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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    Talking Heads

    Thanks, I know that. I've been dl'ing assorted goodies fairly frequently for a while before I finally bought SMS. "This must be the place" has to be my favorite so far. Just a great, really really great song.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Yeah, D'Von is very much the bitch of the Dudleyz (and I'm including Spike).
  3. Lord of The Curry

    Twisted ideas for food

    I'm kinda going off topic because this food idea leans more towards "delicious" then "twisted". But the world needs to know that such food exists and that's why I'm here. Two belgium waffles, toasted with butter, sliced bannanas and smooth peanut butter. It shall own your being.
  4. Lord of The Curry

    The last great world title match

    Yup. Nothing gets better than that. It was good, but hardly a ***** match. Probably about **** 1/4. The last great one was on the May 3rd edition of Raw, Shawn Micheals vs Chris Benoit. For me great = ****. And Micheals vs Benoit just touched **** Angle/Benoit smoked Benoit/Michaels six ways from Sunday. I don't normally dole out the old ***** ratings but Angle/Benoit is the closest I'll get in terms of WWE matches post-2000. Not much comes close to that one.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    Smackdown Spoilers

    These have got to be fake. Isn't there some kinda unwritten rule that you can't have more then 3 crusierweights on one show? 8!? Madness. Go Paul and Billy.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    Firefly on DVD

    Jayne looks pretty fuckin' cowboy'd up in that photo. I like. Which begs the question; we've already seen Tudyk simultaneously make pirates look cool again in Dodgeball, can Jayne do it for cowboys in Serenity? In this posters opinion, of course.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    What program will HHH suck the heat out of next?

    *Pictures HHH getting sliced in half by Blade* Excellent.
  8. Lord of The Curry

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Just got back, really dug it, way better then the first and improvements were given to the areas needed most. I'll get the cons out of the way first. Doc Ock- This isn't nescessarily a comment on him so much as it is all the villians in Spiderman (which includes Harry) and their "inner turmoil." I didn't really find Dock Ock to be a terribly bad guy. Yes, people were killed but the man's intentions were not evil but to recreate that which was taken for him, made for the good of the world. It was the same w/ Osborne (even though why he was "bad" is still hazy to me). The inner conflict will no doubt continue in the third film. But there's more then enough of this inner meaning stuff to go around so hopefully in the third movie we can get a bad guy that is really fucking evil and straight up wants to hurt Spiderman and all the innocents. Because right now it seems to me that Spiderman doesn't fight so much as he stops them. Mary Jane- Now, I don't hate Kriten Dunst as M.J. But I don't love her. The MJ I know from comics and tv was a lot more enthusiastic towards Peter, showed more love, more fire. She was sassy and a tad on the slutty side. This MJ is the polar opposite. She's frail, she's fragile and really really pale. Like pasty-ass white pale. Sorry, it just had to be said. Dunst' delivery is well done here but the "awkward moment" scenes between her and Tobey fell flat and she gets wide-eyed waaaaaaaay too much for my liking. The Good Tobey was a lot better in this then the first one and the movie did a good job of showing us the battle for normalacy vs the battle to do what's right. His work in particular w/ Aunt May was very good here. James Franco also vastly improves upon his character in this one, gives it a lot more passion and more emphasis on revenge then we last saw. Here's hoping they don't FSU the next film because this storyline is going places. The Evil Dead ref. in the hospital w/ Doc Ock. Alfred Molina did well for himself, though I still think that Sam Neill (who was originally cast) would've done a better job. It was a bit odd seeing Doc Ock so hefty after how he looked in the comics. He looked like he was having a lot of fun as the villian and it showed. The action scenes were well spaced apart and balls out. You got the impression of actual meaning behind this fighting because the two characters were going all out and giving their full, whereas in the first film I really didn't get that vibe. Overall, damn good film, maybe the best comic book film I've seen. ****
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Did Undertaker have a point?

    What fucking morons started liking Orton after he took a tack bump?
  10. Lord of The Curry

    Underrated Workers......

    Hells yeah Test is useful, I mean look at right now! Look what he's contributing for the company! *Crickets chirp*
  11. Lord of The Curry

    Best Actor of All ime Tournament

    Daniel Motherfucking Day Lewis. Put his name on the ballot as such.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    6 puppies killed with fireworks

    If you're going to be accurate, it would be 6 babies that would be killed, in which case, I think people would give a shit.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    Firefly on DVD

    *Reads interview* ......................... I'm gonna be in my bunk.
  14. Lord of The Curry

    Spiderman 2

    What the Christ is up with the stupid whiny bitch saying "My balloon"?
  15. Lord of The Curry

    The Next Film Legends

    Denzel Washington Tom Hanks Edward Norton Gary Oldman Chris Cooper (one of the most consistent actors going today) Alan Rickman (underrated as fuck).
  16. Lord of The Curry

    6 puppies killed with fireworks

    That's because dogs are better then cats. Oh, and just shoot the fuckers dead for all I care. I have no symptahy/tolerance for animal cruelty.
  17. Lord of The Curry

    Benoit vs HHH

    Oh yeah, except for Benoit, Shelton, etc. HHH has been putting wrestlers over lately. His association with Eugene adds to him as well. Pfffffff. HHH "making" Benjamin is a fucking joke. How did the WWE capitalize on it? By putting him in a shitty PPV match w/ Flair, How 'bout after that? Feud with Orton where he was more then ready to take the strap but instead they gave him two clean wins which we knew was going to lead to an Orton win at the PPV. You could argue (and it's likely) that if he wasn't injured that we'd be seeing Benjy take the win at Vengence or SS, but that ship has sailed. No way anybody would make the mistake of calling him a "main eventer". Oh, and his association with Eugene is going to kill the character and everything they've worked towards.
  18. Lord of The Curry

    Marlon Brando, Dead at 80

    RIP Godfather.
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Somebody has pictures of Marney....

    *Tries to picture Marney being physically attractive* Nope, can't do it.
  20. Lord of The Curry

    Conan O'Brien on DVD!

    "That's the last time he'll ever see female genetalia". That one brought the fucking house down.
  21. Lord of The Curry

    Big Show

    Let's not go nuts. This is the same Smackdown that had Chris Beniot and Eddy Guerrero, 'member?
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Is Lita really pregnant?

    Her days as a face are slowly waning. The "Lita sucks" chants were starting up last night and they're only gonna get louder.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    What will Eugene pull off next week?

    Why do something on TV that you can save for PPV? Plus, Jericho vs Batista is already slated for Vengence IIRC. I wouldn't mind seeing Benoit/Jericho vs HHH/Batista in Winnipeg next week, though nothing would top Benoit vs Jericho for the title.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    What will Eugene pull off next week?

    I'm hoping that Jericho goes to Eugene next Monday and Eugene grants him a shot at the World Title. It's in Winnipeg and the heat on Jericho winning would be nuclear. This would also give Benoit a chance to act like a fucking prick and beat the shit out of Jericho. Give 'em 20 minutes and you'll have a MOTY candidate. Of course, in reality, HHH will convince Eugene to make a 2 on 1 handicap match with Jericho against Batista and Flair. Yowza.
  25. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    We'll make a mental note to try and work harder next time, champ.