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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    Dave Meltzer's Taboo Tuesday review

    Uh..........yeah, it does. Flair's shitty ringwork and laughable persona will hurt his reputation and legacy when it's all said and done.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    Dave Meltzer's Taboo Tuesday review

    It's debateable these days as to how much he means to the hardcore fans. If anything he's a comedy act who's kept around because of his status. If you'd asked me 5 years ago what my opinion was of Ric Flair it would be much higher then it is today. And you know what? It's only going to keep going lower and lower and I'm not the only one.
  3. Lord of The Curry

    RIP John Peel

    Are you trying a poor attempt at humour?
  4. Lord of The Curry

    Chapters and Match Extras for ECW DVD

    Roadkill + Rosie = Tag Team of the Year.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    Chapters and Match Extras for ECW DVD

    This DVD lacks one thing and three words: Angry.Amish.Warrior.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    Halloween Music...Danceable Tracks...

    That track is so played out. It gets used at practically every Halloween party.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    Chapters and Match Extras for ECW DVD

    I was referring to no Dudleyz matches as extras.
  8. Lord of The Curry

    Chapters and Match Extras for ECW DVD

    I just noticed. No Dudleyz? The fuck?
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Chapters and Match Extras for ECW DVD

    Tajiri vs Psicosis from the Deep Impact DVD of Sept 2000 is infinetly better then the overrated Rey/Psicosis stuff.
  10. Lord of The Curry

    Spend Halloween Night with Satan... er.. Silva

    You're going to hell for that Elm-elianenko line you brilliant son of a bitch.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    An evaluation thread

    The community's of TSM's reaction to more pointless HD crap.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    The early 2004 "classics"

    SummerSlam was Angle's second match back from surgery and you expected Eddy to go over clean as a whistle? "Wrong fashion"? I guess clean victories are a lost art these days. Angle won and in doing so, proved his point that Guerrero needed to cheat to win.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    The early 2004 "classics"

    Their SummerSlam encounter beats the Mania encounter for sheer brilliance on the part of Angle. While at WrestleMania the story was "Eddy Guerrero outsmarted Kurt Angle" the story at SummerSlam was "Kurt Angle is the smarter wrestler."
  14. Lord of The Curry

    The early 2004 "classics"

    The lack of Eddy/Brock love in this thread is disgusting. Nuclear crowd heat, stellar selling on the part of both men with Brock giving likely the performance of his career and I'm actually seeing a ** rating for it? Brock's moveset is just killer in this match. Even when they both a spot (Eddy's hurricanrana) it turns out awesome. Sweet cradle and vertical suplexes and a DEAR GOD German Suplex (twice!). The jumping knee in the corner looked sick and the subsequent bump he took on the follow-up was awesome. He even pulls out a one-legged vertical suplex. As great as it was to see Eddy win the title and as much as the night was about him, you could make an argument that Lesnar was the star that night. The story of Eddy using the ring and everything around him to his advantage (ringpost, belt) and timing his comebacks right after Brock made any kind of an error worked well IMO. The submission sequences were HOT and the crowd was buying into the concept of Brock tapping out as it had been established in December w/ Benoit. The Goldberg interference doesn't hurt the match too badly because it's Eddy's cheating via the belt bump that leads to the frog splash and the 1-2-3. One of the most memorable post-match celebrations with Eddy sayin' "Fuck it" and jumping into the front row. ****1/2
  15. Lord of The Curry

    second week in a row

    Like Heidenreich needs Rico to help him look like a joke.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    Two arrested for throwing pies at Ann Coulter

    I'd do it. Happily. -=Mike ...I'd even call them hippies in your honor... I'd love to see you get up and chase somebody. If it was you, the kicks wouldn't stop until my shoe was covered in your rather skimpy amount of brain matter. -=Mike Whatta tuff guy.
  17. Lord of The Curry

    Who here is interesting.

