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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban

    I'm hyped as shit for this one, probably more then any summer movie I can think of right now (unless Blade:Trinity gets moved up from its fall date). PoA is one of my favorites of the books (GOF being #1) and I'm really interested to see how dark it gets. Early reports are indicating that this movie is not for kids at all and could border on the horror genre more the anything. I read something a while back on AICN that they were close to getting a PG-13 rating and they had to tune it down a bit. I'm glad to see that they've given The Dementors some originality as early sketches I saw of it looked to be nothing more then a ripoff of The Nazgul from LOTR. Gary Oldman has the ability to turn in a wicked performance as Sirius Black and I'm interested to see how David Thewlis approaches Prof. Lupin. It won't be the same without Richard Harris, though.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    Trailor Park Boys

    It's hands down the funniest show on TV right now, Canadian or not. This is the first Canadian show in a long time to get the exposure it's getting and it's all well deserved. I try and pick a favorite character but there's too many. It might be Lahey. Such a damn drunk.
  3. Lord of The Curry

    Can the RAW 10 be better than the Smackdown 6?

    Pffffff. Angle had nothing do do w/ the RR Standing O. Benoit got it because he's Chris Fucking Benoit and the fans had no choice but to show respect for the man and his skills.
  4. Lord of The Curry

    Can the RAW 10 be better than the Smackdown 6?

    There's no way that Flair belongs in with the crop of good workers after that horrendous performance against Edge last night. After he FORGOT TO KICK OUT and they had to have the ref pull up at 3 I knew that he'd officially lost it. Flair also has no structure to matches, it's all chops and back body drops. Batista, on the other hand, continues to improve weekly. I'd rather see Batista vs Benoit then Kane vs Benoit as the ME @ Bad Blood given the current state of things (Kane not having had a good match since.........?)
  5. Lord of The Curry

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 24, 2004

    Regal should leave for a few weeks and come back accompanied by a drunken cadre of carnies that he brought over from Blackpool. Then they punch everybody on Raw right in the face and nobody does a damn thing about it because they're carnies.........drunken carnies, that is. Regal and Finlay should SO teach Eugene how to beat the shit out of people.
  6. Lord of The Curry

    The TRUE History of The SmartMarks

    The real Scuba Steve is infinetley cooler then you.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 24, 2004

    They're throwing away a potentially great angle tonight by making that tag match. They should've just outright booked Cade vs Eugene for Bad Blood and make the stip that if Cade wins then Eugene can never wrestle again but if Eugene wins then Regal gets reactivated to the full-time roster. Eugene goes over and the Regal face turn is complete. Of course, they could still do that after tonight but it kinda takes away from the whole thing if Regal has already wrestled.
  8. Lord of The Curry

    TSM Poster Tournament III

    CWM Banky Rudo Kahran Paragon Ripper BPS Edwin AoO Kotz Curry IDRM Thumbtack AndrewTS treble kkk
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Charlie Haas is ready for the BIG push

    Interesting Note: The true "Haas of Pain" move is actually the Brock Lock. He won his tag match w/ it in a dark match when SD came to T.O in Oct '02 (where me and Rudo marked out like bitches for Angle/Benoit vs Los G's). I only remember that because the move was fucking sick and it popped the crowd pretty big for a dark match. Not to mention that when Team Angle debuted and murdered Benoit he made Benoit tap to it and Tazz called it The Haas of Pain. They totally didn't capitalize on the fact that Haas made Benoit tap. The current Hass of Pain resembles The Laso From El Paso.
  10. Lord of The Curry

    What's up with your life right now?

    I'm dissapointed, Chev. I was looking forward to a story chock-full of hilarity regarding your almost-certain firing.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    How in Gods name is an internet debate going to ruin your chance of nailing a white chick?
  12. Lord of The Curry

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Since when did saying "Sweet" become a white people thing?
  13. Lord of The Curry

    Who Would Win in a Fight?

  14. Lord of The Curry

    Your last meal.

    Well, I'm a vegetarian so I'd have to say.......... Grilled t-bone steak, mashed potatoes, sauteed mushrooms, broccoli w/ cheese sauce and apple pie for dessert. I may be a vegetarian but I'm not stupid. *Realizes he set himself up for jokes* *Waits*
  15. The forces of evil............duh.
  16. I always thought it was Destro. Can't trust guys with metallic noggins --- and A LOT of the terrorists DO cover up their faces... -=Mike Anybody want to place bets that it was Crazy Legs that had something to do with that shooting at the "wedding"? That Crazy Legs.......so.........ya know.....crazy. Forget Rumsefeld, I think we know who to turn to in this time of crisis......
  17. I hear that King Cobra is actually the one behind all the Islamic uprisings in Iraq.
  18. So he volunteered to serve in the army to fight a war he doesn't belive in?
  19. Lord of The Curry

    The next World Champion (Raw)

    No, Benoit will he champ until SummerSlam when he jobs to HHH.
  20. Lord of The Curry

    The next World Champion (Raw)

    I'm w/ Goodear on this one. Christian is miles away in terms of the in-ring skills nescessary to carry a World Title Match and he isn't established enough to make a World Title Feud interesting. I think that if he showed more depth in his matches (like at Mania against Jericho) then maybe it could work but his current character is viewed as an annoying little bitch, not a potentially dangerous heel title contender.
  21. Lord of The Curry

    Charlie Haas is ready for the BIG push

    Yeah, before the ice came along he was just plain vanilla.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    He should've went off a rant claiming that kids today don't know what the jazz is all about.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    At this rate

    "TestSuck" is more fitting.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    New Japan + WWE Working Relationship

    Curry and Dragon wouldn't fall under the Working Relationship Deal methinks because the two aren't NJPW exclusive. That's not to say that I wouldn't want it. Benoit vs Dragon is something I've dreamed about for a long, long time.
  25. Lord of The Curry

    New Corino Commentary

    Could be. I've heard serious talk that it actually is a gimmick, though. I doubt it simply because all it takes is one photo and you're screwed.