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Lord of The Curry

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Everything posted by Lord of The Curry

  1. Lord of The Curry

    The One and Only Backlash 2004 Thread

    Yeah, sure the match was good but it's all about Benoit and THE FLAG. Now THAT is a mark-out moment.
  2. Lord of The Curry

    Your Top 5 Artists

    All Time Radiohead The Tragically Hip Matthew Good Band Rage Against the Machine U2 Right Now Interpol Bright Eyes Broken Social Scene Madvillain/MF DOOM Damien Rice
  3. Lord of The Curry

    Weekend Box Office Report: 4/16/04 - 4/18/04

    Of course it being geared towards people who enjoy good films is impossible, right? Of course not, it's all young males going to see KB2.
  4. Lord of The Curry

    WWE Notes from the 4/19 Observer

    Is Eddy fighting with a rude fan now a featured attraction at house shows?
  5. Lord of The Curry

    Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups

    *Marks for the Dave Chapelle love* Though 43 seems a bit high, I'm happy. *Goes off to watch The Player Haters Ball in celebration*
  6. Lord of The Curry

    So, uhm, Kurt's dead.

    Ya know what? That's a really fucking good idea. Kudos. Too bad it's not ever going to be realized. Though I do like the idea of Charlie wrestling for Kurt. Kinda like when Team Angle carried around that portrait of Kurt everywhere.
  7. Lord of The Curry

    Backlash notes from Meltzer

    I hate him more for spitting on me at an autograph signing than I do for his ring work, which was usually superb. Literally? Christ, what did you do? Tell him that Owen deserved it?
  8. Lord of The Curry

    2004 VMA's Taken Place In Miami

    Now we can hear Chris Rock make unfunny jokes about white people in Miami, baby~!
  9. Lord of The Curry

    Backlash notes from Meltzer

    I'm so disillusioned. The majority of Canadian fans I've met hate Shawn Michaels with a passion. *Looks down at hands. Looks up at the sky.* Has the world gone topsy-turvy?
  10. Lord of The Curry

    Backlash notes from Meltzer

    That's silly. Canadians can't hate Bret Hart. It's in our blood. I'm sincerely hoping that you don't hate Bret, Tawren, as I value your opinion more so then most around here and it would suck if you did.
  11. Lord of The Curry

    Ted Hart Music video...

    I have yet to see an actual match with Teddy Hart in it but he still rules. And God-fucking-DAMN that boy can flip and fly. And he has sweet punches too, worked or not.
  12. Lord of The Curry

    Backlash notes from Meltzer

    Like Montreal for No Way Out? When he was cheered? He didn't fight Benoit at No Way Out either. Canadian fans might've forgiven him for Montreal. But that doesn't mean they'll cheer him over Chris fucking Benoit either. No true Canadian wrestling fan will ever forgive Shawn for Montreal.
  13. Lord of The Curry

    Canada 'sells US high-grade pot'

    I think (like in the US) it would depend on the job. My friend recently got a job with a hardware store and they did a piss test on him. But other then that I haven't heard of anything major. Angelslayer- Our atrocious health care system? This is an American calling Canada's health care system atrocious? Yeah right.
  14. Lord of The Curry


    His disturbingly close resemblance to Luke Wilson is Nick's cross to bear. "You're starting a fraternity in CSI?"
  15. Lord of The Curry

    Brilliant Ric Flair interview

    I'm actually surprised Ric was even able to speak during the interview. Sure, he could handle HHH's cock but trying to jam in HBK's too? That's a ***** hoodsuck right there. LOL @ Flair criticizing Foley for only working one style. Pot. Kettle. Black.
  16. Lord of The Curry

    How Old Are You???

    Make sure you wear a nice suit on your day in court. I hear judges are kinda lenient about stalking charges but we'll have to see.
  17. Lord of The Curry

    Hair Style...

    Curly as chicken wire, thicker then a girl from smoothmag.com. Gimme another 2 weeks and I'll have a serious afro.
  18. Lord of The Curry

    Austin offcially gone from WWE

    Two weeks? Austin hasn't had a use since........wait.......hold on a minute. *Thinks about it* Christ, this is hard. Gimme a sec. *Thinks some more* Hold on, I know I can find something. *Thinks reallly really hard* That was a really good match he had with Benoit back in 2001. Sorry. That's all I got.
  19. Lord of The Curry

    Canada 'sells US high-grade pot'

    Barely. But only if you're Canadian. The summer of 2003 will no doubt go down as the most balls-to-the-wall summer in terms of the sheer amount of people I saw smoking weed in public places. My friend lit up a joint in direct view of a cop at SARS-Stock and nothing happened, apparently because the police were given special orders to ignore all people smoking up. I loves my country.
  20. Lord of The Curry


    All of the above, in that order.
  21. Lord of The Curry


    Without Tomko it just isn't the same.
  22. Lord of The Curry

    Songs to listen to........

    Add "Song to the siren" by This Mortal Coil to the list. If ever there was a song that could make me feel like I was floating, that (combined with my high) is it.
  23. Lord of The Curry

    Smackdown Spoilers

    IWC: These spoilers have to be fake! They would NEVER be this stupid. *Cue sound of Vince McMahon laughing manically* Angle + death = ratings.
  24. Lord of The Curry

    How Old Are You???

    I guess it must be a Canadian thing because those are two of my hobbies too. I'm 20 and live near Toronto but I always claim T-Dot since not too many people know where Mississauga is (even though we're the 6th largest city in Canada).
  25. Lord of The Curry

    Bradshaw's latest Commentary

    Odds are high the fans were carrying clubs. I'm guessing the fans saw through his Hansen-esque exterior and took him for the wannabe that he is and hunted him down. You ate dinner with the mafia in Japan. Big fucking deal. EVERYBODY who's wrestled in Japan at one point or another has had contact with the mafia. Fuck, Sabu apparently bitch-slapped one of them while brawling in the crowd w/ RVD during an FMW match.