    Is Inc trying to be ironic here?
  18. Lord of The Curry

    Eminem Releases Anti-Bush Song

    Since when did hatin' on The Prez become a musical trend for you Yanks?
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Next Monday's RAW

    Mini-feud with Benoit until the Rumble or culminating at the Rumble. Poor Benoit.
  20. Lord of The Curry

    Next Monday's RAW

    I'm in the discussing mood tonight so let's hit it. With the rating of RAW last night coming in at an ass-sucking 3.0 (yes, I know it was because of baseball) and the extremely lackluster reaction to the PPV tonight, the WWE needs to get back into shape and quick, especially since Surivor Series is around the corner and it's known for delivering at least one big match. The PPV, however, gives them some interesting routes in terms of where they want to go in terms of plots and storyline buildup for Surivor Series. The Current Players HHH- Da Champ. Still holdin' it down. Will most likely feud with Orton going into SS. Orton- Beat Flair clean as a whistle. So did Rico. Feud with HHH iminent. HBK- Out for I don't know how long with some kind of injury. Will he even be on the show? Benoit- The One Man Army himself is probably going to get involved in some kind of feud with Edge, even though he's been in a feud with Evolution since after the Royal Rumble. Flair- I'll give credit where I belives it's due and I thought Flair looked better then he had in a while on RAW in the tag match. Still not much but he looks like he was trying a bit harder with this Orton thing, though I'm not sure as to how much it will work in Orton's favour. Face status with Evolution is questionable. Edge- Heel turn complete. Induction into Evolution still possible. Currently involved w/ Benoit as a tag champ and hopefully not a "Tag Team who hates each other" angle. BATISTA- Dave is still pimp tight and silky smooth as the Metrosexual Monster (credit: Malibu) of Evolution. I don't expect to see him leave anytime soon. Dave rules. Jericho: Now title-less, Chris is wandering dangerously into the "nothing to do" zone which means a heel turn is a possibility. Benjamin- The IC champ. Good for Benjy. They'll probably botch the reign but it'd be nice if it works for him. Some potential storylines that could come out of the future for this............. - I'm not sure how it should be worked into the storylines but I could definetly see the following happen: Edge and Benoit each get to choose a partner for the vacant/suspended tag titles and we somehow manage to get Edge and Christian vs Jericho and Benoit. Not as impossible as one would think. - Flair getting kicked out of Evolution at this point makes sense but I don't know if they'll pull the trigger on it this week. If they're going to induct Edge into Evolution him taking Flair out could work fine but then there's the matter of the tag titles w/ Benoit. - A heel turn for somebody besides Edge. I wouldn't put it past WWE to turn Benoit Monday night because they probably don't have anything planned out for him to do. Lay your thoughts down, yo. DISCUSS.
  21. Lord of The Curry


    That's a damn good idea.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    My eyes hate A MikeSC for posting that picture.
  23. Lord of The Curry


    GOOD FUCKING JESUS. BEST.SHOW.ON.TV.PERIOD. And it only gets better. - Sawyer. Remember the name. AWESOME. "It sucks, don't it?" was just straight gangsta, because I'm sure a lot of people expected him to apologize or say "Cheer up" or something. Nas. Not Sawyer. - Jack's character just went *KA_BOOM*. Like Rudo mentioned, the paralells between Jack and Locke are solid. - Locke being the Baba to Jack's Misawa in the jungle is easily one of the finest moments this show has produced so far. - The writers of Lost earn my love once again by hinting that Charley will be hittin' Claire soon. - Dueling tribes? We'll see. The waterfall should look beautiful in the sunlight. The symbolism between what the coffin and waterfall represented for Jack was fucking brilliant. - I give it three episodes before Jack and Kate have a "shared moment".
  24. Lord of The Curry


    I'd mark the fuck out if Locke said, out of nowhere "Oh yeah? Well at least I didn't sleep with Lumberg".
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Next Monday's RAW

    Flair going off on a long-winded promo about how Batista has been watching too much Queer Eye needs to happen. Pronto.