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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    PWTorch power rankings

    My brain hurts from reading all the stupid.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Rudo's problems are Rudo's problems. Why you said this to me, I don't know. Oh, wait, I do. It's because you were trying to start something.
  3. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Are you over this yet, CWM? I kinda hope not because seeing you reply with such forced anger makes me laugh. If these are the kind of things that rile you up in life.......
  4. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    There is no problem. It's just people nit-picking and being pricks for no reason. If anybody is PERSONALLY OFFENDED by what was said, please, say your piece. If not, fuck off.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    I don't recall asking them to. BTW, somebody should move the Brock Lesnar thread. He's no longer employed by the WWE and neither ESPN nor the NFL have anything to do with him.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    A mod (CC) has already been here and didn't seem to have any problems with it. On the contrary, she found it quite amusing. Just because our posts don't fit the norm for this folder doesn't mean they don't belong here. Plus, we're nowhere near as off-topic as the SD review was.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    What was that position we discussed for CanadianChick? J.R: BAH GAWD!@~
  8. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Yes you can be a lackey. But not yet.
  9. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Aren't you glad that you now know what the definition of coprophagia is?
  10. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    I don't watch Mad TV and neither does Rudo so I think you're outta luck in that dept. But we're always open to suggestions. Well, not always. Sometimes.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Rudo, you truly are The Greatest Poster of All Time. WHOOOOOOOOOOO~! So, CC, are you gonna subscribe or what? Canadians get a free membership so you'd best do it up.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Once we got a solidified mailing list up we'll probably be doing it via PM.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Feel free to throw your name down to our subscriber list. Eventually we'll be "hiring" so all you future RCI bitche.....I mean, employees, get ready!
  14. Lord of The Curry

    DMX arrested in New York

    *enters room drunk* ELSATANICO~! *punches E.S in the grill with 'Unity' ring*
  15. Lord of The Curry

    DMX arrested in New York

    What if we don't?
  16. Lord of The Curry

    More Moore Bashing

    Not familiar with a man called Che Guevera, are we?
  17. Lord of The Curry

    Board Wars

    You've been writing a mock-part in the role of Billy Dee Williams and you've not mentioned Colt .45? For shame.
  18. Lord of The Curry

    Firefly on DVD

    We need to arrange some kind of fake convention idea here in Toronto and invite the Firefly cast (or just Jewel) to attend. And Morena. And Summer. And Gina. And the girl who played Saphron aka THE RACK.
  19. Lord of The Curry

    New JBL WWE.Com Column

    Are you referring to "poor Vader" as in the same Vader who snapped for no reason and attacked a news reporter? Yeah, poor Vader.
  20. Lord of The Curry

    State Of Morale In World Wrestling Entertainment

    Really just wanted to respond to the bolded part; It's not the business that has become less popular. It's the product. If they were putting out good product it would be just as popular as any boom period. Anyone who watches SD! right now can attest to the poor product being aired on a weekly basis. I think the loss of the two most popular stars in the history of the business to Hollywood and injuries has something to do with that. Rock and Austin leaving made Smackdown suck?
  21. Lord of The Curry

    Your summer concert list

    Was supposed to hit up Lolla but that's not going. Right now the big one is the Curiosa Festival.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Review of Flair's book

    Blasted? Nah. Hopped up on others praise and his own personal stupidity? Yes.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    Trivia's little biddy tidbits

    IIRC, it stems from Takers initial refusal to put Lesnar over clean. If this is the case, you'd think that Taker (and Heyman) would be over it by now.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    New JBL WWE.Com Column

    Wasn't he fired from MSNBC? And I think that Meredith Whitney chick is his wife.
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Review of Flair's book

    This book changes nothing in my mind. His matches ARE all the same (for the most part) and he IS a senile old coot.