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Everything posted by LessonInMachismo
I've been wondering...what's with that plate o' food in your sig?
Join the BP on the predication that they care?
Your sig put a song in MY head... Here comes the AXE! Here comes the SMASHER!
I guess the binder was a figment of my imagination... I don't think the point of the book was to figure out how much somebody could get for a coin, it was to show how many equal one dollar. Besides that, I don't even know why we had the binders, since we didn't accept Canadian currency, anyways. Target is one fucked up place to not only shop, but to also work.
Yeah, why else would there be a South Vietnamese flag on that building at Independence and Prospect? And I've seen a Vietnamese restaurant in one part of KC, closer to downtown, north of 24. Actually, the Asian population is 2% in the district (both with the student percentage and the population percentage) I went to see a WWF house show in 2000 at Kemper and in the morning on the way home, I wound up in the wrong part of town. It was like deepest, darkest ghetto. There was a restaurant (closed, as it was 10:00AM on a Sunday) called "New Africa" and it had a sign with a tiny map of the US within a map of Africa. It seemed like it took forever to get to the freeway entrance. Keep in mind that I grew up in the concrete jungle, but every city is different and sometimes you can get blown away for simply being in the wrong neighborhood.
You mean like this? But we know how that organization thinks...they WANT illegals to come in. They think the Minuteman Project's presence there is bad, period. See...the worker program that the Bush administration pushed allows guest workers to come in legally, and we can keep tabs on them. Illegals want to come in, work six months to a year and then bounce out after having saved up a ton of money by living six people to one apartment. Keep in mind that these illegals are using someone else's identity to work, and that fucks the real person over. I think the MMP is trying to show that stopping border-hopping CAN be done.
useless moron Scott Keith's girlfriend XXXPosed
LessonInMachismo replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in General Wrestling
Being serious, he looks like Dennis from Head of the Class. -
This is evolution at work.
Proof that the ACLU's dwindling legitimacy is gone manifests itself in the fact that the AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union is protecting the supposed liberties of those who are not AMERICAN, or not even IN America. No, there are no abuses of chicanos, because these guys are like hanging out in the wilderness, reading magazines, waiting for border-hoppers to come their way.
useless moron Scott Keith's girlfriend XXXPosed
LessonInMachismo replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in General Wrestling
Dave and his wife raise cats? -
Cookie - Monster = Goodbye childhood memories...
LessonInMachismo replied to kkktookmybabyaway's topic in General Chat
There is some kind of built-in guilt that all hippies share as a characteristic. They feel guilty that we Americans have all the food we want. They say we are getting fat. To be honest, I really don't see a disproportionate amount of fat people compared to thin people. Why eat low carb and shit when you can die in a car accident the next day? Didn't they come up with a new muppet who was suffering from AIDS? -
NEW!! Episode III trailer........
