for Vyce

    pm You do not understand. SIDRM -- Just Milky? if you will -- was telling Cerebus to use a PM to ask this question, and I was telling SIDRM to use a PM to tell Cerebus to use a PM. Someone should have told me to use a PM for that...
  8. LessonInMachismo


    Sadly, that's one of the better ones I've seen... Oh, I agree...but it was bad enough for randomly selecting a movie and checking a thread.
  9. LessonInMachismo

    Weird eating habits and quirks.....

    I can't eat certain vegetables because of the texture. Onions for example. I'm not overly fond of the taste of them to begin with, but I don't mind them that much. However, the texture makes me gag. I'll only eat them if they're very finely chopped up. I also do not like whole slices of tomato. If I am forced to eat one in a sandwich, I requre that the sandwich be heated, because there's nothing worse than eating a cold slice of tomato. I, like Vyce, dislike onions. They're nastily crunchy and sickeningly slimy. The difference between McDonald's fucking your order up as compared to Taco Bell fucking your order up is that you don't know your TB order is fucked up until you eat it. What are you going to do, unroll a burrito? Right now, TB is at about 70% efficiency on my spicy chicken burrito orders. I order them without fiesta sauce, but 30% of the time, I almost gag from the crunch and taste of onion. Tomatos...I also dislike them, unless they are ketchup or salsa... My biggest quirk is that I do not like variety in a meal. If I eat a burger, I want bun, meat and ketchup. The adding of lettuce, tomato, etc. ruins the taste that the meat and bun make together. The same thing with sandwiches...bread, meat and mayo and sometimes cheese. Pizza...crust, sauce, cheese and one type of meat. Burrito...tort, meat, beans and/or rice, sauce.
  10. LessonInMachismo

    Let Nobody Ever Criticize the American Media

    So...a news outlet with a show that makes valid points about political focus in the media, thereby making the network somewhat unique, lacks credibility? It's like saying that a restaurant with both an avid customer base and a large group of detractors is bad because the detractors say that of the five chefs the place employs, three of them are bad, so the whole place is bad...and that's assuming that the three chefs in question ARE actually bad.
  11. LessonInMachismo

    Question for Vyce

  12. LessonInMachismo

    Someone who knows somethin' about cars

    Has anyone ever heard of the secret transmission filter?
  13. LessonInMachismo

    Let Nobody Ever Criticize the American Media

    So...the points they make on Fox News Watch are invalid because the show is on Fox News Channel?
  14. LessonInMachismo

    World Leaders: A bunch of lying douche bags?

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm such a hopeless fanboy. I pretty much have all of those lines committed to memory. Yes, I speak them with a British accent as well. Would it surprise you to know that Wayne Alexander isn't British? He grew up right where I did in the San Joaquin Valley in Cali.
  15. LessonInMachismo

    World Leaders: A bunch of lying douche bags?

    I thought he was up on it, Vyce. Apparently, he just liked the promo for its awesomeness without knowledege of its source. This what Vyce and I were quoting from, CG: http://www.midwinter.com/lurk/guide/043.html
  16. LessonInMachismo

    WWE Hotel Fight

    Hirohoto Japaneseo, I think...
  17. LessonInMachismo

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Actually, none of that is covered, because in Communism, there isn't supposed to be a government at all to control those industries or religions. It just winds up being, however, that people can't resist power or letting it go, and Communist governments and dictatorships appear. But Marx was a moron for thinking that EVERYONE would go along with it and "play nice," so to speak. Wait...was the violent revolution for the purpose of weeding out dissidents?
  18. LessonInMachismo

    High-End Analog TV or

    I bought a HEA three years ago (35") and I have loved it ever since. I ran jacks to my stereo so it blasts when I watch TV. I am not a big fan of HD, just the big picture. Also, HEA is much more cost-effective.
  19. LessonInMachismo


    I've seen you in CE, so forgive me if I look a bit surprised. And, IMDB forums are terrible... http://imdb.com/title/tt0329774/board/nest/14113790 Case in point...
  20. LessonInMachismo

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    Feh, the SS is not part of the Bush Administration. Their job is to protect the president, not the man, if that makes any sense. If AA doesn't like it, they can kick rocks all the way to Canada. Spielburg must be working with them...
  21. LessonInMachismo

    World Leaders: A bunch of lying douche bags?

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Definitely. I tend to side opposite Mike(not to be a dick, but he's clearly out arguing) but Bang Bang Bang wins, regardless of what is replied on other side. Good luck to you in your holy cause, CanadianGuitarist. May your choices have better results than mine. Remembered not as a messenger, remembered not as a reformer, not as a prophet, not as a hero...not even as Sebastian. Remembered only...as Jack.
  22. LessonInMachismo

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    But they just got FREE rice cookers...
  23. LessonInMachismo

    Cousins Marry

    That's no urban legend, that's the British royal family. "The royal bloodline isn't what it used to be. Too much inter-marrying, I suppose. I always say when you reduce a family tree to a family bush, you just can't hide as much beneath it!"-Centauri Minister
  24. LessonInMachismo

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    What ever the case, communism does not = freedom. Governent control of industry and agriculture is as much tyranny as government control of what to worship is...wait, isn't that covered by communism, too? Why yes, yes it is.
  25. LessonInMachismo

    World Leaders: A bunch of lying douche bags?

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!