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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    I challenge to CWM to a fight.

    Well that was certainly hostile. I'll make a mental note to stay out of HD catfights from now on.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    Batistia to be on Elliot in the morning

    I would've chanted along ala "Tra-ffic! Tra-ffic!"
  3. Lord of The Curry

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Some interesting words from Dunst regarding the upcoming films. Source is some random Australian press thingy. credit: www.aintitcoolnews.com Dunst Interview "The next one will be it. I'm only contracted to 3 and don't see myself signing for a 4th or a 5th," says Dunst, emphatically. Asked if she would love to see her Mary Jane character killed off in Spider-Man 3, Dunst laughs. "It would actually be really interesting if SPIDER-MAN died. Why doesn't the superhero ever die? I think if Mary Jane was alone, pregnant and he died, she could give birth to a spider baby and carry on the series with another young boy or something like that. I doubt Tobey Maguire would come back for a 4th or a 5th either."
  4. Lord of The Curry

    Batistia to be on Elliot in the morning

    Did he talk about why he's such a stylish motherfucker?
  5. Lord of The Curry

    I challenge to CWM to a fight.

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. A staple of the HD folder tells me to believe that feud between two other HD staples is legit. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    I challenge to CWM to a fight.

    Not to mention a potential work.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    The year's half over

    Interpol- Antics The pressure was obviously there for Interpol to follow up Turn on The Bright Lights with an equally impressive sophmore record. I'd say that they succeeded. Is it better then TOTBL? I'm not sure yet. At first listen you can tell right away that this record is a very different one, vocally, lyrically, musically. Lead singer Sam Fogarino's vocals improve a great deal from the previous album and he has shed a lot of the Ian Curtis-lite comparisons that were made. Musically it's a very diverse album. It can go from new wave pop-ish stuff ("Slow Hands") to the bleak and dreary guitar rock of "A time to be so small". The only track that I'm not totally feelin' is "Length of Love" which is too monotonus to ever take any kind of shape. The standout track in my mind is "Take You on A Cruise" which features a chorus of Sam and lead guitarist Daniel Kessler playing off each others vocals and it sounds choice. I'm not sure what this will do for the band, exposure wise. Rock is coming back in a really big way and they might just turn some heads, especially with their main stage billing on The Cure's Curiosa Festival. ****3/4
  8. Lord of The Curry

    WWE Match Reviews

    Even if Brock had hit the SSP (which I would've MTFO for) the match itself was lacking in basic construction. I've watched the match a few times it's just a ton of moves strung together, thrown in with some amateur work and some suplexes. The easiest storyline they could've worked into the match was Old Guard vs New Guard and they chose to do neither, instead focusing on.........well........nothing. Brocks bumping was ace in the match though, specifically the german into the turnbuckle and I give props to Angle for gutting it out and doing the match but I can't in good conscience praise a match that didn't mean anything. ***
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Fucked up story

    That Vedas kid is a prime example of Darwinism.
  10. Lord of The Curry

    The Roots

    Did you dl Antics yet? 'Cause you damn well better have.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    BTW, Should We Americans Be Worried?

    When we the last time one of our politicians told us that America was evil? Canadian youth disliking American is a thing that naturally occurs with age.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    Best Actor of All Time Tournament

    *slips piece of paper into ballot box saying "Fuck you all, Daniel Day Lewis was robbed"* *runs away* BTW, Deniro and Pacino.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    So lemme get this straight

    Has HHH been doing jobs? Absolutely. Have any of them meant anything? Not in the least.
  14. Lord of The Curry

    Edge Webcast

    Somebody should've asked him why the fuck he speared Bischoff. Yes I AM still waiting for an answer on that one.
  15. Lord of The Curry

    RAW is...Canada?

    The saddest thing is that La Rez is the most well booked champs of the bunch. Though evil heel slut Trish is becoming a favorite character of mine. Trish giving herself a pat on the shoulder last week after knocking out Nidia aka "Bounce" and pinning her was great.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    Awesome animation clip

    People w/ 56 k modems need not apply to this site. I'm looking at a good 10 minute load wait time and I'm on 300 k.
  17. Lord of The Curry


    I don't really know you that well but you were never directly offensive to me so I wish you all the best.
  18. Lord of The Curry

    Triple H - A man in the crosshairs

    I'd rather you explain to me why you consider Dinsmore to be in the same league as Benoit. State your source and explain why you think so.
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Triple H - A man in the crosshairs

    I've yet to see Dinsmore's work in OVW (though I certainly would like to) but I fail to believe that a WWE farm-raised wrestler who's known and worked one style his entire life can be considered in the same league as Chris Benoit. Forgive me for not taking your word for it.
  20. Lord of The Curry

    Triple H - A man in the crosshairs

    With all due respect, you're wrong. In the last few weeks they've made Eugene the most interesting character in recent memory. He's more than a comedy character at this point. He DESERVES that spot in the ME ranks if they want him there, hell he's as good in the ring as a vanilla midget... but he HAS a personality. Why shouldn't he be there? I'm going to pretend you didn't insinuate that Eugene is as good in-ring as Benoit is. Because that is a comment that even your levels of ignornace have yet to reach. Or at least they had yet to reach. You've made it. Congratulations.
  21. Lord of The Curry

    Bret Hart responds to Ric Flair's comments

    anti- Obviously you don't pay very close attention because this thread is proof positive that people can and do hate Ric Flair in this day and age.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Pick My Avatar

    Boo to all of that shit. Bea Arthur for FearHavoc's Avatar in 2004.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    Bruno in the wwe?

    While we're on the subject of DVD's (because I don't really care too much about Bruno) the Eddy Guerrero DVD is set for release on Sept 28th and will be a 2 DISC DELUXE EDITION. Yeah, it's off topic but more people care about Eddy then Bruno.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    Edge Webcast

    Edge's comments about Angle's hair is SO a fucking shoot comment that's not meant to be a shoot comment.
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Pick My Avatar

    Custom Title: "Feed it to me"