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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    Should I take this job?

    I'd say no, the potential negatives outweigh the positives. Plus some of them would probably be really annoying.
  2. Lord of The Curry


    This may or may not depending on the person but smoking a joint usually knocks me right out or at least helps me get faded/tired.
  3. Lord of The Curry

    Hey Loss...

    The fuck? Classy job at handling those inane comments, Loss.
  4. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    Don't ever insult Bob like that again.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    The Chinese know how to handle kidnappers..

    That's fucking straight gangtsa.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    Statement: Jim Ross has almost completely destroyed his legacy as an annoucer due to his beyond-terrible job in the past 4 years.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    Regarding your favorite bands.........

    I'll go see those dudes when they come to TO just to see them berate the crowd, even if I'm on the recieving end of one of their zingers.
  8. Lord of The Curry

    Just to put things in perspective

    It adds to his mystique.
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Carlito Carribean Cool

    If his finisher isn't called "The Carlito's Way" then this gimmick is dead before it starts.
  10. Lord of The Curry

    Everyone's least favorite Diva Hopeful

    Why the fuck am I laughing so hard at this? Fuck. THE RABID BEAVER~! That pic rules.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    Favorite beer....

    Guiness Extra Stout. Nectar of the Gods.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    And it starts...

    I dunno. They could be. I'm sure there's just as many people who like Bush that are dicks too.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    And it starts...

    The fact that Anti-Bush protestors will be going out giving fake maps and wrong directions to people trying to find the RNC should make for good times.
  14. Lord of The Curry

    Real Life Heat

    I don't think they hate each other but I can definetly see Ross resenting Heyman for out-classing him every time they were on commentary together.
  15. Lord of The Curry

    Indian Kids re-enact Execution

    Yeah. That's what it is.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    Eugene news

    Man, I really dig that Trish/Eugene idea. Wait, first Trish could pretend to be Eugene's friend, right? And JR and Lawler will talk about how Trish is using Eugene and she's not his friend, right? And then Trish will turn on Eugene and Eugene will cry, right? SEN-SATIONAL~! And how in God's name is Eugene's feud with HHH yet to be resolved? The retard lost clean in the ring, 1-2-3.
  17. Lord of The Curry

    What they COULD do with Kidman/Chavo

    Nobody gives a shit about Chavo playing with his kids, that's the type of promo a face would cut.
  18. Lord of The Curry

    Regarding your favorite bands.........

    A few of the band members play more then one instrument, but as best I can recall here are all the things they used to make noise that night........ - Electric guitars - Acoustic guitars - Bass - Banjo - Trumpet - Trombone - Drums - Violin - Keyboards - Piano - Maraca's - Christmas bells - Cowbell (a personal mark-out moment which lead me to scream "Needs more cowbell")
  19. Lord of The Curry

    I love you

    That should be the new slogan for this folder. "Come for the sex, stay for the anal rape."
  20. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    What's wrong with Rhyno and Tajiri?
  21. Lord of The Curry

    Real Life Heat

    Rock not wanting to work w/ somebody? Wah?
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    I think that La Res has actually done a decent job carrying the tag belts as they get the most heat for midcard level guys on RAW. SD doesn't need them (they already have Dupree). RAW does. Statement: Now that La Res has done a fairly good job w/ the RAW tag titles the division should be built around Rhyno and Tajiri once the belts are given to them.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    Indian Kids re-enact Execution

    Will this lead to a clue about KJ's super-sexual powers and how he posses them? FIND OUT~!
  24. Lord of The Curry

    Make a statement

    I'd like to say that I didn't write off all of Rrrsh's comments as tripe due to him calling HIAC "pathetic." But I'd be lying. Brock flipping Taker onto his shoulder for the F5 in the midst of a tombstone position alone earns that match ***.
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Hulk Hogan agrees.......

    In front of 3 million people, no less.