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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    How would you have killed Kane's child?

    4 Words. Barbed.Wire.Coat.Hanger.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    South Park inspired me to post this question

    So I'm watching the episode tonight about the Tooth Fairy and the kids finding out about her not being real. So, when did the fantasy barrier get blown the fuck up for you? I found out about Santa when I was aboot 8, quite a shock at the time. Assumptions about said Fairy and The Easter Bunny soon followed.
  3. I could see it being Benoit vs HHH, just to fuck with all the internet smarks who voted for Benoit.
  4. I'm trying to think of all the funny "Fetus on a pole match" jokes to come up with but I can't rightly do it. Maybe because I've known people who'd had miscarriages and seen what they go through, but this angle is just bad. I'm talkin' Katie Vick bad.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    As much as I can't stand him now, Flair in the 80's was the perfect model for what HHH should be doing today. Note how Flair was able to job, put guys over and make them look good and still retain his heat and be considered a top guy. Flair did this without resorting to outright burying guys. HHH is unable to do the last part of my above statement.
  6. That sig had me laughing for 30 seconds flat. Thanks for the good times.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    More Flip Flopping from Kerry

    Why doesn't this forum have "OAO Kerry Bashing" and "OAO Bush Bashing" threads? It would be so much easier. Then again, it would reduce the amount of threads in here by about 75%........
  8. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    If HHH respects wrestlers as much as people says he does how come he has so much difficulty in properly putting somebody over? 'Cause to me that's the biggest sign of respect.
  9. HHH could bring up the fact that Benjamin had beaten Orton twice cleanly before going down to injury. Remember, you're assuming WWE will remember past history, something they don't excell in. We'll be lucky if we get any reasoning at all besides the usual "If this is the kind of guy who beats me then I want him on my side" explanation from HHH. Plus, a Benjamin-Batista tag team would be pretty swank.
  10. A Benjamin turn leading to him joining Evolution tonight is a pretty good possibility, IMO.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    If Conway was given the push that Orton has with a more developed character, agreed. The guy has already shown that he has been gifted with more in-ring skills then Orton and his mic work would probably be better too.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    New Smackdown GM?

    No wonder, I mean, a black person in a position of power in WWE? Unheard of.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    Shows and movies everybody has seen but you.

    Rudy. I still get harassed for that one.
  14. Lord of The Curry

    Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda get engaged

    They should announce her as "Jackie Gaydahaas" from now on. Yes, I realize the spelling. It's purposeful.
  15. Lord of The Curry

    How important is your city?

    Don't front on the 905. We hold it down f'real.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    After reading the story about Andre bangin' some broad the term "lion raping a rabbit" has made it's way into my vocab. Bless you, DVDVR.
  17. Lord of The Curry

    Velocity Preview

    That match kicked ass, canned heat or not.
  18. Danielson/Ki vs Lyger/Joe. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. While obviously a straight-up Joe/Lyger, Ki/Lyger or (my pick) Danielson vs Lyger would be great but it was obvious from the start that ROH would use Lyger to get over as many guys as possible. This also will do nothing but build for the Danielson/Joe match that's coming up, something that could easily go down as the best match in ROH history. Hopefully those DVD's is out by X-Mas, that way I won't have to pay the shipping fees.
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Ric Flair Soundboard

    Here's a fun tip kids: Click them all one after another and let your mind be blown.
  20. Lord of The Curry

    WWE confirms Austins and Hogans return!

    Is SD actually live next week? Or is it, ya know, possible that it's a highlight show and they're fucking with you all.
  21. Lord of The Curry

    Because I didn't see it posted here (credit DVDVR)

    Yeah, just noticed that. Fuck, it's all about Danielson in Fall of 2004.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    I dont know where to share this

    My condolences. Hope you make it through this ok.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    Question about Shelton Benjamin from RAW?

    *Looks at all the people in this thread talking about Benjamin being a top player* *Watches WrestleMania 19* LOL. And exactly how many black main eventers has there been since then?
  24. Lord of The Curry

    Eddie & Angle has an "altercation" backstage...

    If Jericho could take down Goldberg it'd be no problem for Angle. Taker vs Goldberg is the money match because both of them would try and work their fantasty psuedo-MMA styles into the match but it wouldn't be done correctly all the time so it would be hilarious.