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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    Kane vs Benoit

    What's the point? He's already proven that he has no criteria for labelling a match a classic and his "answer" if he ever gives you one won't be anything remotely resembling an educated opinion.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    Time for Flair to Retire?

    Ya know, when you become a wrestling champion you'll actually have to wrestle eventually. Flair can't wrestle.
  3. Lord of The Curry

    Benoit Must Be Stopped

    "Good segement" = Pointless time wasting and J.R jerking himself off vicariously through Michaels injury. The worst was when J.R said that he "didn't think that Kane was capable of things like this." HE SET YOU ON FIRE. "Good Highlight Reel"= If HHH hadn't shown up then you'd have been right. What we got was a long-winded promo from HHH in one of many appearances he made last night. "Awesome main event" = Repetitive as shit. Chops chops chops. Backdrop. More chops. More backdrops. German suplex. Chops. Whatever the fuck ever.
  4. Lord of The Curry

    Chavo Guerrero Senior (classic) Missing

    Fucking hell, now I'm excited because a cruiser tourney is possible, but at the same time, not possible at all.
  5. Lord of The Curry

    Benoit Must Be Stopped

    If Choken One's theory regarding Flair/Steamboat is correct (which I admit is possible) then we will see exactly how Benoit turns out if he beats HHH at SummerSlam. I'm not placing high hopes on HHH "making" Benoit like some are saying he will.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    Benoit Must Be Stopped

    I am enjoying Benoit as a champion as it seems to me (barring tonights Raw) that wrestling as a whole seems more important to the show. The way he carries the belt with pride. Benoit gives more importance to that title then any of it's previous holders. But he is not the focus of the show and I believe that the champion should be the man to focus on. They did it for the most part with Goldberg and they damn sure did it with HHH. Michaels reign doesn't count but the amount of time he got devoted to him on Raw tonight should clue you in to how the WWE ranks their wrestlers.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    Somebody needs to tie you down ala Clockwork Orange and make you re-watch some matches from 2000........and 2002.......and 2002 again.
  8. Lord of The Curry

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    Motherfucking fuck did that show blow all kinds of ass. - HHH/HBK segment. - Pointless Kane run-in. - More HBK. - More HHH. - Mixed tag suckfest featuring a fabulous botch by Tomko. - Flag match suckfest - Long winded HHH promo - Womens tag suckfest - Repetitive as shit main event
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Triple H and His Imitation of greatness...

    I'm not a fan of Chris Benoit being HHH's personal anything.
  10. Lord of The Curry

    Kane vs Benoit

    Ok, who let the animals out of their cages? Triple-Double postings just aren't as cool as most think.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    The OAO Raw Thread for 06/14/04

    I could see us getting Kane vs Benoit as the main considering that HBK wil be MIA and HHH will most likely not be wrestling. I'm all for this, as Benoit still hasn't tapped him out (which is how the match should've ended). Kane can cut a promo and say that Benoit may have pinned him but he broke the crossface twice and if he fights Benoit tonight he will guarantee that he will not tap or get pinned. Of course Benoit taps him out. Post-match you can do the Edge heel turn if you want.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    Actors who you beleive

    Sean Fucking Bean.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    Firefly on DVD

  14. Lord of The Curry

    My nominee for "Toughest Damn Woman on Earth"

    Respects to that woman.
  15. Lord of The Curry

    Actors who you beleive

    Norton is generally regarded as one of the best actors working today. Turturro doesn't get mainstream props but he is a critical darling. I'm with you on Statham, though.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    I am going to a New Found Glory concert next week.

    Ya know, just cause it's free doesn't mean you have to go.
  17. Lord of The Curry

    Triple H Movie On Hold

    Uh.........what the fuck are you talking about?
  18. Lord of The Curry

    What are you feelin' lately?

    Far be it for not to bring the content. Despite my bitchings I do in fact like wrestling. The question is simple: What WWE matches have you been digging in the past while? MY PICKS The Dudley Boyz vs Lance Storm and Val Venis, Heat, March 7th/04 This match is farkin' great. The stips were that the winners got to go on to Mania for the 4 Way so both teams were really fired up. The Canadians turn heel slowly throughout the match, which starts with Storm enziguriing Bubba while he's on the top rope. Delicious. Val works over D'Vons arm well using a cool leg-scissor takedown. Bubba hits a FUCKING BEATIFUL GERMAN on Val that's a .9 Vader. That's right. Coach and Snow are so much better then Ross and Lawler. Bubba makes a good FIP. Hot tag to D'Von who is nice and quick cleaning house with running elbows. Good false finish on miscomminication between Val and Storm that the crowd totally buys. The psychyology of the match involving the Canucks going heel comes full circle when the Dudleyz CTW, dumping Val over the top rope on the Hart Attack attempt and 3D Storm for the deuce. Damn fine lil match. ***1/2. This is the first time in a while that I've actually liked the Dudleyz, as I usually (and currently) think they're stale as fuck. Good carry-job by Storm and Venis, who were quite the good tag time during their painfully short lived pairing. WHAT ABOUT YOU?
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Anyone here see "City of God" ?

    One of the best movies I've seen in the last few years, hands down, which is saying a lot considering my LOTR love. I loved how everything connected, came full circle almost. The children in it were just brilliant. I can't get over how affecting yet simple the performance by Rocket was. Great directing too, as it does indeed show you how this place is hell. ****3/4
  20. Lord of The Curry

    Rafiki: "The King...has returned"

    Good to have ya back, Dandy.
  21. Lord of The Curry

    What are you feelin' lately?

    Benoit vs Cena from the SD in late December when Benoit faced Lesnar is criminally underrated. The story of it works well with Benoit working ways out of Cena's "pound n'ground" skillz. Benoit doing the "You Can't See Me" is still fucking hilarious to this day. The crowd for the most part bought the fake FU finish, but that's where it got good. This is when Benoit just absolutely MURDERS Cena. Left to right, back to front. Cena gets a few good comebacks but it's all Benoit. The psych here is shibby because Benoit almost got caught the first time and he's not fucking around. He kills Cena's shoulder with the Hammerlock Northern Lights which I marked out hardcore for. Shoulderbreakers and chops to the shoulder weaken Cena. Cena hits a desperation FU but then Big Show comes down and distracts Cena allowing Benoit to sink in the muthafuckin crossface and make Cena tap. Benoit ruled it all over in this match and made Cena look like a champ, but the star of the match by far was Microphone Fiend. His selling was standout, particularly when he was put in the sharpshooter, his arm was hurt so he could only push himself towards the ropes with one arm. That's great stuff. The brawling at the begging with Benoit looked solid and heavy which I dug. Cena should just sit down on the FU, it would be so much of a better move. Either way, only another person besides Benoit has made it look this good and that's Eddy.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    The Canadian Chick Thread

    Vaginas leaking blood just doesn't really make me laugh as much as it used to.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    The Canadian Chick Thread

    Of course not, but considering that CC is one of the nicer board members here in terms of percentage of posts devoted to flaming, yes it is.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    The Canadian Chick Thread

    I don't think I've ever seen CC get this vicious. Hot.
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Wanna be my Assistant?

    Chev, dude, it's not even a contest. These shitiots couldn't load up a double-barrel hair-trigger shit machine gun even if I was watching them like a shithawk. *Points at eyes ala Lahey* Like a shithawk. Plus, I'll walk around without a shirt and eat cheeseburgers all the time.