LessonInMachismo replied to NoCalMike's topic in Television & Film
Speaking of the "A New Hope" prologue, this excerpt is from the West End RPG book "Imperial Sourcebook." It describes a brief history of Palpy's rise. It was written some time in 1989 or 1990, and is pretty close to what has transpired in the prequels and the EU prequel novels. "The Old Republic Wanes The galaxy was once a great Republic of stars. The thousand-thousand member worlds were governed fairly and efficiently by the Senate, and cared for and protected by the Jedi Knights. Inevitably, as the number of worlds increased, the Republic found itself saddled with too massive a bureaucracy. It had grown too large, gotten too old, and corruption had set in. A few greedy, unscrupulous senators had started the destructive chain reaction of malaise. They saw the first lingering problems as cracks in the system of government which could be exploited for personal gain. These beings found that their colleagues were far too occupied by the day-to-day running of the Republic to monitor their activities adequately. The corruption was too small to be noticed at first. But as the opportunities grew, so did the number of senators who were seduced by the lure of illegitimate power and wealth. These senators found an easy alliance with some of the mammoth corporate interests which constantly were on the lookout for easy ways to make a profit. A few arrogant, self-serving bureaucrats fell to seduction, and suddenly a virus was in the stars. Every instance of instability, each uncertainty in government action, every wrinkle in senatorial policy and procedure became a means to foster larger opportunities. Senator turned on senator, values eroded, trusts were broken, and fear gripped the Republic. What was once thought to he immortal suddenly saw the approach of its own destruction, and the Old Republic was afraid. Corruption and fear spread like a mutant disease, quickly reaching epidemic proportions without any visible cause. The Old Republic’s trouble multiplied, and no one seemed to know what was happening-or why. At last the Senate could no longer blind itself to the fact that the Old Republic was being devoured from within by those who had been entrusted with its care. During this time, the legitimate business of the Republic was neglected. Small, previously routine matters became insurmountable difficulties. The government became remote, unfathomable, often a useless burden to tens of thousands of governed races. The Republic was disintegrating, and it appeared that no one could it together. The Rise of Senator Palpatine Palpatine, an unassuming senator, began his road to power during this time of social injustice and rampant corruption. Palpatine was self-effacing and, despite a record of showing promise, was mostly ineffective in the Senate. His plodding, methodical way seemed at odds with the mercurial shifts of power and agendas which were the reality of the collapsing senate. Palpatine failed to take advantage of opportunities for placement on important advisory boards and powerful committees. He was noted as keen observer, but he was reluctant to present his observations unless pressed by his colleagues. The senator rose slowly, hampered by an apparent lack of ambition. His only notable achievement was a remarkable absence of enemies, attributed as much to his weakness within the Senate as to his unimposing personality. But this was all a ruse, for Palpatine was more than he appeared to be. Much more. The disintegration of the Senate continued, exhausting the entire Republic. On the constituent worlds civil unrest was now commonplace and crime blossomed. Some worlds threatened secession. Others pledged their loyalty over the hypermedia while doing what they pleased. The uncorrupt senators realized the danger to the Republic and all it stood for. The corrupt senators could see the need for stability, if only to preserve as much of the Republic as possible for future plundering. A void existed, and it demanded to be filled. Senator Palpatine seized the moment. Through fraud, clever promises, and astute political maneuvering, Palpatine had himself elected head of the Senatorial Council – President of the Republic. The loyalists were encouraged that Palpatine had not fallen in with the corrupt senators during his tenure, while the fallen senators took heart from Palpatine’s apparent docility. Each side believed Palpatine would serve their needs. Each side could not have been more wrong. The New Order The new President exceeded everyone’s expectations. In the midst of chaos, the previously underrated senator began the wheels of government turning again after too long a delay. He proved to be an efficient leader, restoring many of the policies which had lapsed during the waning years. His power supplanted that of the Senate-in these policies only. But as the Senate turned a greater portion of its attention to its internecine struggle, more and more government functions were given over to Palpatine. The senators of each faction found themselves establishing political debts to Palpatine. The President was the only being in the Republic who seemed capable of getting anything done. Palpatine’s power grew. An ever greater number of worlds accepted the President as the voice of the Republic. It was in this climate of trust that that Palpatine declared his New Order and named himself Emperor. Skillfully evoking images of the glories of empires past, as well as promising to lead the Republic to a height unparalleled in galactic history, Palpatine gained ultimate power without any real opposition. When the senators realized what had transpired, they were too weak from their own in-fighting to mount an effective challenge. Those too vocal were silenced. Those considered dangerous were rendered harmless by whatever means were convenient. Darkness and tyranny spread slowly but continuously, entrenching itself across more and more worlds before anyone realized the danger. The Empire was born. Palpatine promised to eradicate the corruption and social injustice of the previous galactic government. Instead, he gave people a program that’s main goal was to subjugate as many planetary governments in the galaxy as possible for the personal benefit and glory of the Emperor. He reneged on his promises to the people and instituted a reign of terror and even greater social injustice. The Old Republic was consumed and out of that rotted body rose the New Order." -
I believe a phrase would be a trademark, not a copyright.
