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Everything posted by LessonInMachismo

  1. LessonInMachismo

    Video of Booker's Famous Quote to Hogan

    "Fuck it!" If anybody has the clip of Mean Gene saying "Ah, fuck it!" please post it. If nobody has it, please work on getting it.
  2. LessonInMachismo

    Wrestlemania 8 question

    I remember reading a quote from Shane in a WM program about how he reffed the first match at a Mania and was amazed at the energy of the crowd. It was probably a dark match.
  3. LessonInMachismo

    Video of Booker's Famous Quote to Hogan

    I just spent about two minutes wiping the tears from my eyes. Check out Sheri and Booker's own reactions afterwards. Were there any repercussions for this slip up?
  4. LessonInMachismo

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Considering that all of Mike Jones' characters' names were ribs/jabs at other people in the business, do you think the Curly Bill name was a jab at Bill Watts?
  5. LessonInMachismo

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    Disagreement. They are against true economic freedom, a little something we call capitalism. You can slice it and dice it any which way you want, but they use pressure -- sometimes ridiculously -- to get what they want. I am so happy that Wal-Mart said "Fuck you" to that union in Canada and are closing down the store. Now the white-sockers don't even have a job.
  6. LessonInMachismo

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    I should have known that, because I wrote an article for a motorcycle magazine about some HMO's flat out denying coverge to people who ride bikes or even horses. But there is some way to get health coverage, I can guarantee it. Your premiums may be high, but that is warranted, given the profession. I really hate the idea of unions because they have literally ruined companies and half the time the unions themselves screw the workers more than the company they work for had allegedly been screwing them.
  7. LessonInMachismo

    The Old School questions thread

    Someone at the time told me that it was her, but you could tell by her screaming at ringside, anyways.
  8. LessonInMachismo

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    <<If it's unreal to make a living on pro wrestling, why do wrestlers have schedules that pretty much rule out a secondary income.>> That's the whole point. You must quit. If Beyond the Mat is to be believed, and Spike Dudley's own words are to be believed, then he used to be a teacher. He said wrestling is what he loves to do. So he can "suffer" to do what he loves or he can quit and do something else.
  9. LessonInMachismo

    Strangest crowd reaction ever

    I remember this. As the crowd was having a collective brain fart, the PoP held up Fuji as if to display their new heelness, but they sort of got a pop. It was only on the next TV when we saw interviews that we actually knew what the hell went on. <<All the people cheering for the people's elbow were booing the rock out of the building a few seconds earlier. THAT was strange.>> I guess it was like they were excited about seeing Hogan kick some ass, but they knew that Rock must win in the end.
  10. LessonInMachismo

    Free Poster

    ^ That's even funnier if imagined being spoken in JBL's voice. That's the only thing even remotely funny about that. Humor is in the gut of the laugher.
  11. LessonInMachismo

    Free Poster

    http://parents.wwe.com/ Go here to see the free poster from WWE commemorating Black History Month. Let's see...Farooq, D-Von, Mark Henry... When is Hispanic History Month? I want that poster.
  12. LessonInMachismo

    Strangest crowd reaction ever

    I guess Brock vs. Goldberg goes without saying...
  13. LessonInMachismo

    Free Poster

    ^ That's even funnier if imagined being spoken in JBL's voice.
  14. LessonInMachismo

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    Yeah, a union. That's all they need. And to be fair, it's unreal to expect to make a living on pro wrestling for the rest of your life, unless you are one of the priveleged few. And if I am not mistaken, WWE paid for people like Benoit and Edge to have neck surgery. Not only that, but why can't each individual wrestler sign up for their own health care? You don't have to get health care from your place of employment, after all. As for Trivia's comment that was apparently incomprehensible by somebody, I believe he meant that people bitch about the wrestlers' alleged poor treatment, yet perpetuate it by tuning on in to Raw and SD every week.
  15. LessonInMachismo

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    I don't think the government has any business sticking their noses into private organizations. There is already too much of that going on. The point is that you don't have to work for WWE if you don't want to. You don't like the health care, or lack thereof, then leave.
  16. LessonInMachismo

    Free Poster

    I thought it was hilarious when he was "Mr. Huge" as Jericho's bodyguard. The way Jericho said it was just great. So Ladd and Rodz are in the WWE HoF? If Huge and Rodz had a team, they could be the Huge Rodz...
  17. LessonInMachismo

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    On Brock: Judging from the way the boys would welcome him (or not welcome him) I don't think bringing him back is the greatest idea in the world. Now, should the boys act this way? Probably not. But they will. So we can go on how things SHOULD be or how things WOULD BE. On Show: He has really been impressing me in the ring and out. This interview in just one example. I just wish he looked like he did in '99 or even '00.
  18. LessonInMachismo

    Free Poster

    Was Ernie Ladd ever in (W)WWF?
  19. LessonInMachismo

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    I have no idea why Vince would favor the HHHeavyweight title over the WWE title. Does anybody have an idea why the HHHeavyweight title is seemingly more important to Vince?
  20. LessonInMachismo

    Free Poster

    He was laid off. But semantics... Anyways, he was still a part of their history.
  21. LessonInMachismo

    Poor Trish

    They did the "proud" angle with Chyna, too. I guess it's something to be proud of if your other options are Beaver or Club magazines.
  22. LessonInMachismo

    Superman is a dick

    Actually, that gravedigging one is kinda tight. I love the sarcastic display of Supes' and Bats' difference of principle. And Batman with a Thompson...that just rocks. Definitely a right-clicker.
  23. LessonInMachismo

    No Man's Land

    I don't think bringing Barb back would be good for coninuity. Comics are already a clusterfuck when it comes to continuity and how much would it take away from the impact of what Joker did if she were cured? Besides, what are they going to do, send her to Dr. James Andrews? On this whole Cassandra thing, it sounds like a goofy message in that murderders should be diagnosed and treated rather than punished. I know that every titles' morals vary by writer, but Batman has always been one of my faves due to his harsh sense of justice.
  24. LessonInMachismo

    No Man's Land

    I read all of the Batman Cataclysm angle when it came out, hunted down every single Aftershock and read most of No Man's Land when I suddenly stopped buying books in 1999. Can anybody tell me who the new Batgirl turned out to be and if she is still doing it?
  25. LessonInMachismo

    Action Figures Thread

    I was driving today and I saw something that I never think of: K-Mart. I pulled on in and entered. They had Classic figures that I've never seen in stores before and they were almost a dollar cheaper than at Wal-Mart. The problem is that I didn't like them. Jim's overalls looked lame. Piper wasn't too hot, either. I don't want Tito. Are there any plans for a Honky Tonk Man?