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Everything posted by LessonInMachismo

  1. LessonInMachismo

    Whose side were you on...

    <<As a Canadian, I LOATHED Hogan>> What I never understood was why he wore the colors of the USSR.
  2. LessonInMachismo

    Proposing anal sex during intercourse.

    The second of the two times I had anal sex, the girl asked me "When are you going to fuck me in the ass?" I felt like Joey Lawrence after saying "Whoa!" about two dozen times before taking the plunge. EDIT: I'm adding that the above girl was Latina...Salvadoran immigrant, specifically. The first time was when I was just out of high school and the girl agreed to try it, but she started bawling, so I bailed out. She turned out to be a piece of shit, so I should have reamed her. EDIT: The above was also Latina...Mexican-American.
  3. LessonInMachismo

    Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

    Dory Funk, Jr. - Dennis Stamp
  4. LessonInMachismo

    JD's extremely random match reviews

    Steamboat vs. Valentine, WM4.
  5. LessonInMachismo

    Help a brother out

    Well, this doesn't really count because it's a no brainer since it's a hardcore match, but at X7 the ref slapped the side of the plexiglass to count the three when Kane won the match. Not only that, but doesn't common sense suggest that if a ref sees the pin, and is in position to see a kick out, and counts to three, then the match is over. I don't think there's a rule book on this kind of thing...
  6. LessonInMachismo

    Live from Saitama, It's Velociday Night!

    I usually don't like CW action, but this match was superb. My girlfriend, who watched all of two Raws and Smackdowns with me in 1999 when we first met (not counting the SD taping we attended in 2001), happened to be in the room and found the match good.
  7. LessonInMachismo

    Action Figures Thread

    I first bought Teddy a few weeks ago. Much to my chagrin, my three-year old son opened him up a few days ago when I was getting ready for work. No biggie, as Teddy isn't one of the rare or particularly valuable ones. Tomorrow, I plan on making my son bounce a ball ten times in order to get fed his breakfast. J/K
  8. LessonInMachismo

    More info on the ECW ppv

    <<I mean it might be a good *WWE* ppv but if they actually do try and give it a name that has the letters ECW in it then don't be surprised if it doesn't live up to whatever expectations you might have.>> Well, I haven't yet seen an ECW PPV that matches the best WWF/E PPV's. Maybe it's just the style of wrestling that I enjoy, but I don't think ECW has anything on WWF/E when it comes to putting on a great show when they try. Of course, there are some good matches on some ECW PPV's, but as for whole PPV's, nothing compares to "the symbol of excellence in sports entertainment." ECW fans have a seemingly jingoistic passion about the ill-fated company, but to general wrestling fans like myself, it's just one of the top three promotions of the last ten years. Of course, that is spoken from an American-centric point of view, as I don't think Japan or Mexico has anything on US wrestling, the same way I don't think ECW has anything on WWF/E. I have been watching Mexican wrestling since I was probably twelve years old on Channel 19 in northern California, and I was exposed to "puroresu" in 2000. Great stuff, but it just doesn't click with me like WWF/E/WCW/ECW does. Anyways, the rabid ECW fans...I think Paul E. knew that at one point the ECW fans would chant for almost anything, as long as it was hardcore and extreeeeeeme. But this was a very small percentage of overall wrestling fandom. As for actual overall quality production and wrestling, no I don't think they even compare to WWF/E. I believe that ECW was built up as this renegade, cult show that was "better" than WWF/E, a lot of the viewers bought the idea and off they went. All that said, I think a good dose of WWE into ECW could improve the quality. Am I saying that this proposed PPV will be good? Nope. As far as I know, Paul E. isn't even involved, and that is mistake number one. It has to be a joint effort, as Paul E. would be great with some reins on him. But choosing not to involve the architect is asinine in the extreme. No pun intended.
  9. LessonInMachismo

    Regional Titles for WWE

    Okay, I am interested in the whole title importance thing. Some say that if the title changes too much, it becomes meaningless. Some say that if the title is defended too little, it becomes meaningless. Still others say that if the same guy holds the title too long, it may become more meaningful, but the champion becomes a bully who holds everyone else down. Is there supposed to be some kind of fragile balance between the three?
  10. LessonInMachismo

    Regional Titles for WWE

    Okay, I am interested in the whole title importance thing. Some say that if the title changes too much, it becomes meaningless. Some say that if the title is defended too little, it becomes meaningless. Still others say that if the same guy holds the title too long, it may become more meaningful, but the champion becomes a bully who holds everyone else down. Is there supposed to be some kind of fragile balance between the three?
  11. LessonInMachismo

    Is Anybody Watching 24/7

    I think they're lucky to get me to watch 4/2. ***** But, I have to point out that while current WWE relatively sucks, a channel with RETRO WWF/E and AWA, ECW, WCW, NWA is almost a soul-selling impetus.
  12. LessonInMachismo

    Is Anybody Watching 24/7

    I remember reading that the service would be $10-$15 per month. I am waiting patiently. Expect the service to start up first in areas where wrestling is big. It will probably start in the northeast and work its way down.
  13. LessonInMachismo

    Pontiac Silverdome Attendence

    <<I asked Dave about the WM 3, specifically what exactly Zane Bresloff sent to him to confirm the 78,000 number, and this is what Dave said:>> I, too, wrote Dave an e-mail on the subject. I haven't gotten a reply from him to any e-mails or credit for the news bits I send him since I called him out on Crash Holly not being in Tributes II when he went on a tirade about Crash's death not being acknowledged on WWE TV. Well, the publisher liked my "review" on Amazon.com and sent me a free copy of the book. I guess that balances it out. It should be added that while, no, Dave is NOT god, it is undeniable that "he got da inside info, yo!"
  14. LessonInMachismo

    Missouri Kills Professional Wrestling

    <<Great, so this kills any more shows at Kemper Arena, the only place within driving range that holds RAWs, Smackdowns, and PPVs.>> Isn't everything within driving range as long as it's on the continent? Yeah, I have been to Kemper a few times, but I have decided to never see wrestling live again.
  15. LessonInMachismo

    Shows you've been to.