useless moron Scott Keith's girlfriend XXXPosed
LessonInMachismo replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in General Wrestling
Making fun of people for how they look isn't cool. Making fun of people for being morons is okay, though. -
Man has been in college for 11 years
LessonInMachismo replied to Rob E Dangerously's topic in General Chat
There was this one cool dude at my college in CA, who looked just like Ozzy, down to the sunglasses. He spoke with a Cali accent, though. One time before Astronomy, he told me, "Yeah, I'm thirty-three years old and I think that after fifteen years in college it's time to buckle down and get a major." It was pretty funny. -
Mine too. Don't they teach these morons who jockey cash registers anything? When I worked at Target the first time from '93-'94, one time this lady gave me some kind of Canadian coin for a quarter and I wouldn't accept it. She was a snotty cunt about it, so I pulled out the binder that each register had and showed her the pic and exchange rate. She got pissed, I called the CSM, who agreed and was adamant about it, so then Loss Prevention came out and told the lady that I would have been fired if I had taken it. The lady got pissed and left. Now that was okay...we don't need worthless hippie money soiling our own... On Best Buy...fuck them. They are getting shittier and shittier. I have been buying most of my stuff from via the internet or Circuit City. Best Buy actually said last year that one of their goals is to be less customer friendly. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...&type=printable
For one, why doesn't the search feature work? Two, is there a way I can go to all of my own posts? Someone asked me about my sig a few days ago and I replied. I CANNOT find the post or even the thread. I even forgot which forum it was.
That's it, you're out of the CC. ...am I even in the CC?
THAT is some funny stuff.
I'm 6'6, 270lbs. I haven't lifted weights in a year and a half, but I still do push-ups and stuff. Just like my friend, who is 6'6, 280lbs, I haven't been in many fights in my twenties. The funny thing is, people don't realize how big I am. There have been people who worked with me for years and they'd randomly comment, "Hey, how tall are you? I never noticed how big you were!" And though people don't usually notice my size, they are intimidated by me. My wife says in plain words, "You look mean." But I don't look bully mean, more like just a serious kind of guy, like not someone you'd strike up a conversation with. The best fight I've ever gotten into (and there were many) was in 7th grade. Me and a baker's dozen or so of other kids would play "dirt clod fights" after lunch. We'd split up into teams and pick up dirt clods and just throw them. One time this geek hit me in the head from behind, so a few minutes later I fired one back at him and nailed him in the face. He got pissed and said something like, "That's it!" He then started stalking towards me. I have been 6'6 since I was thirteen years old, and in 7th grade I was probably 6'3, 185lbs. So we do the shoving thing and I am hoping that a really good shove will make him back down. Then he grabs my shirt and I do the windmill escape and push him again. Then we just lock up and I throw him to the ground. A growing crowd is surrounding us. We grapple for a few minutes and someone says, "No WWF shit, fight!" So I thought, "WWF?! Yeah!" I then lock the kid in a sleeper hold, as Brutus Beefcake was one of my favorites at the time. Everyone loves it and the kid even waves his arms trying to escape like they did on TV. Then we hear the principal yell and we break it up and I walk off like I was a spectator and he yells "You! You! In the (color) shirt!" We wound up getting suspended for two days. The kid cried about it. Hard. As for short guys, yeah, I've always had trouble with them. Napoleonic Syndrome. I'm the type of guy who just goes about my business, so if someone has a problem with me, then it is they who are the real problem.
If Commander Riker says it, it MUST be true.
Skywalker Ranch
I picked up the first DVD (not set) in the Robotech series today. It was used and inexpensive. Is this series really as good as some people claim?
I read the first collection. Eh. Who did it turn out to be?
That makes two old men who are mowing their lawns today. The grass is alive now in the beginning of Spring, but I am too tired to get out there and do it. To be fair, the old men don't have to go to work for 9 to 10 hours. Hmmm...the irony...what if I offer the old men the opportunity to "make a few bucks" by "cutting the grass?"