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Everything posted by LessonInMachismo

  1. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I know, there are so many, its hard to find the first ones. I recently lucked into the SCE books, finding a book store that had the first four. So those are good? I noticed that Sonya Gomez is in them. She was the neurotic ensign who spilled hot chocolate on Picard.
  2. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    It sounds like you need to read Peter David's New Frontier series of Star Trek books.
  3. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    If Lucas hadn't hired those two editing guys, ANH would have wound up as an installment of MST3K and SW wouldn't have been the commercial success that it was and continues to be. It's all in the editing.
  4. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    It is on the Behind the Magic CD-ROM. That's a great site.
  5. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    The preview is in the other room so I can't look up the name now, but they still make variations of the X-Wing.
  6. LessonInMachismo

    Nielsen Ratings

    NCM just lost his chance to become a NFM.
  7. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Legacy takes place over 120 years after Endor.
  8. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Palpatine's master was an alien?!
  9. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Well, technically, SftP and VotF are in early EU now, at least in terms of using the Battle of Yavin as a frame of reference. One thing, though...I tend to get irked by Stackpole making Corran so successful and unbeatable.
  10. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Well, there were better concepts, but they were all shot down by the PTB. Strangely enough, one of them was the basic idea of the new Star Wars Legacy comic. I thought the series was fine (on average) up until Destiny's Way, which was complete and utter garbage. The following trilogy, Force Heretic I, II & III, was truly awful. That being said, one of the best SW books -- one of the best books period -- that I've ever read was Traitor. It's a different kind of book. Onslaught and Ruin made the Vong seem scary. While Hero's Trial and Jedi Eclipse were decent books, they really undid what the preceding three books did in terms of making the Vong seem really alien. Chewbacca dying was one of the best things that ever happened to the expanded universe. I disagreed with the choice to kill Anakin. In terms of story development, it would have been better if Jacen had died. Then again, it was realistic that he died out of nowhere. That happens.
  11. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Here is a list I made at another board of must read SW books: Heir to the Empire Dark Force Rising The Last Command Specter of the Past Vision of the Future The Entire X-Wing series I, Jedi Revenge of the Sith Cloak of Deception Shatterpoint Onslaught Ruin Hero's Trial Jedi Eclipse Rebel Dream Rebel Stand Traitor Paradise Snare The Hutt Gambit Rebel Dawn The rest range from passable to garbage. Mathew Stover makes the "Big Four" of Star Wars authors: Zahn, Stackpole, Allston and himself. I can't count Crispin because she passed on NJO.
  12. LessonInMachismo

    American Beauty

    There's just something that weirds me about about Jack Ryan's daughter showing her puppies.
  13. LessonInMachismo

    The Official "52" Thread

    Congratulations, DC. You brought me back to superhero comics with 52. When I read the concept for 52, I had to jump in. Excellent, excellent stuff.
  14. LessonInMachismo

    OAO SuperSmash Bros. Brawl Thread

    Lance and Bill...
  15. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    The ROTS novelization made the story seem, well, good.
  16. LessonInMachismo

    OAO SuperSmash Bros. Brawl Thread

    I am surprised that nobody has listed Lance and Bill.
  17. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    So that fucker is late, huh? It was supposed to be out a few weeks ago. The comic guy kept acting like a dick about it, too. I shall pick it up today along with 52.
  18. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Dooku was 83 in ROTS. Anakin was 45 or so in ANH.
  19. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Vader lost power when he became a cyborg. I believe even Lucas is quoted as saying that. I am telling you, the next modification to the original trilogy will be the CGIfication of the Obi Wan vs. Vader duel from ANH. Obi Wan will be flipping off those Death Star bulkheads and screaming.
  20. LessonInMachismo

    KFC Chicken Bowl

    We're getting the account and the redneck managers say it that way, too.
  21. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Actually, I didn't even like that part. I found the duel to be too choreographed. For my money, the best duel in the entire saga is Luke vs. Vader in ESB.
  22. LessonInMachismo

    KFC Chicken Bowl

    Then don't eat it. El Pollo Loco used to have some jammin' bowls. They put chopped up grilled chicken over Spanish rice, with guacamole and salsa on top. I believe they had a steak one, too.
  23. LessonInMachismo

    KFC Chicken Bowl

    For the record, I find KFC to be disgustingly terrible.
  24. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I've got to question the decision to show Anakin as a kid at all. They should have started out with him as a teen. In ten years, Lucas will be saying "The prequels don't count and didn't fit my vision, so I'm redoing them." Well, the only problem with that is that HE'D be doing them.
  25. LessonInMachismo

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I don't know if you interpreted it this way, but I wasn't being facetious. It really would have made more sense. And along those lines, they could have eliminated the whole slave thing, too. It would have at least saved us from the "BLOW YOU UP! PSHHHHH!" line.