    <<The WCW PPV was Sin, I think. Was a while ago. I'm pretty sure it was Chris Benoit's last PPV.>> Benoit had been gone a year when Sin aired.
  16. LessonInMachismo

    Former Ms Monday Nitro robs the cradle

    I don't know who could have fingered the teacher.
  17. LessonInMachismo

    Post funny old pics here

    Sorry, MARTYEWR, the "worst ring attire" thread is elsewhere...
  18. LessonInMachismo

    WrestleMania On DVD

    Eh, I just moved, so I can't check, but I may have gotten "The Legacy" 1-14 but then they came out with one that included 15. Yes, I believe that's it. I bought it at Suncoast, which was a really stupid decision.
  19. LessonInMachismo

    Out of Style Wrestling Terms

    I don't think "ham'n'egger" gets used as much as it should.
  20. LessonInMachismo

    Worst ring attire of all time?

    Okay, I used to have this quote in my sig years ago. From WOW magzine: "So, when I came out, one arm would shoot fire, from another arm there was smoke or confetti, and it was like a really cool space outfit."-Charles Ashenoff, a.k.a. Konnan What about Virgil's ring attire? No, I don't mean the aforementioned Dusty Rhodes.
  21. LessonInMachismo

    Former Ms Monday Nitro robs the cradle

    This is ridiculous. Come on, men, we were all thirteen once. Was this kid being "abused" or did he know what he was doing?
  22. LessonInMachismo

    Missouri Kills Professional Wrestling

    WWE picks Oregon back up only to lose Missouri.
  23. LessonInMachismo

    Shows you've been to.

    Okay, I went to a house show at the old Arco Arena in the fall of 1987. It had a battle royal, and several matches. Slick managed Rick Rude, which pissed me off, as I wanted to see Bobby. It was weird, because at eleven years old, I didn't know that house shows were different than TV. I think this is the show from Cawthon' site: "WWF @ Sacramento, CA - Arco Arena - October 31, 1987 Randy Savage vs. WWF IC Champion the Honkytonk Man" I went to a house show in Kansas City in July 2000. Pretty decent show. My seat was right next to the tunnel where the wrestlers came out. Bubba Ray Dudley came out about an hour before the show started and looked around like "Here I am!" Surprisingly, not too many people came to the railing. A guy took a pic of his girlfriend and Bubba together and then Bubba went back in. A few people recognized Tony Garea, who was sitting at the timekeeper's table, and spoke to him. The guy sitting in front of me told me that he was there at Over the Edge '99 and said Owen's death was sick. He said the crowd just stopped like they thought it was a mannequin at first, and then realization sunk in. Cawthon: "WWF @ Kansas City, MO - July 15, 2000 The Godfather defeated Gangrel Test & Albert defeated the Acolytes Kane defeated Bull Buchanon WWF Tag Team Champions Edge & Christian defeated the Dudley Boyz The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle via count-out WWF European Champion Eddie Guerrero defeated the Big Bossman WWF Hardcore Champion Steve Blackman defeated Crash Holly Matt & Jeff Hardy defeated X-Pac & Road Dogg Chris Jericho defeated Chris Benoit via disqualification Rikishi defeated WWF IC Champion Val Venis via disqualification." In Fall 2000, I went to a WCW-sponsored indy house show here in Fayetteville, AR. Hilarious show. We had to wait in the rain for an hour until they let us in. The arena was the Randall-Tyson Track Center at the University of Arkansas. When we got in, we learned that the tickets were first come, first serve. I would up about fifteen rows back on the aisle. The show was ghetto. They did lame matches with the indy guys, including the "Chinese Assasins" being squashed by the Moondogs. BPP and Nash worked matches, and both were faces. Then the ME was Booker T vs. JJ. Booker T arrived about an hour into the show from a back door in the arena and people rushed him on his way to the side door into the locker rooms. BPP broke the ring when he was bouncing off the ropes. The WORST part is that Ric Flair was billed as being on the show, and he didn't show up. Needless to say, there were some pissed off people. Also in 2000, I went to a show with about twenty-five people in the audience. They were inbred rednecks. I spent most of the show trying not to laugh. This one match had a huge fat dude in red tights with a black silk hood tied over his head. This one drunk redneck kept standing up, YELLING, like the "arena" had 10,000 people in it, "TAKE'IS MASK OFF!" Two other guys in front of me were saying stuff like "Hey, dudn't he look like little red riding hood?" The other would go "I wouldn't say 'little.'" The best part was that they claimed to be all that was left of the legendary WCCW. Their "pyrotechnics" were Christmas lights around the entrance curtains. Funny stuff. I returned to KC in Feb. 2001, one month before X7. Terrible show. It was the one where Steph and Trish fought in a barn. I had Uecker seats, so I couldn't see or hear anything. Plus, my girlfriend complained that everyone had BO. Now, I figure I'd rather watch wrestling from the comfort of my own home.
  24. LessonInMachismo

    Whose side were you on...

    I jumped onto wrestling in 1986. I never liked Hogan, but my friend was a huge mark for him. I actually wanted Andre to win at WM3. So when 1990 came, I had won my friend over to root for Warrior. We pretty much shat our pants and went hoss when Warrior got the three count. I was Warrior all the way.
  25. LessonInMachismo

    WWF Piledriver Album

    Great album. The video for Jive Soul Bro rocked all.